Effect of deposition conditions on the thermal stability of Ge layers on SiO2 and their dewetting behavior
2020 |
Single-step fabrication of homoepitaxial silicon nanocones by molecular beam epitaxy
Applied Surface Science,
2018 |
Surface Morphologies Obtained by Ge Deposition on Bare and Oxidized Silicon Surfaces at Different Temperatures
Advances in Semiconductor Nanostructures,
2017 |
Photo-sensitive Ge nanocrystal based films controlled by substrate deposition temperature
Semiconductor Science and Technology,
2017 |
Formation of lateral nanowires by Ge deposition on Si (111) at high temperatures
Journal of Crystal Growth,
2016 |
Formation and optical properties of Ge films grown on Si (111) substrates using nanocontact epitaxy
Applied Surface Science,
2015 |
Formation and optical properties of Ge films grown on Si (1 1 1) substrates using nanocontact epitaxy
Applied Surface Science,
2015 |
Тонкие монокристаллические слои Ge на 2-дюймовых подложках Si
Письма в ЖТФ,
2015 |
Strain-induced Ge segregation on Si at high temperatures
Journal of Crystal Growth,
2015 |
Энергетический спектр электронов и особенности оптического поглощения однослойных гидроксисилоксановых структур с дефектами замещения силанольных групп электронодонорными атомами/Литинский АО, Нгуен Тхи Ша
Известия ВолгГТУ. Серия «Электроника, измерительная техника, радиотехника и связь,
2015 |
Properties of three-dimensional structures prepared by Ge dewetting from Si (111) at high temperatures
Journal of Applied Physics,
2015 |
Thin single-crystal Ge layers on 2 ″Si substrates
Technical Physics Letters,
2015 |
2015 |
Mechanisms of surface morphology formation during Ge growth on Si (100) at high temperatures
Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices (EDM), 2015 16th International Conference of Young Specialists on,
2015 |
Энергетический спектр электронов и особенности оптического поглощения однослойных гидроксисилоксановых структур с дефектами замещения …
2014 |
Энергетический спектр электронов и особенности оптического поглощения однослойных гидроксисилоксановых структур с дефектами замещения …
2014 |
Surface morphology formation of Ge layers on Si (111) under high-temperature annealing
Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices (EDM), 2014 15th International Conference of Young Specialists on. IEEE,
2014 |
Surface morphology of Ge layers epitaxially grown on bare and oxidized Si (001) and Si (111) substrates
Surface Science.Elsevier,
2014 |