has been cited by the following article(s):
All we crave is pleasure! The motivation behind millennial men's clothing store choices when purchasing semi‐formal/smart workwear for themselves
Journal of Consumer …,
2024 |
Digitally Customized and Interactive Laddering: A New Way for Examining Tourists' Value Structures
Journal of Travel Research,
2022 |
Brand Fusion
Brand Fusion,
2022 |
Now is the time to embrace interactive electronic applications of Association Pattern Technique
2020 |
Implications of integrating e-leisure constraints and means-end hierarchies of young people's perceptions toward video-sharing websites
Online Information Review,
2018 |
Lessoning travelers' motivating behavior for a growing phenomenon in Taiwan by an advanced hybrid object-oriented hierarchical model
Journal of Computational Science,
2018 |
Evaluating online advertising effect: An approach integrating means–end conceptualization and similarity analysis
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,
2018 |
Use of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) by Engineering and Technology Students, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh: a Survey
2018 |
페이스북에 대한 대학생의 가치 및 가치 단계도 (HVM): 수단-목적 사슬 이론과 래더링 기법의 적용
2017 |
페이스북에 대한 대학생의 가치 및 가치 단계도 (HVM)
Advertising Research,
2017 |
Advancing laddering and critical incident technique to reveal restaurant niches
Service Industries Journal,
2017 |
All we crave is pleasure! The motivation behind millennial men's clothing store choices when purchasing semi‐formal/smart workwear for themselves
Journal of Consumer Behaviour,
Digitally Customized and Interactive Laddering: A New Way for Examining Tourists’ Value Structures
Journal of Travel Research,
Digitally Customized and Interactive Laddering: A New Way for Examining Tourists’ Value Structures
Journal of Travel Research,
Now is the time to embrace interactive electronic applications of Association Pattern Technique
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,
Implications of Integrating E-leisure Constraints and Means-end Hierarchies of Young People’s Perceptions toward Video-sharing Websites
Online Information Review,
Advancing laddering and critical incident technique to reveal restaurant niches
The Service Industries Journal,
The Value Structure of Korean Convenience Store Lunch Box (“Dosirak”) Consumers: An Application of the Means-End Approach
The Journal of Eurasian Studies,