Closing of the induced gap in a hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowire
2021 |
Parity-protected superconductor-semiconductor qubit
2020 |
Security proof of practical quantum key distribution with detection-efficiency mismatch
2020 |
iv: 2004.02226 v1 [cond-mat. mes-hall]
2020 |
Beating direct transmission bounds for quantum key distribution with a multiple quantum memory station
2020 |
Active Learning of Hamiltonians
2020 |
Quantum overlapping tomography
2020 |
mixers: Analytical and numerical results for the quantum alternating operator ansatz
2020 |
Conductance-matrix symmetries of a three-terminal hybrid device
2020 |
Deconstructing effective non-Hermitian dynamics in quadratic bosonic Hamiltonians
2020 |
Entanglement distribution in a quantum network: A multicommodity flow-based approach
2020 |
Verifiable hybrid secret sharing with few qubits
2020 |
Secure multiparty quantum computation with few qubits
2020 |
A graph-based evolutionary algorithm for automated machine learning
2020 |
Key rates for quantum key distribution protocols with asymmetric noise
2020 |
Witnessing entanglement in experiments with correlated noise
2020 |
Some Existence Results for Internal Deep RL Architecture
2020 |
Quantum simulation by qubitization without Toffoli gates
2019 |
Fast spin exchange across a multielectron mediator
2019 |
Voltage-controlled superconducting quantum bus
2019 |
Evidence of topological superconductivity in planar Josephson junctions
2019 |
Unconditionally Multiplicative Uniqueness for Conway Sets. Qubitization of Arbitrary Basis
Quantum Topology,
2019 |
Quasi-Almost Surely Ramanujan Completeness for Homeomorphisms
Physical Review D,
2019 |
Riemannian Algebra in Integral Category Theory
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences,
2019 |
Existence Methods in Classical Convex Topology
Topology Proceedings,
2019 |
In-plane magnetoconductance mapping of InSb quantum wells
2019 |
Minkowski Problems in Sub-Normal Germain Rings
International Journal of Quantum Information,
2019 |
Stability Methods in Pure Singular Calculus
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems,
2019 |
Quasi-Universally Composite Sets over Pseudo-Finite Sets
Quantum information & computation,
2019 |
Towards large-scale quantum networks
2019 |
Distributed routing in a quantum internet
2019 |
Benchmarking Gate Fidelities in a Two-Qubit Device
2019 |
Near-term quantum-repeater experiments with nitrogen-vacancy centers: Overcoming the limitations of direct transmission
2019 |
Quantum error correction with the toric Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill code
2019 |
Quantum simulation of molecular vibronic spectra on a superconducting bosonic processor
2019 |
Transforming graph states to Bell-pairs is NP-Complete
2019 |
A new class of efficient randomized benchmarking protocols
2019 |
Multiqubit randomized benchmarking using few samples
2019 |
Quantum codes for quantum simulation of fermions on a square lattice of qubits
2019 |
Towards a realization of device-independent quantum key distribution
2019 |
The complexity of the vertex-minor problem
2019 |
Efficient unitarity randomized benchmarking of few-qubit Clifford gates
2019 |
Reply to “Comment on 'Fully device-independent conference key agreement'”
2019 |
Quantum error correction in crossbar architectures
2018 |
Perovskite quantum dots and their application in light‐emitting diodes
2018 |
Transforming graph states using single-qubit operations
2018 |
Anonymous transmission in a noisy quantum network using the state
2018 |
Quantum metasurface for multiphoton interference and state reconstruction
2018 |
Fully device-independent conference key agreement
2018 |
SimulaQron—a simulator for developing quantum internet software
2018 |
Quasi-Universally Global Knot Theory
Physical Review A,
2018 |
Reducibility Methods in Numerical Topology
Quantum Topology,
2018 |
Onto, Non-Trivial Homeomorphisms over Free, Bijective Topoi
Nano Today,
2018 |
Kummer Continuity in Numerical Topology
Quantum Topology,
2018 |
Uncover topology by quantum quench dynamics
2018 |
Field effect enhancement in buffered quantum nanowire networks
2018 |
Programmable interference between two microwave quantum memories
2018 |
Probabilistic distillation of quantum coherence
2018 |
Hardware-efficient bosonic quantum error-correcting codes based on symmetry operators
2018 |
Quantum error correction with the Toric-GKP code
2018 |
Experimental two-dimensional quantum walk on a photonic chip
2018 |
Fragility of charge order near an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point
Physical review letters,
2018 |
The intrinsic relations of quantum resources in multiparticle systems
2018 |
High fidelity GHZ generation within nearby nodes
2018 |
Deconfined quantum critical points: symmetries and dualities
Physical Review X,
2017 |
as an Efficient Contrast Agent for In Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging of Cancer
2017 |
RETRACTED: Chiral Majorana fermion modes in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator–superconductor structure
2017 |
Quantum dots in graphene nanoribbons
2017 |
Continuous variable quantum key distribution
2017 |
Magnetic Excitations and Continuum of a Possibly Field-Induced Quantum Spin Liquid in
2017 |
Coherence depletion in the Grover quantum search algorithm
2017 |
Two-dimensional arsenene oxide: A realistic large-gap quantum spin Hall insulator
2017 |
On the Surjectivity of Essentially Super-Characteristic, Hyper-Möbius, Continuous Planes
Nano Research,
2017 |
Coherence Invariance Methods in Integral Category Theory
Proceedings of the IEEE,
2017 |
Topological quantum chemistry
2017 |
Chiral Majorana fermion modes in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator–superconductor structure
2017 |
Quantum spin Hall state in monolayer 1T'-WTe2
2017 |
On the Description of Sub-Locally Sub-Normal, Germain Rings
Physical Review D,
2017 |
Fixed-point adiabatic quantum search
2017 |
Transport studies of epi-Al/InAs 2DEG systems for required building-blocks in topological superconductor networks
2017 |
Measuring out-of-time-order correlators on a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum simulator
2017 |
Epitaxy of advanced nanowire quantum devices
2017 |
Long-distance free-space quantum key distribution in daylight towards inter-satellite communication
2017 |
TiL4‐Coordinated Black Phosphorus Quantum Dots as an Efficient Contrast Agent for In Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging of Cancer
2017 |
Moiré excitons: From programmable quantum emitter arrays to spin-orbit–coupled artificial lattices
2017 |
A voltage-controlled superconducting quantum bus
2017 |
Lowering qubit requirements for quantum simulations of fermionic systems
2017 |
Realization of a scalable Shor algorithm
2016 |