Special Issue on Molecular Genetics Research
Molecular Genetics is the field that combined the molecular biology and genetics. It utilizes the methods of molecular and genetics methods to elucidate the molecular structures, molecular functions and the interactions among genes. As to the determination of descendants, using molecular genetics can help to understand the development of organisms. Genetic mutations that can cause certain types of diseases, molecular genetics also helps in discovering the reasons why traits are carried on and how and why these happened.
The common techniques in molecular genetics were amplification, separation and detection, and expression. One of the most important hotspots in molecular genetics is gene therapy. Though the gene therapy is still being experimented, it brings hopes for those incurable diseases, such as inherited disorders, cancers, immune system disorders.
In this special issue, we intend to invite front-line researchers and authors to submit original researches and review articles on exploring molecular genetics. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Study the structure and function of genes
Elucidate molecular function and interactions among genes
Applied in gene therapy
Amplification, separation and detection in molecular genetics
Applied in human genome project
Authors should read over the journal’s Authors’ Guidelines carefully before submission. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal at Paper Submission System.
Please kindly notice that the “Special Issue” under your manuscript title is supposed to be specified and the research field “Special Issue - Molecular Genetics Research” should be chosen during your submission.
According to the following timetable:
Manuscript Due
May 15th, 2014
Publication Date
July 2014
Guest Editor:
Prof. Benoit Chénais
University of Maine – Le Mans, France
For further questions or inquiries
Please contact Editorial Assistant at