Implementation of Administrative Empowerment in Tackling Organizational Problems as Perceived by Female Leaders at Shaqra University


In this study, the reality of administrative empowerment implementation among girls’ colleges in Shaqra University were succinctly identified and evaluated. In solving the organizational challenges of these colleges, this study evaluated the relationship administrative empowerment in its five dimensions using the descriptive approach and questionnaire survey. The study included all the female administrates of Shaqra University, and the response rate reached about 75% of the study sample. The data from the open-ended questionnaire were statistically tested: percentages, computational averages, and standard deviation. The results obtained clearly showed a statistically significant relationship between the applied administrative empowerment in its five dimensions and the inherent organizational problems presented. The most striking recommendations from this study suggested that women leaders at Shaqra University should be accorded more power in order to enhance independence and facilitate proper information sharing for higher performance in the colleges.

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Alkaser, S. (2021) Implementation of Administrative Empowerment in Tackling Organizational Problems as Perceived by Female Leaders at Shaqra University. Journal of Service Science and Management, 14, 585-596. doi: 10.4236/jssm.2021.146037.

1. Introduction

Investment in the development of human element is considered the most successful sources of investment, and human resource is one of the most important factors that contribute to the survival and continuity of organizations through the achievement of competitive advantage of sustainability because of its creative capabilities and skills or knowledge implicit or apparent, attention to creativity should not be limited to the introduction of advanced tools and technologies, but administrations must be convinced that the staff of the organization can create and invent solutions to the problems they face. In addition, those departments should reconsider some of the rules that hinder creativity in the organization (Saleh & Al-Mubaidin, 2014).

Empowerment seeks to increase the confidence of employees at all levels of management, especially the minimum ones, which makes it possible to achieve loyalty to the organizations to which they belong and loyalty when it is achieved to encourage employees to achieve the competitive advantage of the organization, which makes them do their best and encourage them the spirit of adventure to address the crisis and solve the problem (Hussain, 2017).

2. Statement of the Problem

According to Erekat (2016) there are many studies have highlighted the positive advantages achieved by empowerment, many departments still lack a clear vision of the concept of administrative empowerment and its application in their departments. In addition, Tarawneh (2016) and Hung (2015) stated that there is a lot of departments are still not aware of the benefits that are reflected on the staff and the institutional climate in the organization. There are still some managers who do not believe in the importance of change and benefit from the application of the concept of administrative empowerment to the management of the organization. They believe that this is a source of danger that threatens their authority and influence; they are obstacles to administrative development and organizational change, Administrative Empowerment. In the absence of studies dealing with the concept of administrative empowerment, and its impact on solving problems in higher education. The problem of this study focused on answering the main question and the following hypotheses.

3. Research Question/Hypothesis

What is the reality of administrative empowerment in the University of Shaqra from the point of view of female administrative leaders in girls’ colleges?

The Hypothesis of the Study

There is no statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of administrative empowerment and problem solving in the faculties of girls in the University of Shaqra from the point of view of the administrative leadership of women in the faculties of girls at Shaqra University?

The following hypothesis is operationally the central hypothesis:

• There is no statistically significant relationship between delegation of authority and problem solving in the faculties of girls in the University of Shaqra from the point of view of the administrative leadership of women in the faculties of girls at Shaqra University?

4. Purpose of the Study

This study aims to achieve the following:

1) Provide an integrated theoretical and intellectual framework on the concept of empowerment and the concept of problem solving and the relationship between them.

2) Identifying the level of administrative empowerment in Shaqra University from the viewpoint of educational leaders in the faculties of girls.

3) Identify the impact of administrative empowerment on problem solving.

4) To make a number of recommendations and proposals that can contribute to enhancing administrative empowerment in institutions of higher education in general and in Shaqra University in particular.

5. Significance of the Study

The study highlights the following points:

1) It deals with one of the modern organizational concepts is the administrative empowerment of educational leaders in higher education, which is one of the important topics in modern administrative thought, being an important source of success and sustainability of the organization, especially in institutions that seek to adopt a management strategy that allows participation Working in decision-making, exploiting opportunities, increasing their competitiveness, and creative.

2) Since this concept of administrative empowerment is relatively recent in the administrative environment in general and educational in particular, the subjection of this concept to practical study gives it a clear importance within the scientific framework of advanced management methods in acquiring knowledge and skills and its use in problem solving and crisis response.

3) This study can also draw the attention of managers and decision-makers in the institutions of higher education in the world in general and in Saudi Arabia in particular to the importance of adopting the concept of administrative empowerment, and its application as it helps in the efforts to solve administrative problems.

6. Delimitations

This study focused on the female administrates in higher education. Empowering the female administrates in Shaqra University was focus of the study. Administrative empowerment plays an important role in providing female a road to the completion of their work requirements. The primary source of information for this study was individual female who are be leaders in Shaqra University. The research is delimitated by the study of only the experiences of women who are currently leaders in Shaqra University.

7. Organization of the Remainder of the Study

This study is organized as the following sections: Statement of the Problem, Research Questions and Hypotheses, Purpose of the Study, Significance of the Study, and description of the remainder of the study, that are section number eight, Literature Review. Literature Review is composed of the following sections: Administrative Empowerment, and Problem Solving. Section nine present Methods and Procedures for this study, and the following sections are included in this chapter: Type of Quantitative Research Design and the Methodology that is employed throughout the research. The type of study, population, sample size, sampling technique, research procedures, and procedures of data collection are also summarized and discussed. Section number 12 Study results, section number 13 Limitations, and Recommendations for Future Research.

8. Review of the Literature

8.1. Administrative Empowerment

The concept of empowerment has been developed through the Japanese concept KAIZEN, which includes continuous development and improvement in various practical fields (Saadi, 2018).

Saadi (2018) pointed out that empowerment means giving employees enough power, power, resources and freedom of work to make them individuals capable of serving the organization effectively.

Furthermore, Erikat et al. (2011) identified administrative empowerment as a modern strategy aimed at launching the potential of individuals in the organization and their participation in defining the future vision of the organization, because the success of the organization depends on how to integrate the needs of individuals with the vision and objectives of the organization. In the view of Althalin (2015) that empowerment is to delegate all the powers and responsibilities of the workers and give them full freedom to perform the work in their own way without the direct intervention of the Department with the appropriate resources and the appropriate working environment for them and their behavioral and technical qualification and skilled work performance and confidence in them.

8.1.1. Advantages of Administrative Empowerment

Osborn (2015) and Hung (2015) noted that empowering leadership organizations have the following characteristics:

1) Increase the involvement of decision makers.

2) Use self-management teams.

3) Utilize production technology in the use of resources, technical know-how, equipment and tools in an integrated manner.

4) Encourage institutional learning and integrate information and experiences into the organization’s memory.

5) Commitment to the principles of TQM and meet the needs of consumers.

Studies of such organizations, which believe in the concept of empowering and working with the team, have confirmed that subordinates are becoming more creative and dedicated to doing more work, which benefits the institution as a whole (Heaton & Myers, 2018).

According to Emerson (2020) management can practice and encourage an approach to empowering employees through trust and communication with the staff. Moreover, Judeh (2021) explains that there is a strong relationship between empowering employees and increasing their self-confidence and the efficiency of their managerial participation in efficiently accomplishing the tasks assigned to them.

8.1.2. Administrative Empowerment Dimensions

The dimensions of administrative empowerment are delegation of authority, task forces, training, motivation, effective communication (Hung, 2015). On the other hands, Daft (2021) noted that dimensions of Empowerment are information, skills and knowledge, strength, rewards.

Fernadez & Moldogazeiv (2018), mention that the effectiveness of the various empowerment practices on encouraging the creative behavior of employees. Obtaining the results of empowerment is not quickly and within a short period, but it needs study and continuous follow-up from senior management and over a long term.

8.2. Problem Solving

Concept of Problem Solving

Tafesh (2017) stated that the main challenge in dealing with any problem (whether it represents a performance deficit or an opportunity to improve it) is to adopt an effective approach to resolving it. This includes the process of determining the gap or deviation between the investigator and the planner and then choosing the disposition that will overcome the deficit or deficit or benefit from opportunities for improvement. The problems faced by managers are usually classified into three types, as explained by Abdul Rahim (2018) as follows:

1) Structure Problems.

2) Unstructured Problems.

3) Crisis Problems.

What distinguishes the current study from the point of view of administrative empowerment by solving the point of view of leadership is that the study environment distinguishes the study in terms of studying at an emerging university.

9. Methods and Procedures

9.1. Research Design

The design of this study was a quantitative approach based on descriptive study principles because the researcher in this study exam the situation as it is. The researcher did not change in the situation but look at the young women experiences in online learning environment. According to Creswell (2019), descriptive research includes collecting data as a case study to answer questions or test hypotheses concerning the current status of the subjects of the study in order to determine and report the way things are.

9.2. Research Methodology

In educational research, the most common descriptive methodology used is the survey, as when researchers summarize the characteristics—abilities, preferences, behaviors, and so on—of individuals, groups, or sometimes physical environments, such as schools (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2019).

9.3. Populations and Sample Size

The population of this study consisted of female administrative leaders at girls’ colleges at Shaqra University. The research survey was distributed among all the female administrates in Shaqra University, and the response rate reached about 75% of the study sample.

9.4. Survey Questions Development

Survey questions were developed based on the research questions and hypothesis that were addressed in this study, in addition after a review of the literature. The survey questions included the introduction of the objective of the study, the method of answering its expressions and the basic data.

The analysis method was adopted according to Likert scale (with five scales).

The questionnaire included two distinct sections:

Section I: Administrative empowerment and is defined in five dimensions: delegation of authority, teamwork, training, motivation, effective communication. This section included 28 points for the combined dimensions.

Section II: problem solving phrases and assigned to this section 12 words.

For each paragraph of the questionnaire, weight was given to estimate the extent of application as follows: (very high = 5, high = 4, medium = 3, weak = 2, very weak = 1). The results were calculated by the value of the arithmetic average on the maximum score. The points of the gradient were determined by (top-bottom divided by three levels) (5 - 1/3) to compare the averages, the extent of application, the level of expressions of requirements as follows: from (1 - 2.33) weak, from (2.34 - 3.67) medium, from (3.68 - 5) high. The results of the tool were analyzed using the SPSS statistical package program to get the results of the study.

10. Issues of Validity and Reliability

In order to reach the credibility of the tool, it was presented in its preliminary form to a number of arbitrators from the faculty members of the Saudi universities specialized in this field. They numbered (6) arbitrators, and were asked to read the paragraphs of the questionnaire and to express opinion in their clarity, and to add or delete paragraphs, and propose or add axes, and finally a statement of views in general on the degree of appropriate resolution to know the extent of the application of administrative empowerment and its relationship to solve problems, until the finalization of the questionnaire in the final version, and the number of items (40).

To calculate the reliability of the questionnaire, the internal consistency coefficient of the four domains of inquiry was calculated for the application of the dimensions of administrative empowerment and also for solving administrative problems using the Cronbach Alpha equation by applying them to (15) person.

And the internal consistency coefficient as shown in Table 1 was as follows:

This indicates that the search tool is characterized by a high degree of internal consistency and reliability, so that it can be relied upon to measure what is designed for it.

11. Data Analysis

An analysis of the respondent’s data was conducted in accordance with the quantitative method. The analysis was conducted with software using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).

11.1. Analyses of the Data Research Question and Hypothesis

This section reports the data addressing the research questions. It is organized by research question.

First: To answer the main question of the study, which states:

• What is the reality of the application of administrative empowerment in the faculties of girls in the University of Shaqra from the point of view of women leaders?

The following is a presentation of the results of the research according to their sample estimates of the reality of applying administrative empowerment in girls’ colleges in Shaqra University from the point of view of the sample members of the study.

Table 1. Cronbach Alpha transactions.

*At the level of significance 0.05.

Table 2 shows that the average number of words in the field of the application of administrative empowerment in the faculties of girls in Shaqra University from the point of view of the sample of the study sample was (2.23), which is within the weak grade. They are sequentially (24, 17, 16, 12), while the rest of the phrases are within the weak score.

11.2. To Test the Hypothesis of the Main Study, Which States

• There is no statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of administrative empowerment and problem solving in the faculties of girls in the University of Shaqra from the point of view of the administrative leadership of women in the faculties of girls at Shaqra University?

The regression variance analysis was used to test the main hypothesis, validate the proposed model, and adopt a simple linear regression method to test the validity of this hypothesis and its sub-assumptions. The following decision rule was adopted:

Acceptance H0: If the value of the significance level is greater than (0.05).

Rejection of H0: If the value of the significance level is less than (0.05). The results are as follows:

First: The results of the main hypothesis test, which states: There is no statistically significant effect of administrative ability to solve problems at the level of significance 0.05.

The results of Table 3 show that the calculated value of F is 83.953 with a probability of Sig of 0.000 which is less than the significance of a = 0.05. This proves the validity of the model to test the main hypothesis, using the simple linear regression method to determine the effect of the independent variable of administrative empowerment on the dependent variable of problem solving. The correlation coefficient between the two variables is estimated at 0.780. This indicates that there is a positive and strong correlation between them. We also note that the coefficient of selection is 0.609. This means that 60.9% of the changes in solving the administrative problems are due to changes in empowerment. 39.1% for other factors.

In the same table, we note that there is a statistically significant relationship at the level of significance (a = 0.05) between the independent variable, which is the administrative and dependent variable of solving the administrative problems with a value of 9.163 at a level of 0.000 which is below the significance level of 0.05. The null hypothesis that there is no significant effect of administrative ability to solve problems and accept the alternative hypothesis and therefore we say there is a significant effect of administrative ability to solve administrative problems at the level of significance (0.05).

12. Study Results

• The results showed that the level of administrative empowerment in the girls’ colleges at Shaqra University is weak according to the study scale, where the mean is 2.25.

Table 2. Mean and Std deviations of the reality of the application of administrative empowerment in girls’ colleges at Shaqra University from the point of view of the sample members of the study.

• There is a statistically significant relationship between administrative empowerment and solving administrative problems and between each dimension of administrative empowerment (delegation of authority, teamwork, training, motivation, effective communication) and solving administrative problems.

Table 3. Simple regression analysis results for administrative empowerment.

13. Limitations

The results of this research must be viewed in light of specific limitations.

Analyzing these limitations provides context that may facilitate a more complete understanding of the results of this study, as well as a guide for future research. Two specific limitations are presented below. One limitation was the sample selection used in this study. The sample consisted of the female administrates in Shaqra University in a specific geographical location can limit the accurate generalization applicability of the results to other Universities. A second limitation of this study was the sample gender, the sample gender served as an additional limitation as predictors of the administrative empowerment role in solving administrative problems. This limitation this study may cause no generalization for other population.

14. Recommendations

Based on previous findings, the study recommends that:

­ Giving women leaders in girls’ colleges at Shaqra University more powers that enable them to act in the situations facing them by enhancing the ways of sharing information and granting them independence in the performance and exercise of their activities.

­ Appreciating employees and believing in their abilities by emphasizing their ability to solve problems and providing them with sufficient freedom and independence to innovate and identify the appropriate methods for performing their work without reference to senior management and encourage self-monitoring of performance and avoid phishing mistakes as opportunities for learning as this enhances the self-confidence and abilities of employees. Is reflected positively on their performance and makes them compete in the development of methods and methods are unusual in the performance of work.

­ Organizations that seek to innovate at all levels through adoption of the concept of empowerment should work to create an atmosphere that helps to implement the concept of empowering workers by deepening the concept of participation of decision-making staff, solving problems related to their work, adopting teamwork and providing a system of incentives It is fair and objective, and is linked to a fair assessment of performance, providing modern and effective means of communication that allow the timely exchange of information, as well as reducing managerial levels, seeking and removing obstacles that limit administrative empowerment.

­ Create training opportunities for employees that allow them to learn about modern methods of solving problems and enable them to assume additional tasks.

­ An approach that enhances trust in management within these organizations through effective management empowerment.

­ Conducting more research and empirical studies that would reveal the results of effective administrative empowerment.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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