Esclusi per legge.“Non-eligible voters” come categoria negletta delle democrazie contemporanee
Italian Journal of Electoral Studies QOE-IJES,
2023 |
Populism and Participation
Populism and Key Concepts in Social and Political …,
2023 |
Political behavior under polarization
2023 |
Beyond political interest: Citizen profile identification from the European Social Survey
2023 |
After The Crisis: A New Institutional Architecture for Europe Inspired By Principles Of Democratic Experimentalism
Available at SSRN 4378923,
2023 |
2022 |
Mock elections, electoral participation and political engagement amongst young people in Iceland.
Icelandic Review on …,
2022 |
Turnout and Socio-economic Inequality at the Individual Level
Underprivileged Voters and Electoral Exclusion in …,
2022 |
The Institutional Determinants of Turnout Inequalities
Underprivileged Voters and Electoral Exclusion in …,
2022 |
Mechanismen der Polarisierung von Parteiensystemen
Springer VS Wiesbaden,
2022 |
La sfida impossibile. I partiti di fronte alla crisi di legittimazione
2021 |
Protest Voting dan Abstention dalam Pilkada Calon Tunggal: Kasus Pilkada Serentak 2018
2021 |
Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat Adat Baduy dan Implikasinya terhadap Representasi Politik: Kepentingan Adat yang Tersisih
2020 |
Comparative Approach Regarding Good Governance
2020 |
Silent Political Apathy in Urban Society: The Case of Medan 2018 Election
2020 |
La-N-VA et les élections d'octobre 2018: des aspirations contrariées
2019 |
Le scrutin communal du 14 octobre 2018 à Bruxelles: une élection détonante
2019 |
The Renewal of State‒Citizen Cooperation
2019 |
Cahiers du CEVIPOL Brussels Working Papers
2019 |
The Religious Dimensions of Contemporary European Populism
2019 |
The Renewal of State-Citizen Cooperation
Whose Government Is It?,
2019 |
Depoliticisation, Post-politics and the Problem of Change
Comparing Strategies of (De)Politicisation in Europe,
2019 |
A Post-contentious Turning Point for the Contentious French? Crisis Without Protest in France
Citizens and the Crisis,
2018 |
Le vote décentré?
2018 |
I partiti dell Grande Recessione contro i partiti della Grande Depressione. Un nuovo cleavage o un'altra bolla?
2018 |
I partiti della Grande Recessione contro i partiti della Grande Depressione. Un nuovo cleavage o un'altra bolla?
2018 |
en France
2018 |
O impacto da crise económica nas desigualdades de género e nas atitudes e participação política na Europa do sul: uma análise longitudinal (1985-2014)
2018 |
The impact of the European crisis on party system change: Some comparative reflections
2018 |
Decentered voting
2018 |
Party System Change, the European Crisis and the State of Democracy
2018 |
The never-ending transformation of the Italian party system
2018 |
Ze halen hun slag wel thuis: over particratie en het aanpassingsvermogen van Belgische partijen
Res publica,
2018 |
Revue francaise de science politique,
2018 |
Understanding the populist shift
Othering in a Europe in,
2017 |
Faire de deux faces une même pièce
2017 |
Chapitre 3-Faire de deux faces une même pièce
Sociologie plurielle des comportements …,
2017 |
Evropská občanská iniciativa jako nástroj rozvoje občansko-politické participace pohledem konceptu struktury politických příležitostí
2017 |
Party and Democracy: The Uneven Road to Party Legitimacy
2017 |
The effect of violence during mass uprisings on the duration of the democratization process and inclusiveness in elections
2017 |
Ghost seats in parliaments
European Journal of Operational Research,
2017 |
Polarisierung in der Demokratie: Formen und Wirkungen
2017 |
Democracy, Post-Democracy and the Populist Challenge
2017 |
Les citoyens qui viennent: Comment le renouvellement générationnel transforme la politique en France
2017 |
Sparrows of Despair: Migration as a Signalling Device for Dysfunctional States in Europe
Government and Opposition,
2017 |
Personalizing Politics and Realizing Democracy
2017 |
Evropská občanská iniciativa jako nástroj rozvoje občanskopolitické participace pohledem konceptu struktury politických příležitostí.
2017 |
Crisis and dissatisfacion. The rise of critical abstention in southern Europe, 2002-2012
2016 |
Understanding the Populist Shift: Othering in a Europe in Crisis
2016 |
Virtuous villages and sinful cities? A spatial analysis into the effects of community characteristics on turnout and blank/invalid voting in local elections in Belgium 2006 …
Acta Politica,
2016 |
Sexual violence and restorative practices in Belgium, Ireland and Norway: a thematic analysis of country variations
Journal of Culinary Science & Technology,
2016 |
The Islamic Republic: A Bastion of Stability in the Region?
2016 |
Distrust unbound: What next after joining the EU
Communist and Post-Communist Studies,
2016 |
2016 |
Crisis y descontento. El aumento de la abstención crítica en el sur de Europa, 2002-2012
2016 |
9 Democracy, post-democracy and the populist challenge
2016 |
Virtuous villages and sinful cities? A spatial analysis into the effects of community characteristics on turnout and blank/invalid voting in local elections in Belgium 2006 …
Acta Politica,
2016 |
Journal of International Affairs,
2016 |
Getting out the vote in France and the United States
French Politics, Culture and Society,
2016 |
Filling the void?: The politics of institutional reforms in times of democratic crisis in Ireland
Party Politics and Democracy in Europe,
2015 |
How parties self-define: Party functions in European party legislation
2015 |
Party competition and policy output in Ireland over time
Party Politics and Democracy in Europe,
2015 |
4 Party competition and policy output in Ireland over time
Party Politics and Democracy in Europe: Essays in Honour of Peter Mair,
2015 |
Ghost Seats in the Basque Parliament
2015 |
Virtuous villages and sinful cities? A spatial analysis into the effects of community characteristics on turnout and blank/invalid voting in local elections in Belgium 2006–2012
Acta Politica,
2015 |
Citizenship education and 'Bildung': Learning from “the Norwegian way”: a case study of teaching and learning democracy in a Norwegian junior high school.
2014 |
Elementi politi?ne patologije in njihov vpliv na volilno abstinenco
FZAD VEDE - dk.fdv.uni-lj.si,
2014 |
Participation in elections to the European Parliament
2014 |
Impact of internal migration on political participation in turkey
Available at SSRN 2405760,
2014 |
Geografska analiza volilne udele?be v Sloveniji//Geographical analysis of voter turnout in Slovenia
Geografski vestnik,
2014 |
Citizenship Education and 'Bildung': Learning from “the Norwegian way”
2014 |
Partis et système de partis en France de 1945 à nos jours
2014 |
Les partis politiques en France
2014 |
Ztraceny v tranzici?: minulost a přítomnost politického stranictví ve střední a východní Evropě
2014 |
Political Science,
2013 |
The Ideological Flexibility of Established Radical Right Parties in Western Europe: A Comparison Between the Italian League and
Skuggakosningar í framhaldsskólum: Kosningaþátttaka og lýðræðisvitund ungs fólks
Turnout Drop in Times of Crisis?
Y Choe