World Journal of Mechanics

Volume 13, Issue 7 (July 2023)

ISSN Print: 2160-049X   ISSN Online: 2160-0503

Google-based Impact Factor: 1  Citations  h5-index & Ranking

Four-Dimensional Mathematics Creates the Super Universe

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DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2023.137008    76 Downloads   378 Views  


In the common theory of the Universe, the redshift of the light wavelength from distant stars indicates the speed of the star. In this study, the model of the Universe is the surface volume of the four-dimensional sphere, and the shape of the Universe results in the most of the redshift of light wavelength. Therefore, there is no dark energy accelerating the Universe. The surface of the four-dimensional sphere is a volume, and this volume is a good model for the Universe. The surface volume of the four-dimensional sphere has been explained by a model of four-dimensional cube, within which the forming of surface volume can be easily shown. The model of four-dimensional cube containing six side cubes is ingenious for explaining the structure of the four-dimensional Universe, but it is not enough because the four-dimensional cube has not six side cubes, but eight side cubes. Therefore, in this study a better method has been created to construct the four-dimensional cube. Our three-dimensional Universe is the surface of the four-dimensional sphere Universe. The volume of our three-dimensional Universe is finite, and beneath it is the infinite volume four-dimensional Super Universe. Two important basic formulae have been derived: The surface volume of the four-dimensional sphere is π3R3 in which R is the radius of the sphere, and the fourth-power volume of the four-dimensional sphere is 1/4 π3R4. The volume of the Universe has been calculated π3R3 = 62 × 1030 ly3. Time as the fourth dimension of the space takes effect only near the speed of light, and therefore it has been ignored in this study.

Share and Cite:

Rahikainen, A. (2023) Four-Dimensional Mathematics Creates the Super Universe. World Journal of Mechanics, 13, 135-148. doi: 10.4236/wjm.2023.137008.

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