Intelligent Control and Automation

Volume 3, Issue 3 (August 2012)

ISSN Print: 2153-0653   ISSN Online: 2153-0661

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.70  Citations  

Artificial Intelligence Application’s for 4WD Electric Vehicle Control System

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DOI: 10.4236/ica.2012.33028    10,918 Downloads   20,995 Views  Citations


A novel speed control design of 4WD electric vehicle (EV) to improve the comportment and stability under different road constraints condition is presented in this paper. The control circuit using intelligent adaptive fuzzy PI controller is proposed. Parameters which guide the functioning of PI controller are dynamically adjusted with the assistance of fuzzy control. The 4WD is powered by four motors of 15 kilowatts each one, delivering a 384 N.m total torque. Its high torque (338 N.m) is instantly available to ensure responsive acceleration performance in built-up areas. The electric drive canister of tow directing wheels and tow rear propulsion wheels equipped with tow induction motors thanks to their light weight simplicity and their height performance. Acceleration and steering are ensure by electronic differential, the latter control separately deriving wheels to turn at any curve. Electric vehicle are submitted different constraint of road using direct torque control. Electric vehicle are simulated in MATLAB SIMULINK. The simulation results have proved that the intelligent fuzzy PI control method decreases the transient oscillations and assure efficiency comportment in all topologies road constraints, straight, curved road, descent.

Share and Cite:

Nasri, A. and Gasbaoui, B. (2012) Artificial Intelligence Application’s for 4WD Electric Vehicle Control System. Intelligent Control and Automation, 3, 243-250. doi: 10.4236/ica.2012.33028.

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