American Journal of Operations Research

American Journal of Operations Research

ISSN Print: 2160-8830
ISSN Online: 2160-8849
"Distribution Pattern and Seasonal Variation of Bird Species from Semi-Urban Area of Taungoo Environs"
written by San San Oo, Nyo Nyo Aung, Aye Aye Khine, Myo Sandar Win, San Aung, Tun Tun Myint, Khin Khin Yone, Nwe Nwe Aung, Khin Maw Maw Myint, Aung Aung, Khin Mar Lwin, Soe Soe Win, Nyunt Nyunt Oo, Biak Khun Aye,
published by American Journal of Operations Research, Vol.10 No.4, 2020
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