Teachable agent for improving Ikigai
2024 |
تحليل مضمون الدراسات والبحوث المعنية بدراسة الضغوط الحياتية للشباب باستخدام نماذج ونظريات طريقة العمل مع الافراد فى الفترة من 2011-2021 Analytical review for The …
مجلة الخدمة …,
2022 |
The Effects of Intolerance of Uncertainty and Meaning in Life on Psychological and Physical Health
2021 |
Transforming Global Workforce Diversity into an Instrument for Organizational Growth & Development through Workplace Spirituality
2020 |
Study abroad, transformation, and ikigai: a case study
2019 |
Study Abroad, Transformation, and" Ikigai": A Case Study.
2019 |
Religion, Purpose, and Health Outcomes
2018 |
Purpose in life: A perspective of psychology
2018 |
2018 |
Importancia del constructo sentido de la vida en diferentes ámbitos psicológicos aplicados
2018 |
Importancia del constructo sentido de la vida en diferentes ámbitos psicológicos aplicados/Importance of the meaningful construction of life in different applied areas
2018 |
A meaningful life is a healthy life: A conceptual model linking meaning and meaning salience to health
2018 |
Decreased drinking and Alcoholics Anonymous are associated with different dimensions of spirituality.
2017 |
The role of perceived stress in the relationship between purpose in life and mental health.
2017 |
Spirituality as a Mediator between Adult Depression and Anxiety and Childhood Experiences: A Model Based on Ordered Sequences of Regressions
2017 |
2017 |
A meaningful life is a healthy life: A conceptual model linking meaning and meaning salience to health.
Review of General Psychology,
2017 |
Relationship of having hobbies and a purpose in life with mortality, activities of daily living, and instrumental activities of daily living among community-dwelling elderly …
Journal of epidemiology,
2016 |
Sense of Purpose in Life and Risk for Onset of Chronic Illness
2016 |
Relationship of Having Hobbies and a Purpose in Life With Mortality, Activities of Daily Living, and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Among Community-Dwelling Elderly Adults
Journal of Epidemiology,
2016 |
The Role of Stress Management in the Relationship between Purpose in Life and Self-Rated Health in Teachers: A Mediation Analysis
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
2016 |
Prayer, personality and purpose in life: an empirical enquiry among adolescents in the UK
2016 |
Purpose in life and its association with stress among persons living in a semi-urban area of Tamil Nadu
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine ,
2014 |
2014 |
Does Traditional Japanese Culture Help Japanese People Use Ikigai (A ttitude that E stablish es the Meaning of Life via Prefrontal Cortex Function ) as an Effective Way to Cope with Stress?
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science (BJESBS),
2014 |
Does Traditional Japanese Culture Help People Cope with Stress Us ing the Concept of Ikigai ( Reason for being) ?
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science (BJESBS),
2014 |
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science,
2014 |
Strategies for Promoting Health and Reducing Medical Expenses in Japan Using Purpose in Life/Ikigai, Moderate Exercise, and Well-Balanced Diet
2014 |
Does Traditional Japanese Culture Help People Cope with Stress Using the Concept of Ikigai (Reason for Being)?
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science,
2014 |
Purpose in life and its association with stress among persons living in a semi
2014 |
Does Traditional Japanese Culture Help People Cope with Stress Using
2014 |
Does traditional Japanese culture help people cope with stress using the concept of ikigai (reason for being)
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural …,
2014 |
Purpose in life/ikigai and moderate exercise may prevent and improve violent behavior: with consideration of the traits of neurotransmitters and hormones.
British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research,
2013 |
Purpose in Life/Ikigai and Moderate Exercise may Prevent and Improve Violent Behavior: with Consideration of the Traits of Neurotransmitters and …
2013 |
The relationships between leisure experiences and psychological recovery from disaster: a case study of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami
2013 |
A Path Analysis of Inspiration, Purpose in Life, Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being among Filipino Workforce
Educational Measurement and Evaluation,
2013 |
Purpose in Life/Ikigai and Moderate Exercise may Prevent and Improve Violent Behavior: with Consideration of the Traits of Neurotransmitters and Hormones
British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research,
2013 |
Purpose in Life/Ikigai and Moderate Exercise may Prevent and Improve Violent Behavior: with Consideration of the Traits of Neuro
British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research,
2013 |
The Spirituality Questionnaire: core dimensions of spirituality
2012 |
Reducing anxiety in stutterers through the association between “purpose in life/Ikigai” and emotions
Global journal of health science,
2012 |
Decreasing Anxiety in Stutterers through the Association between “Purpose in Life/Ikigai” and Emotions
Global journal of health science,
2012 |
The relationships between leisure experiences and psychological recovery from disaster: a case study of the Great East Japan Ear
Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
2012 |
Purpose in life (ikigai), a frontal lobe function, is a natural and mentally healthy way to cope with stress
2012 |
Enormous earthquake in Japan: Coping with stress using purpose-in-life/ikigai
2011 |
Enhancing the 21" Century Life Skills of University Student using Whole Braun Literacy, Experiential Leaming Theory, and Appreciative Inquiry: A Case Study of …