Life in light of the Sphere Model of Consciousness: a bio-electrophysiological perspective on (well-) being and the embodied self
Soussan, P Paoletti - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences,
2024 |
Exploring Consciousness Perception within Reference Frameworks
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research,
2023 |
The Influence of Burst-Firing EMF on Forskolin-Induced Pheochromocytoma (PC12) Plasma Membrane Extensions
2021 |
Bacterial biophotons as non‐local information carriers: Species‐specific spectral characteristics of a stress response
2018 |
Michael A. Persinger (1945-2018): A Pioneer in Neuromagnetism from God Helmet to Non-local Brain Effect
2018 |
EPH-International Journal of Medical and Health …,
2018 |
Coupling the Permeability and Permittivity of Space to the Electron Orbital Time: Potential Phase Shift Between Entanglement Latency and the Universe’s Final Epoch
International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science,
2017 |
List of Figures Chapter Three
2017 |
Coupling the Permeability and Permittivity of Space to the Electron Orbital Time: Potential Phase Shift Between Entanglement Latency and the Universe's Final Epoch
2017 |
A Review of the Ultron-Logotron Theory: Consciousness and Quantum Physics
2017 |
Acceleration of Radiative Decay of Photon Counts With Increasing Numbers of Measurement Units: A Potential Large Scale Negative Zeno Effect That Matches With Lorentz Contraction and Photon Acceleration Durations
Journal of Advances in Physics,
2016 |
Photon Emissions as Differential Indicators for Different Components of Protein Kinase A (PKA) in Transfected Murine Melanoma Cells
2016 |
The Potential for Excess Correlation (Entanglement) between Flow States in Pairs of Gamers Sharing Specific Circumcerebral Rotating Magnetic Fields
2016 |
The Aharanov-Bohm Phase Shift and Magnetic Vector Potential “A” Could Accommodate for Optical Coupler, Digital-to-Analogue Magnetic Field Excess Correlations of Photon Emissions Within Living Aqueous Systems
2016 |
Phonon Guided Biology. Architecture of Life and Conscious Perception Are Mediated by Toroidal Coupling of Phonon, Photon and Electron Information Fluxes at Discrete Eigenfrequencies
2016 |
The Third Option for Stopping Cancer: Complex, Temporally Patterned Weak Magnetic Fields-Critical Factors That Influence Their Efficacy and Potential Mechanisms
World Scientific News,
2016 |
Hidden Connections Between NanoTesla Magnetic Fields, Cosic Molecular Resonance, and Photonic Fields Within Living Systems
World Scientific News,
2016 |
The Biomass of the Earth as the Direct Energy-Mass Equivalence from~ 3.5 Billions of Years of Solar Flux
World Scientific News,
2016 |
Experimental Evidence That Specific Photon Energies Are" Stored" in Malignant Cells for an Hour: The Synergism of Weak Magnetic Field-LED Wavelength Pulses
Biology and Medicine,
2016 |
Cumulative Residual Photon Power Density of~ 10-12 W* m-2 During Mild" Distress" in the Same Space: Implications for Temporal Entanglement
2016 |
The Science of the Five Elements in the Evolution of Humanity: Primo Vascular System (Bonghan Circulatory System)
Open Journal of Philosophy,
2016 |
A Possible Flux Density Value of 10-12 W· m-2 for “Spontaneous” Photon Emissions in Fixed Human Brain Tissue: Was Spinoza Correct?
Research in Neuroscience,
2016 |
Rotational Frequency Matching of the Energy of the Changing Angular Velocity Magnetic Field Intensity and the Proton Magnetic Moment Produces a Ten Fold Increased Excess Correlation in pH Shifts in Spring Water
2016 |
Identifying Factors Which Contribute to the Magnitude of Excess Correlations between Magnetic Field-Paired Volumes of Water
2016 |
Interaction between virtual (computer gaming) environments, brain activity, and the Schumann resonance as the next evolutionary step in adaptation: Teilhard de …
2016 |
The Aharanov-Bohm phase shift and magnetic vector potential A could accommodate for optical coupler, digital-to-analogue magnetic field excess …
Journal of Advances in Physics,
2016 |
Elimination of growth inhibition of malignant cells by specific patterned magnetic fields when source solenoids are wrapped with copper: implications for …
2016 |
The Third Option for Stopping Cancer: Complex, Temporally Patterned Weak Magnetic Fields-Critical Factors That Influence Their Efficacy and Potential …
World Scientific News,
2016 |
Interaction between virtual (computer gaming) environments, brain activity, and the Schumann resonance as the next evolutionary step in adaptation: Teilhard …
2016 |
Rotational frequency matching of the energy of the changing angular velocity magnetic field intensity and the proton magnetic moment produces a ten fold increased …
2015 |
Cumulative Residual Photon Power Density of~ 10-12 W• m-2 During Mild “Distress” in the Same Space: Implications for Temporal Entanglement
2015 |
Melanoma Cells and Tumors are Still Viable at Least Three Days Following Removal from Homeostatic Sources
Archives in Cancer Research,
2015 |
Maintained exposure to spring water but not double distilled water in darkness and thixotropic conditions to weak (~ 1 µT) temporally patterned magnetic fields …
Journal of Biophysical …,
2015 |
Experimentally-Induced Inhibition of Growth in Melanoma Cell Cultures Separated by~ 2 Kilometers When Both Share Excess Correlation Magnetic Fields …
Journal of Signal and …,
2015 |
Annual Fluctuations (~10-12 W•m-2) in Ground Level Photon Power Densities: Quantitative Evidence for Possible Modulation From the Galactic Center
International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science,
2015 |
Experimental Evidence of Superposition and Superimposition of Cerebral Activity Within Pairs of Human Brains Separated by 6,000 Km: Central Role of the Parahippocampal Regions
2015 |
Correlations between US county annual cancer incidence and population density
American journal of cancer research,
2015 |
Enhancement of Theta and Gamma Activity Power Within Fixed Sections of Human Brains Stimulated by Sean Harribance's Electroencephalographic Configuration: Is He Equivalent to a" Universal Donor" for Entanglement?
2015 |
Local Electromagnetic Fields Exhibit Temporally Non-Linear, East-West Oriented 1-5 nT Diminishments within a Toroid: Empirical Measurement and Quantitative Solutions Indicating a Potential Mechanism for Excess Correlation
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications,
2015 |
Experimentally-Induced Inhibition of Growth in Melanoma Cell Cultures Separated by~ 2 Kilometers When Both Share Excess Correlation Magnetic Fields: Macroscopic Evidence of Free-Space Quantum Teleportation?
Journal of Signal and Information Processing,
2015 |
Combined Spectral Resonances of Signaling Proteins' Amino Acids in the ERK-MAP Pathway Reflect Unique Patterns That Predict Peak Photon Emissions and Universal Energies
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy,
2015 |
Combined Spectral Resonances of Signaling Proteins' Amino Acids in the ERK-MAP Pathway Reflect Unique Patterns That Predict Peak Photon Emissions and …
International …,
2015 |
Variable Viscosity of Water as the Controlling Factor in Energetic Quantities That Control Living Systems: Physicochemical and Astronomical Interactions
2015 |
Delayed Shifts in pH Responses to Weak Acids in Spring Water Exposed to Circular Rotating Magnetic Fields: A Narrow Band Intensity-Dependence.
International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry,
2015 |
Magnetic Fields Generated By Optical Coupler Circuits May Also Be Containment Loci for Entanglement of PN Junction-Plasma Cell Membrane Photons Within Exposed Living Systems
2015 |
Maintained Exposure to Spring Water but Not Double Distilled Water in Darkness and Thixotropic Conditions to Weak (~ 1 μT) Temporally Patterned Magnetic Fields Shift Photon Spectroscopic Wavelengths: Effects of Different Shielding Materials
Journal of Biophysical Chemistry,
2015 |
Human Quantitative Electroencephalographic and Schumann Resonance Exhibit Real-Time Coherence of Spectral Power Densities: Implications for Interactive Information Processing
Journal of Signal and Information Processing,
2015 |
Potential Role of the Entanglement Velocity of 10^ sup 23^ m* s^ sup-1^ To Accommodate Recent Measurements of Large Scale Structures of the Universe
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy,
2015 |
Neuroscientific Investigation of Anomalous Cognition
Extrasensory Perception: Support, Skepticism, and Science [2 volumes],
2015 |
Thixotropic phenomena in water: quantitative indicators of Casimir-magnetic transformations from vacuum oscillations (virtual particles)
2015 |
Demonstration of Excess Correlation in Non-Local Random Number Generators Sharing Circular, Changing Angular Velocity Magnetic Fields
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research,
2015 |
Convergent Quantification and Physical Support for Teilhard de Chardin's Philosophy Concerning the Human Species and Evolutionary Consciousness
Open Journal of Philosophy,
2015 |
LORETA indicates frequency-specific suppressions of current sources within the cerebrums of blindfolded subjects from patterns of blue light flashes applied over the skull
Epilepsy & Behavior,
2015 |
Variability of Hubble's Parameter, Geomagnetic Activity, and Putative Changes in Space-Mass Density: Implications for Terrestrial Cell Growth
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy,
2015 |
Correlations between a New Daily Global Indicator of Human Behavior, Threshold Seismicity, and Solar Activity: Congruence of Energy and Implications
Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research,
2015 |
Photon emission from melanoma cells during brief stimulation by patterned magnetic fields: is the source coupled to rotational diffusion within the membrane
General Physiology and Biophysics,
2014 |
Non-Local pH Shifts and Shared Changing Angular Velocity Magnetic Fields: Discrete Energies and the Importance of Point Durations
Journal of Biophysical Chemistry,
2014 |
Cosic's Resonance Recognition Model for Protein Sequences and Photon Emission Differentiates Lethal and Non-Lethal Ebola Strains: Implications for Treatment
Open Journal of Biophysics,
2014 |
Non-Locality changes in intercerebral theta band coherence between practitioners and subjects during distant Reiki procedures
AC Ventura, KS Saroka, MA Persinger - journals.sfu.ca,
2014 |
Schumann Resonance Frequencies Found Within Quantitative Electroencephalographic Activity: Implications for Earth-Brain Interactions
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy,
2014 |
Evidence for a Causal Relationship Between Mach's Principle and the Quantitative Latency for Universal Entanglement
MA Persinger, SA Koren - ilcpa.pl,
2014 |
Convergence of Numbers of Synapses and Quantum Foci Within Human Brain Space: Quantitative Implications of the Photon as the Source of Cognition
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy,
2014 |
Biophoton signal transmission and processing in the brain
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology,
2014 |
The Cancer Cell Plasma Membrane Potentials As Energetic Equivalents to Astrophysical Properties
MA Persinger, RM Lafrenie - ilcpa.pl,
2014 |
Premonitions: A Global Online Statistical Tracking Study of Precognitive Predictions
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research? ,
2014 |
Quantitative evidence for direct effects between earth-ionosphere Schumann Resonances and human cerebral cortical activity
2014 |
Conditioning of Space-Time: The Relationship between Experimental Entanglement, Space-Memory and Consciousness
Journal of Nonlocality,
2014 |
Conspicuous Bursts of Photon Emissions in Malignant Cell Cultures Following Injections of Morphine: Implications for Cancer Treatment
International Journal of Current Research,
2014 |
Magnetic Field Configurations Corresponding to Electric Field Patterns That Evoke Long-Term Potentiation Shift Power Spectra of Light Emissions from Microtubules from Non-Neural Cells
Open Journal of Biophysics,
2014 |
Comparable proportions of classes of experiences and intracerebral consequences for surgical stimulation and external application of weak magnetic field patterns: implications for converging effects in complex partial seizures
Epilepsy & Behavior,
2013 |
2013 |
Experimental evidence that Hubble's Parameter could be reflected in local physical and chemical reactions: support for Mach's principle of imminence of the universe
2013 |
Gravitational and experimental electromagnetic contributions to cerebral effects upon deviations from random number variations generated by electron …
… Letters of Chemistry …,
2013 |
Excessive correlated shifts in pH within distal solutions sharing phase-uncoupled angular accelerating magnetic fields: macro-entanglement and information …
International Journal of …,
2013 |
The Relationship between Human Consciousness & Universal Consciousness
Scientific GOD Journal,
2013 |
Cerebral Activity and Source Profiles Accompanying the Process of Non-Locality
2013 |
Persinger Group's Recent Experiments, Spin Network and TGD
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research,
2013 |
Human Consciousness as Limited Version of Universal Consciousness
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research,
2013 |
Groundbreaking New Results in Consciousness, Quantum Brain & Nonlocality Research
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research,
2013 |
Support for Eddington's Number and his approach to astronomy: recent developments in the physics and chemistry of the human brain
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy,
2013 |
Incremental Shifts in pH Spring Water Can Be Stored as “Space-Memory”: Encoding and Retrieval Through the Application of the Same Rotating Magnetic Field
2013 |
Comments on the recent experiments by the group of Michael Persinger
Journal of Nonlocality,
2013 |
Dimensional Analyses of Geometric Products and the Boundary Condi-tions of the Universe: Implications for a Quantitative Value for the La-tency to Display Entanglement
Open Astronomy Journal,
2013 |
Experimental demonstration of potential entanglement of brain activity over 300 Km for pairs of subjects sharing the same circular rotating, angular accelerating Magnetic fields: verification by s_LORETA, QEEG measurements
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research? ,
2013 |
Gravitational and experimental electromagnetic contributions to cerebral effects upon deviations from random number variations generated by electron tunneling
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy,
2013 |
Excessive correlated shifts in pH within distal solutions sharing phase-uncoupled angular accelerating magnetic fields: Macro-entanglement and information transfer
International Journal of Physical Sciences,
2013 |
Billions of human brains immersed within a shared geomagnetic field: Quantitative solutions and implications for future adaptations
Open Biology Journal,
2013 |
Minimum Attenuation of Physiologically-Patterned, 1 μTesla Magnetic Fields through Simulated Skull and Cerebral Space
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications,
2013 |
Congruence of energies for cerebral photon emissions, quantitative EEG activities and~ 5 nT changes in the proximal geomagnetic field support spin-based hypothesis of consciousness
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research,
2013 |
Marked increases in background photon emissions in Sudbury Ontario more than one week before the magnitude> 8.0 earthquakes in Japan and Chile
International Journal of Geosciences,
2012 |
Increased photon emission from the head while imagining light in the dark is correlated with changes in electroencephalographic power: Support for Bókkon's Biophoton Hypothesis
Neuroscience letters,
2012 |
Solutions for real values in Minkowski four-dimensional space may link macro-and micro-quantum processes in the brain
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,
2012 |
Acceleration of Radiative Decay of Photon Counts With Increasing Numbers of Measurement Units: A Potential Large Scale Negative Zeno Effect That …