The European Union and international investment law reform: between aspirations and reality
2023 |
Pacta Sunt Servanda and Empire: A Critical Examination of the Evolution, Invocation, and Application of an International Law Axiom
Mich. J. Int'l L.,
2022 |
L'Amérique latine, l'ALBA-TCP et l'arbitrage transnational en matière d'investissement: la fondation d'une mosaïque de résistance
Revista Electrónica de Derecho Internacional …,
2022 |
Decoding Chinese Bilateral Investment Treaties
2021 |
Investment Dispute Settlement and the Position of State-to-State Arbitration in Investment Law
2021 |
Long Live the Golden Summer: Arbitration, Courts, & Colas
2020 |
Between Aspirations and Reality: The European Union and International Investment Law Reform
2020 |
Calvo Is Back! Changing Sovereignty and Evolutionary Investment Law in a Leaving and Return of the State Paradigm
2020 |
State-to-state Arbitration based on International Investment Agreements: Scope, Utility and Potential
2020 |
The Impediments Trade Agreements Pose to a South African Renewable Energy Industry
2020 |
Partenariats public-privé: un outil d'investissement pour la reconstruction de la Syrie
2020 |
Public-private partnership: an investment tool to rebuild Syria
2020 |
The Investor-State Dispute Settlement System: Reform, Replace or Status Quo?
2020 |
Who Wins in International Investment Arbitration Disputes? Evidence from Latin American and Caribbean Countries Cases Under ICSID
Evidence from Latin American and Caribbean …,
2020 |
Diplomatic protection as a dispute settlement mechanism in investor-state arbitration, in the light of modern international law
2019 |
Las nuevas regulaciones a la inversión extranjera directa: El retorno de la Doctrina Calvo
2019 |
América Latina:¿ es posible un único sistema de integración económico?
2019 |
Sistemas de solución de controversias de los procesos de integración suramericanos= Systèmes de règlement des différends des processus d'intégration d'Amérique …
2019 |
Evaluating Investor-State Dispute System under Ethiopia's Bilateral Investment Treaties: Looking a Workable Roadmap
2019 |
Investitionsschutz und Geschäftsgrundlage
2019 |
Emerging Powers in the International Economic Order: Cooperation, Competition and Transformation
2019 |
Debates actuales de arbitraje entre inversionista-Estado en América Latina
2018 |
Treaty Shopping and Unintended Consequences: BRICS in the International System
2018 |
Acordos internacionais de investimento, propriedade intelectual e saúde Global: políticas de controle do tabaco eo ODS 3. a.
2018 |
Current Debates on Investor-State Arbitration in Latin America
Tla-melaua: revista de ciencias sociales,
2018 |
Settling Direct Disputes with Sovereigns: Striving for Transparency in the Settlement of Public-Private Partnership Disputes
2017 |
The Return of State Remedies in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Trends in Developing Countries
2017 |
The political economy of the investment treaty regime
2017 |
Legitimacy and Governance Challenges
The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime,
2017 |
Legal Innovation in Investment Law: Rhetoric and Practice in Emerging Countries
2017 |
Legal Innovation in Investment Law: Rhetoric and Practice in the South
Univ. of Wisconsin Legal Studies Research Paper,
2017 |
Primary or Secondary?
2016 |
Proteção internacional ao investimento e propriedade intelectual: impacto sobre políticas de saúde e acesso a medicamentos.
2016 |
The politics of investment in the Americas: Canada, Brazil, and the (Post-) Neoliberal State
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice,
2016 |
Power in the International Investment Framework
International Political Economy Series book series,
2016 |
Das Recht des Staates auf zivilen Ungehorsam
2016 |
Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional,
2016 |
Primary or Secondary? Regionalism’s Multiple Roles in Brazil’s International Emergence
2016 |
Green Latin America? Some Reflections on Environmental Issues in Latin America's New Instruments of Investment Protection
2016 |
The International Rule of Law in Latin American Investment Arbitration: UNASUR's Advances in Arbitrator Appointment and Disqualification
2016 |
Salida: Latin America, ICSID, and the Politics of International Investment Arbitration
2016 |
The UNASUR Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes and Venezuela: Will Both Ever See the Light at the End of the Tunnel?
2016 |
Práctica convencional del Estado mexicano
2016 |
Balance de la ley chilena de arbitraje comercial internacional a una década de su instauración
Revista Internacional de Arbitraje enero,
2016 |
Proteção internacional ao investimento e propriedade intelectual: impacto sobre políticas de saúde e acesso a medicamentos
2016 |
Interpretation of international investment treaties
2016 |
Bolivarian Republics and ICSID: Who is the Real Enemy?
2016 |
Repúblicas bolivarianas eo ICSID: será que o inimigo não é outro? Bolivarian Republics and ICSID: Who is the Real Enemy?
Anuario mexicano de derecho …,
2016 |
The ICSID Under Siege: UNASUR and the Rise of a Hybrid Regime for International Investment Arbitration
Osgoode Hall Law Journal,
2015 |
Institutional constraints on economic nationalism in Latin America
2015 |
Bilateral Investment Treaties of South American Countries and their Consequences at the International Level
2015 |
A Case Study on Chevron V. The Republic Ecuador Arbitration Proceedings: Their Impact on Ecuador's National Investment Arbitration Policy
The Republic Ecuador Arbitration Proceedings: Their Impact on Ecuador's National Investment Arbitration Policy (December 17, 2015),
2015 |
The No of Tokyo Revisited: Or How Developed Countries Learned to Start Worrying and Love the Calvo Doctrine
ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal,
2014 |
Relying upon Parties' Interpretation in Treaty-Based Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Filling the Gaps in International Investment Agreements
2014 |
Geo. J. Int'l L.,
2014 |
Corporate Bias in the World Bank Group's International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes: A Case Study of a Global Mining Corporation Suing El Salvador
U. Pa. J. Int'l L.,
2014 |
ICSID's Reinforcement: UNASUR and the Rise of a Hybrid Regime for International Investment Arbitration
2014 |
I conflitti di giurisdizione tra tribunali ICSID e fori giudiziali nazionali.
2013 |
International Human Rights and the Interpretation of International Investment Treaties–Constitutional Considerations
The Interaction of International Investment Law with Other Fields of Public International Law,
2013 |
As propostas da Unasul para a criação de um centro de solução de controvérsias relativas a investimentos estrangeiros
éC Fernandes - actacientifica.servicioit.cl,
2013 |
Extraction, regional integration, and the enduring problem of local political spaces
New Political Spaces in Latin American Natural Resource Governance,
2012 |