Genome-wide analysis of mutations induced by carbon ion beam irradiation in cotton
Frontiers in Plant …,
2023 |
Ethyl Methanesulphonate (EMS)-Mediated Mutagenesis Induces Genetic and Morphological Variations in Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
International Journal of Plant Biology,
2023 |
Construction of Watermelon Mutant Library Based on 60Co γ-ray Irradiation and EMS Treatment for Germplasm Innovation
2023 |
Cucumber: Breeding and Genomics
Vegetable …,
2023 |
Effect of different doses of chemical and physical mutagen on genetic variability and character association in M1 and M2 generation of Momordical balsamina L.
2023 |
Sodyum Azit ve Etil Metansülfonatın Asma Genotiplerinde Sitolojik Etkileri
2023 |
Induced variations of ethyl methane sulfonate mutagenized cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. walp) plants
Frontiers in plant …,
2022 |
Identification and characterization of a long fruit mutant in Cucumis sativus L.
Turkish Journal of …,
2022 |
Importance, Distribution, Botany and Genetics
The Cucumber Genome,
2022 |
Determination of the effective of chemical mutagenesis using sodium azide to improvement of vegetative growth and flowering characteristics in Helichrysum …
Khateeb, AE Rawia, KI Hashish… - Journal of …,
2022 |
Breeding of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.)
Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies …,
2021 |
Fruit crops in the era of genome editing: closing the regulatory gap
Bennasser, E Stowe… - Plant Cell Reports,
2021 |
Effect of chemical mutagen EMS (Ethyl Methane Sulfonate) on growth and phytochemical response of Bara chilli variety (Capsicum frutescens var. bara).
2020 |
LD50 determination and phenotypic evaluation of three Echeveria varieties induced by chemical mutagens
… and Environmental Health …,
2020 |
RAPD Analysis for Genetic Variability Detection of Mutant Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr)
2020 |
Ethyl Methyl Sulfonate-Induced Mutagenesis and Its Effects on Peanut Agronomic, Yield and Quality Traits
2020 |
Genetic variations of EMS-induced chili peppers (Capsicum annuum) cv. Gelora generate geminivirus resistant mutant lines
2020 |
LD 50 determination and phenotypic evaluation of three Echeveria varieties induced by chemical mutagens
2020 |
Development and screening of EMS mutants with altered seed oil content or fatty acid composition in Brassica napus
2020 |
Sensitivity of Seeds to Chemical Mutagens, Detection of DNA Polymorphisms and Agro-Metrical Traits in M1 Generation of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.)
2019 |
Pengaruh perlakuan ethyl methanesulphonate terhadap perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan kentang granola (biji)
2019 |
Genetic analysis of the DAZ1 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana
2019 |
Genome-Wide Analysis of Artificial Mutations Induced by Ethyl Methanesulfonate in the Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
2019 |
Pengaruh Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (EMS) terhadap Morfologi Akar Kecambah Padi (Oryza sativa) Varietas Lallodo
2019 |
Efficient Transposition of the Retrotransposon Tnt1 in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
Horticultural Plant Journal,
2018 |
Cscs encoding chorismate synthase is a candidate gene for leaf variegation mutation in cucumber
Breeding science,
2018 |
A review on mutation breeding for the improvement of crop plants: present and future.
2018 |
Sensitivitas dan Keragaan Tanaman Coleus sp. terhadap Mutasi Induksi Kimia Menggunakan Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS) Aplikasi Cara Rendam dan …
2017 |
Pengaruh Mutagen Kimia EMS Terhadap Perkembangan Bunga Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum frutescens var. bara)
2017 |
Sensitivitas dan Keragaan Tanaman Coleus sp. terhadap Mutasi Induksi Kimia Menggunakan Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS) Aplikasi Cara Rendam dan Tetes
2017 |
Morphogenetic Analysis of Induced Mutant Lines in Crotalaria juncea L
2017 |
Mutasi Induksi Kimia Pada Coleus Spp. Dengan Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (Ems)
Dissertations and Theses,
2016 |
Cucumber Gene Catalog 2017
2015 |
Horticultural Plant Journal