Applied Mathematics

Volume 4, Issue 10 (October 2013)

ISSN Print: 2152-7385   ISSN Online: 2152-7393

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.58  Citations  

Dale’s Principle Is Necessary for an Optimal Neuronal Network’s Dynamics

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DOI: 10.4236/am.2013.410A2002    3,180 Downloads   4,949 Views  Citations


We study a mathematical model of biological neuronal networks composed by any finite number N ≥ 2 of non-necessarily identical cells. The model is a deterministic dynamical system governed by finite-dimensional impulsive differential equations. The statical structure of the network is described by a directed and weighted graph whose nodes are certain subsets of neurons, and whose edges are the groups of synaptical connections among those subsets. First, we prove that among all the possible networks such as their respective graphs are mutually isomorphic, there exists a dynamical optimum. This optimal network exhibits the richest dynamics: namely, it is capable to show the most diverse set of responses (i.e. orbits in the future) under external stimulus or signals. Second, we prove that all the neurons of a dynamically optimal neuronal network necessarily satisfy Dale’s Principle, i.e. each neuron must be either excitatory or inhibitory, but not mixed. So, Dale’s Principle is a mathematical necessary consequence of a theoretic optimization process of the dynamics of the network. Finally, we prove that Dale’s Principle is not sufficient for the dynamical optimization of the network.

Share and Cite:

Catsigeras, E. (2013) Dale’s Principle Is Necessary for an Optimal Neuronal Network’s Dynamics. Applied Mathematics, 4, 15-29. doi: 10.4236/am.2013.410A2002.

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