Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases

Volume 14, Issue 2 (May 2024)

ISSN Print: 2163-9914   ISSN Online: 2164-005X

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.32  Citations  

Osgood Schlatter Disease: Study of 2 Observations in Conakry, Guinea

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DOI: 10.4236/ojra.2024.142009    32 Downloads   166 Views  


Introduction: OSD is a growth osteochondrosis affecting the apophyseal cartilage of the anterior tibial tuberosity of the knee, 20 to 30% of young growing athletes suffer from this pathology, described by Osgood and Schlatter in 1903. Objective: To report 2 observations and review the literature. Observation 1: This was a 14-year-old Guinean teenager, Halpoular, living in Conakry, a right-handed footballer who presented with a painful swelling of the right knee that looked mechanical, whose father had HLA B27 positive ankylosing spondylitis. X-ray of the right knee showed fragmentation of the anterior tibial tuberosities, and ossicle with edema of the patellar tendons at stage 4 according to Ehrenbord and Lagergren (1961). Thus, the disease of OSD is retained, He received 120 mg of diclofenac, 20 mg omeprazole for 1 month and the cessation of sports activity, the evolution was favorably marked by the regression of pain. Observation 2: A 16-year-old girl, initials M.L.T, Guinean, residing in Coyah (Republic of Guinea), a handball player, consulted for intense pain (VAS: 8/10) in her knees after a violent shock received when she hit the post. The physical examination found a painful, soft swelling at the anterior tibial tuberosity of the right knee, the rest of the examination was normal. The X-ray of the right knee shows fragmentation of the anterior tibial tuberosity, and ossicle with edema of the patellar tendon at stage 4 according to Ehrenbord and Lagergren 1961, thus the OSD disease is retained, the treatment instituted was 120 mg of diclofenac, the cessation of sports activity which gives a good evolution (EVA at 2/10). Conclusion: OSD is a growth osteochondrosis affecting the apophyseal cartilage of the anterior tibial tuberosity of the knee in young growing athletes, resolving at rest.

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Bah, A. , Andjembe, L. , Barry, A. , Diallo, M. , Niasse, M. and Kamissoko, A. (2024) Osgood Schlatter Disease: Study of 2 Observations in Conakry, Guinea. Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases, 14, 77-83. doi: 10.4236/ojra.2024.142009.

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