has been cited by the following article(s):
The dilemma of the trigger timing in IVF: a review
Middle East Fertility …,
2024 |
Efeitos da cafeína na foliculogênese, desenvolvimento placentário e em parâmetros reprodutivos, biométricos e comportamentais transgeracionais em modelo …
2023 |
Relationship of maximum follicular size, age of woman, and reproductive implications in women attending fertility clinic in St. Margaret's Hospital, Lokoja …
2019 |
In ovaries with high or low variation in follicle size, granulosa cells of antral follicles exhibit distinct size-related processes
2019 |
The Clinical Significance of A Low Percentage of Mature Oocytes Retrieved Using Common Ovarian Stimulation Protocols
Journal Of Fertility Biomarkers,
2017 |
The clinical significance of a low percentage of mature oocytes retrieved using common ovarianstimulation protocols
J O U R N A L O F F E R T I L I T Y B I O M A R K E R S,
2017 |
The Clinical Significance of A Low Percentage of Mature Oocytes Retrieved Using Common Ovarian Stimulation Protocols.
2017 |
Changing ovarian stimulation parameters in a subsequent cycle does not increase the number of euploid embryos
Fertility and sterility,
2015 |
Effect of lower than expected number of oocyte on the IVF results after oocyte-pickup
International journal of clinical and experimental medicine,
2014 |
Factors associated with oocyte recovery rates during in-vitro fertilization among Nigerian women
The Pan African Medical Journal,
In ovaries with high or low variation in follicle size, granulosa cells of antral follicles exhibit distinct size-related processes
Molecular Human Reproduction,
Changing ovarian stimulation parameters in a subsequent cycle does not increase the number of euploid embryos
Fertility and Sterility,
Acupuncture for IVF and Assisted Reproduction