International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences

Volume 10, Issue 11 (November 2017)

ISSN Print: 1913-3715   ISSN Online: 1913-3723

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.66  Citations  h5-index & Ranking

Method of Distribution Network Resources after Restoration, the Networks MPLS-TE Use of Various Telecommunications Technologies to Construct Backbone Networks

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DOI: 10.4236/ijcns.2017.1011015    847 Downloads   1,584 Views  Citations


The modern telecommunication system is characterized by the rapid improvement of information and communication technologies, such as the improvement in the data rate, power consumption and Quality of Service (QoS). Based on this development, the next generation network (NGN) is shaped. The NGN is represented by a packet transport network demarcated functions and services. To provide transport functions in NGN, using Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology, there are two main problems, which are multipath routing and traffic distribution, which are what this paper works with. Accordingly, this paper proposes a solution to these two problems using optimization procedures to find the shortest path Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford, which is characterized by a high-speed-oriented selection of a single shortest path between the source and the destination, based on several selected criteria related to the optimal use of the network resources. Solving the information flow distribution problems in large number of nodes network applying salesman procedure or having NP-completeness, causes significant time delay, which means that the proposed solution is not suitable for real time applications. Accordingly, for real time applications, there is a need to move to other methods based on the use of several independent shortest paths.

Share and Cite:

Alhihi, M. (2017) Method of Distribution Network Resources after Restoration, the Networks MPLS-TE Use of Various Telecommunications Technologies to Construct Backbone Networks. International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 10, 251-260. doi: 10.4236/ijcns.2017.1011015.

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