Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology

Volume 10, Issue 1 (January 2024)

ISSN Print: 2380-4327   ISSN Online: 2380-4335

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.31  Citations  

Hubble Tension Explanation from This Cosmological Model AΛΩ (Slow Bang Model, SB)

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DOI: 10.4236/jhepgc.2024.101010    59 Downloads   211 Views  


In this article we present a model of Hubble-Lemaître law using the notions of a transmitter (galaxy) and a receiver (MW) coupled to a model of the universe (Slow Bang Model, SB), based on a quantum approach of the evolution of space-time as well as an equation of state that retains all the infinitesimal terms. We find an explanation of the Hubble tension H0. Indeed, we have seen that this constant depends on the transceiver pair which can vary from the lowest observable value, from photons of the CMB (theoretical [km/s/Mpc]) to increasingly higher values depending on the earlier origin of the formation of the observed galaxy or cluster (ETG ~0.3 [Gy], ~74 [km/s/Mpc]). We have produced a theoretical table of the values of the constant according to the possible pairs of transmitter/receiver in the case where these galaxies follow the Hubble flow without large disturbance. The calculated theoretical values of the constant are in the order of magnitude of all values mentioned in past studies. Subsequently, we applied the models to 9 galaxies and COMA cluster and found that the models predict acceptable values of their distances and Hubble constant since these galaxies mainly follow the Hubble flow rather than the effects of a galaxy cluster or a group of clusters. In conclusion, we affirm that this Hubble tension does not really exist and it is rather the understanding of the meaning of this constant that is questioned.

Share and Cite:

Perron, J. (2024) Hubble Tension Explanation from This Cosmological Model AΛΩ (Slow Bang Model, SB). Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 10, 106-125. doi: 10.4236/jhepgc.2024.101010.

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