has been cited by the following article(s):
Epilepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: connection, chance, and challenges
International Journal of …,
2023 |
Paternal cannabis extract exposure in rats: Preconception timing effects on neurodevelopmental behavior in offspring
2020 |
Developmental Dyslexia and/or co-occurring Attention Deficit: Investigation of prevalence, underlying cognitive deficits, and family risk in a self-selected …
2017 - Griffith University,
2017 |
Executive Function Features in Drug-naive Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder
2017 |
მუშა მეხსიერების ფუნქციონირების თავისებურებები ყურადღების დეფიციტისა და ჰიპერაქტიურობის სინდრომის დროს
2017 |
Developmental Dyslexia and/or co-occurring Attention Deficit: Investigation of prevalence, underlying cognitive deficits, and family risk in a self-selected sample …
2017 |
Exercise-Induced Improvements in Cognitive Functioning and Brain Structure in Older Adults
2016 |
Pro Skier hits 8G's, Burns 2,900 Calories in a day of Resort Skiing
2016 |
ADHD symptomatology is best conceptualized as a spectrum: a dimensional versus unitary approach to diagnosis
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders,
2015 |
Planning skills of adolescents with ADHD
Journal of attention disorders,
2014 |
Neurodevelopmental disorders
2014 |