has been cited by the following article(s):
Incremental sentence processing is guided by a preference for agents: EEG evidence from Basque
Isasmendi, S Sauppe, C Andrews… - Language, Cognition …,
2024 |
The New Psychology of Language: From Body to Mental Model and Back
2023 |
Crosslinguistic word order variation reflects evolutionary pressures of dependency and information locality
Proceedings of the National Academy of …,
2022 |
Evidence from Basque, Polish and Spanish and native and non-native bilinguals
2018 |
Minimizing dependencies across languages and speakers. Evidence from basque, polish and spanish and native and non-native bilinguals.
2018 |
Euskal perpausen hurrenkeren prozesamendua kasu-sistemaren argitan
Uztaro. Giza eta gizarte-zientzien …,
2016 |
Izen eta Aditzen frekuentziak SVO eta SOV hizkuntzetan
… . Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma: 2015eko maiatzaren 13 …,
2015 |
Word Order Processing in a Second Language: From VO to OV
Journal of psycholinguistic research,
2014 |
When grammars differ: Spanish-Basque bilinguals processing word order$
2014 |
Menu Display
Incremental sentence processing is guided by a preference for agents: EEG evidence from Basque
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience,
Incremental sentence processing is guided by a preference for agents: EEG evidence from Basque
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience,
Crosslinguistic word order variation reflects evolutionary pressures of dependency and information locality
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
Word Order Processing in a Second Language: From VO to OV
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,