Environment-friendly nitrogen management practices in wetland paddy cultivation
Frontiers in Sustainable Food …,
2023 |
Evaluation of site position and tillage effects on global warming potential from furrow-irrigated rice in the mid-southern USA
Geoderma Regional,
2023 |
Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation strategies in rice production systems
… : Resilience to Climate …,
2023 |
Study of the problem of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural production Czech Republic
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.13253,
2023 |
Ban on Rice Cultivation in Uganda's Wetlands: Implications for Household Income, Food Security, Gender Equity and Social Safety Nets in the Rainfed Lowland …
2023 |
14 year applications of chemical fertilizers and crop straw effects on soil labile organic carbon fractions, enzyme activities and microbial community in rice …
Science of the Total Environment,
2022 |
Soil carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emissions, and water pollution under different tillage practices
Science of the Total …,
2022 |
14 year applications of chemical fertilizers and crop straw effects on soil labile organic carbon fractions, enzyme activities and microbial community in rice-wheat …
Science of The Total …,
2022 |
Management Strategies to Mitigate N2O Emissions in Agriculture
2022 |
Deep Drainage Lowers Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Rice Fields in a Semi-Arid Environment in Rwanda
Soil Systems,
2022 |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Irrigated Paddy Rice as Influenced by Crop Management Practices and Nitrogen Fertilization Rates in Eastern Tanzania
2021 |
Sustainable Land Management and Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe
2020 |
Eco-Friendly Yield and Greenhouse Gas Emissions as Affected by Fertilization Type in a Tropical Smallholder Rice System, Ghana
2020 |
Enhanced geographic information system-based mapping of local climate zones in Beijing, China
2019 |
Winter tillage with the incorporation of stubble reduces the net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity of double-cropping rice fields
Soil and Tillage Research,
2018 |
The climate regulation service provided by miombo landscapes
2018 |
Effect of tillage and water management on GHG emissions from Mediterranean rice growing ecosystems
Atmospheric Environment,
2017 |
Greenhouse gas emissions from natural ecosystems and agricultural lands in sub-Saharan Africa: synthesis of available data and suggestions for further research
2016 |
Greenhouse gas emissions from cultivated dambos from Central Zimbabwe
2016 |
Review and meta-analysis of organic matter in cultivated soils in southern Africa
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,
2016 |
Greenhouse gas emissions from natural ecosystems and agricultural lands in sub-Saharan Africa: synthesis of available data and suggestions for further …
2016 |
Greenhouse gas emissions from natural ecosystems and agricultural lands in sub-Saharan Agrica: synthesis of available data and suggestions for further …
2016 |
The effects of catena positions on greenhouse gas emissions along a seasonal wetland (dambo) transect in tropical Zimbabwe
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science,
2015 |
Rice management interventions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions: a review
Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
2014 |
Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from cultivated seasonal wetland (dambo) soils with inorganic, organic and integrated nutrient management
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,
2014 |
Assessing non-CO 2 climate-forcing emissions and mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
2014 |
Assessing non-CO2 climate-forcing emissions and mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
2014 |