Prof. Mohammed Kayed Abdel-Haq
Centre for
Islamic Finance, The University
of Bolton
Director of the
Centre&Professor of
Research fields
Investing in various financial
markets and instruments
Other issues relating to the
effective management of financial, operational, and business risk.
Risk and performance
management and measurement
Risk management processes
1993 Ph.D., Islamic
Finance, School of Business, Oxford Brooks University in collaboration with the
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, St Cross College, University of Oxford, UK
1989 M.A., Economics,
Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
1986 B.A., Economics, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Publications (selected)
ABDEL-HAQ, M., AL-OMAR, F., 1989. ‘Islamic
Banking: Theory, Practices and Challenges’ Zed
Books, London, UK andOxford
University Press, Karachi
M., ‘Toward Democracy and Economic Reform’ Jordan
Times, Jordan
M., ‘The Islamic Development Bank’ The
American Journal of Islamic Finance, Washington, USA
M., ‘Islamic Banking’s flagship in Jordan’, New
Horizon Islamic Banking and InsuranceNo.20, London, UK
M., ‘Sharia-compliant student loans good news for young Muslims’, The Conversation2014-09-17
Review: Muslim World Book Review, ‘Arab
Islamic Banking and the Renewal of Islamic Law’ RAY, N.D., Graham and Trotman,
London. 1995. Pp. 195. ISBN O-85966- 1041
Review: Muslim World Book Review, ‘The
Political Economy of Poverty, Equity and Growth: Sri Lanka and Malaysia’
BRUTON, H.J., ABEYSEKERA, G., SANDERATNE, N., YUSOF, Z.A.,Oxford University Pres,New York, USA 1992. pp.422. ISBN
Review: Middle East Association Bulletin, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, ‘Islam and the Economic Challenge’ CHAPRA,
M.U., The Islamic Foundation, Leicester,
UK, 1992. Pp.428. ISBN 086037-216-2
Review: Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia Vol. X111 No. 11, July 1993 ‘Essays in Islamic Economic Analysis’
edited by FARIDI, F.R., Genuine
Publications Ltd, New Delhi, 1991. Pp. 243. ISBN 81-852204-6
Review: Muslim World Book Review, ‘Islamic
Banking in Pakistan: The Future Path’ KHAN, M.A.,Al-Maab Printers,Lahore, 1992. Pp.55. ISBN not given.
Review: Muslim World Book Review, ‘Arab and
Islamic Banks: New Business Partners for Developing Countries’ WOHLERS-SCHARF,
T., Development Centre of the
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1983. Pp not given.
ISBN not given.
Review: Muslim World Book Review, Vol 12 No 4,
Summer, 1992, ‘The Economics of Money and Banking: A Theoretical and Empirical
Study of Islamic Interest-Free Banking’, SINELDIN, M., Almqvist and Wiksell International, Sweden 1990. Pp xiv+276. ISBN
Profile Details