Finiteness of Cohomology for Pro-locally Proper Maps
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics,
2024 |
a review of Limits, colimits, and spectra of modelled spaces by Aratake, Hisashi (J-KYOT-R)
Mathematical Reviews …,
2023 |
Fourier-Mukai transform on complex tori, revisited
2023 |
Degenerated Calabi–Yau varieties with infinite components, moduli compactifications, and limit toroidal structures
European Journal of Mathematics,
2022 |
Dirac geometry I: Commutative algebra
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.09256,
2022 |
Limits, Colimits, and Spectra of Modelled Spaces
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.10711,
2022 |
The relative minimal model program for excellent algebraic spaces and analytic spaces in equal characteristic zero
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.08732,
2022 |
Universal ringed spaces
2021 |
\'Etale Covers and Fundamental Groups of Schematic Finite Spaces
2021 |
Logarithmic resolution via weighted toroidal blowings up
2020 |
Grothendieck's pairing on Néron component groups: Galois descent from the semistable case
2020 |
C∞-algebraic geometry with corners
2019 |
C-infinity algebraic geometry with corners
2019 |
Using the internal language of toposes in algebraic geometry
2017 |
Mit ausführlichen Erklärungen und zahlreichen Beispielen
Einführung in die Kategorientheorie,
2017 |
tt-geometry of Tate motives over algebraically closed fields
2017 |
Dagger geometry as Banach algebraic geometry
Journal of Number Theory,
2016 |
AUberblick zu universellen Eigenschaften
Einführung in die Kategorientheorie,
2016 |
Foliations and the cohomology of moduli spaces of bounded global $ G $-shtukas
2016 |
Principal bundles under reductive groups
2015 |
Finite quotients in algebraic geometry
2015 |
Einführung in die Kategorientheorie: Mit ausführlichen Erklärungen und zahlreichen Beispielen
2015 |
Introduction to adic tropicalization
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.00726,
2015 |
2014 |
Tensor functors between categories of quasi-coherent sheaves
Journal of Algebra,
2014 |
On a generalization of affinoid varieties
2014 |
Grothendieck's pairing on Neron component groups: Galois descent from the semistable case
2014 |
2013 |
2013 |
Deformation of quotients on a product
arXiv preprint arXiv:1103.5482,
2011 |
On differentiable and analytic spaces
2011 |
Spectra of Modelled Spaces à la Coste, Revisited