Special Issue on
Meningitis, Encephalitis and Meningococcal Disease
Meningitis is defined as the inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord known as the meninges. Encephalitis is the inflammation of the brain. Encephalitis with meningitis is known as meningoencephalitis. Meningococcal disease is any infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis, or meningococcus. Having meningitis doesn't always mean you have meningococcal disease. And having meningococcal disease doesn’t necessarily mean you have meningitis. These conditions are different from each other, but some have similar symptoms and sometimes overlap with each other.
In this special issue, we intend to invite front-line researchers and authors to submit original research and review articles on exploring Meningitis, Encephalitis and Meningococcal Disease. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Authors should read over the journal’s For Authors carefully before submission. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal’s Paper Submission System.
Please kindly specify the “Special Issue” under your manuscript title. The research field “Special Issue - Meningitis, Encephalitis and Meningococcal Disease” should be selected during your submission.
Special Issue Timetable:
Submission Deadline
March 31st, 2016
Publication Date
May 2016
Guest Editor:
For further questions or inquiries, please contact Editorial Assistant at