Journal of Software Engineering and Applications

Volume 17, Issue 3 (March 2024)

ISSN Print: 1945-3116   ISSN Online: 1945-3124

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.22  Citations  h5-index & Ranking

The Contribution of AI-Powered Mobile Apps to Smart City Ecosystems

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DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2024.173008    141 Downloads   792 Views  


In the groundbreaking study “The Contribution of AI-powered Mobile Apps to Smart City Ecosystems,” authored by Zaki Ali Bayashot, the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in urban development is meticulously examined. This comprehensive research delineates the multifaceted ways in which AI-powered mobile applications can significantly enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and livability of urban environments, marking a pivotal step towards the realization of smart cities globally. Bayashot meticulously outlines the critical areas where AI-powered apps offer unprecedented advantages, including urban mobility, public safety, energy management, and environmental monitoring. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, these applications not only streamline city operations but also foster a more sustainable interaction between city dwellers and their environment. The paper emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making in urban planning, showcasing how AI analytics can predict and mitigate traffic congestion, optimize energy consumption, and enhance emergency response strategies. The author also explores the social implications of AI in urban settings, highlighting the potential for these technologies to bridge the gap between government entities and citizens. Through engaging case studies, Bayashot demonstrates how participatory governance models, enabled by AI apps, can promote transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement in urban management. A significant contribution of this research is its focus on the challenges and opportunities presented by the integration of AI into smart city ecosystems. Bayashot discusses the technical, ethical, and privacy concerns associated with AI applications, advocating for a balanced approach that ensures technological advancements do not come at the expense of civil liberties. The study calls for robust regulatory frameworks to govern the use of AI in public spaces, emphasizing the need for ethical AI practices that respect privacy and promote inclusivity. Furthermore, Bayashot’s research underscores the necessity of cross-disciplinary collaboration in the development and implementation of AI technologies in urban contexts. By bringing together experts from information technology, urban planning, environmental science, and social sciences, the author argues for a holistic approach to smart city development. This interdisciplinary strategy ensures that AI applications are not only technologically sound but also socially and environmentally responsible. The paper concludes with a visionary outlook on the future of smart cities, posited on the seamless integration of AI technologies. Bayashot envisions a world where AI-powered mobile apps not only facilitate smoother urban operations but also empower citizens to actively participate in the shaping of their urban environments. This research serves as a critical call to action for policymakers, technologists, and urban planners to embrace AI as a tool for creating more sustainable, efficient, and inclusive cities. By presenting a detailed analysis of the current state of AI in urban development, coupled with practical insights and forward-looking recommendations, “The Contribution of AI-powered Mobile Apps to Smart City Ecosystems” stands as a seminal work that is poised to inspire and guide the evolution of urban landscapes worldwide. Its comprehensive exploration of the subject matter, combined with its impactful conclusions, make it a must-read for anyone involved in the field of smart city development, AI technology, or urban policy-making.

Share and Cite:

Bayashot, Z. (2024) The Contribution of AI-Powered Mobile Apps to Smart City Ecosystems. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 17, 143-154. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2024.173008.

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