Acupuncture treating heart diseases based on sixty JiaZi and eight palaces—mathematical reasoning of treatment principle based on Yin Yang Wu xing theory …
2021 |
Possibilities of The Akabane Test to Monitor Excess Body Mass Index and Control Its Transformation into Type 2 Diabetes
2021 |
Acupuncture treating heart disease based on eight palaces or eight veins—mathematical reasoning of treatment principle based on Yin Yang Wu Xing theory in traditional Chinese medicine (IV)
Chinese Medicine,
2021 |
Acupuncture Treating Heart Diseases Based on Sixty JiaZi and Eight Palaces—Mathematical Reasoning of Treatment Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing …
2021 |
Negative Answer of Hilbert's Sixth Mathematical Conjecture—Mathematical Reasoning of Philosophical Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing …
Open Journal of Philosophy,
2021 |
Acupuncture treating heart diseases based on sixty JiaZi and eight palaces—mathematical reasoning of treatment principle based on Yin Yang Wu xing theory in traditional Chinese medicine (V)
Chinese Medicine,
2021 |
Acupuncture Treating Heart Diseases Based on Sixty JiaZi and Eight Palaces—Mathematical Reasoning of Treatment Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu …
Chinese Medicine,
2021 |
GDP 6% to 16%—Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (II)
2020 |
GDP 6% to 16%
2020 |
Acupuncture Treating Dystrophy Based on pH—Mathematical Reasoning of Treatment Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine (III)
Chinese Medicine,
2019 |
Acupuncture Treating Dystrophy Based on pH—Mathematical Reasoning of Treatment Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese …
2019 |
GDP for the Water Subsystem based on Eight Palaces or Eight Veins–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (IV)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2018 |
Finance for the jun-Fire Subsystem based on Zangxiang and Jingluo–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (III)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2018 |
CPI for the Earth Subsystem based on Eight Palaces or Eight Veins –Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (IV)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2018 |
GBR for the Metal Subsystem based on Eight Palaces or Eight Veins–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (IV)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2018 |
GBR for the Metal Subsystem based on Six JiaZi and Eight Palaces-Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (V)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2018 |
2018 |
Finance for the Jun-Fire Subsystem based on Eight Palaces or Eight Veins–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (IV)
Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2018 |
GBR for the Metal Subsystem based on Six JiaZi andEight Palaces-Mathematical Reasoning of EconomicIntervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu XingTheory in Traditional Chinese Economics (V
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR,
2018 |
AF for the xiang-Fire Subsystem based on Six Jiazi and Eight Palaces-Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (V)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2018 |
Finance for the jun-Fire Subsystem based on Six Jiazi and Eight Palaces-Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (V)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2018 |
RPI 1% to 5%–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (II)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2017 |
CPI from 2% to 5%-Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (II)
2017 |
AAF for the xiang-Fire Subsystem based on Six Jiazi and Eight Palaces-Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (V)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2017 |
Finance for the jun-Fire Subsystem based on Six Jiazi and Eight Palaces-Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu …
2017 |
pH 7.35 to 7.45-Mathematical Reasoning of Treatment Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine (II)
2017 |
AAF for the xiang-Fire Subsystem based on Zangxiang and Jingluo–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (III)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2017 |
GBR for the Metal Subsystem based on Eight Palaces or Eight Veins–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing …
2017 |
GBR for the metal Subsystem based on Zangxiang and Jingluo–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (III)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2017 |
AAF for the Xiang-Fire Subsystem based on Eight Palaces or Eight Veins–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (IV)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2017 |
AAF for the Xiang-Fire Subsystem based on EightPalaces or Eight Veins– Mathematical Reasoning ofEconomic Intervening Principle Based on Yin YangWu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics(IV)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2017 |
RPI for the Wood Subsystem based on Six JiaZi andEight Palaces– Mathematical Reasoning of EconomicIntervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu XingTheory in Traditional Chinese Economics (V)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2017 |
RPI for the Wood Subsystem based on Zangxiang and Jingluo–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (III)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2017 |
AAF for the Xiang-Fire Subsystem based on Eight Palaces or Eight Veins– Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (IV)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,
2017 |
碳球粒径对 Cu/C 催化剂甲醇水蒸气重整反 应 性 能 的 影 响
上海应用技术学院学报 (自然科学版 …,
2016 |
上海应用技术学院学报: 自然科学版,
2016 |
上海应用技术学院学报: 自然科学版,
2015 |
2015 |
2015 |
2015 |
2014 |
Symmetrical Design of Experiment in Global Sensitivity Analysis Based on ANOVA High-Dimensional Model Representation
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation,
2014 |
2014 |
2014 |
2014 |
自动化软件的基本概念和基本原则-兼谈 SAS 语言和广义正交表的特点
2014 |
2014 |
上海应用技术学院学报: 自然科学版,
2013 |
Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on “Yin Yang Wu Xing” Theory in Traditional Chinese Economics (I)
Modern Economy,
2013 |
上海应用技术学院学报: 自然科学版,
2013 |
RPI for the Wood Subsystem based on Six JiaZi and Eight Palaces–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing …
CPI for the Earth Subsystem based on Zangxiang and Jingluo–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory …
RPI for the Wood Subsystem based on Eight Palaces or Eight Veins–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing …
GDP for the Water Subsystem based on Zangxiang and Jingluo–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing …
GBR for the Metal Subsystem based on Eight Palaces or Eight Veins–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory …
RPI for the Wood Subsystem based on Eight Palaces or Eight Veins–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory …
CPI for the Water Subsystem based on Six Jiazi and Eight Palaces-Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory in …
AAF for the xiang-Fire Subsystem based on Six Jiazi and Eight Palaces-Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing …
AAF for the xiang-Fire Subsystem based on Zangxiang and Jingluo–Mathematical Reasoning of Economic Intervening Principle Based on Yin Yang Wu Xing Theory …