Prof. Hussein A. Abdou
Department of
Accountancy & Finance, The Business School
Huddersfield University, UK
Professor of Finance and Banking
Email: (preferred),
Research fields:
structure and credit-arbitrage methods
insurance and reinsurance
Risk and
performance management and measurement
management processes
2013 FHEA, Fellow
of the Higher Education Academy, UK
2009 Ph.D.
Finance & Banking, The University of Plymouth Business School, Plymouth, UK
2007 PGCert., Higher
Education, UK.
1997 BCom (Hon)
Business Administration, The University of Mansoura Business School, Egypt
Publications (selected)
Abdou, H., Alam, S. and Mulkeen, J. (2014) ‘Would credit scoring work for Islamic finance? A
neural network approach’ International
Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 7 (1),
pp. 112-125.
Abdou, H., Muslem, O. and Ismal, R. (2014) ‘Risk Management Practices in the Republic of Yemen:
Are Islamic banks different?’ Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and
Finance, 10 (3). Pp. 46-73.
Abdou, H., Ali, K. and Lister, R. (2014) ‘A comparative study of Takaful and conventional
insurance: empirical evidence from the Malaysian market’ Insurance Markets and Companies: Analyses
and Actuarial Computations, 4 (1), pp. 22-34.
Abdou, H., English, J. and Adewunmi, P. (2014) ‘An investigation of risk management practices in
electronic banking: the case of the UK banks’ Banks and Bank Systems, 9 (3).
Abdou, H., Idiongette, E. and Mulkeen, J. (2012) ‘An evaluation of customer perceptions on CRM within
the UK retail banking’ Journal
of Money, Investment and Banking (26), pp. 74-86.
Abdou, H., Pointon, J., El-Masry, A., Olugbode, M. and
Lister, R. (2012) ‘A variable impact neural network analysis of dividend
policies and share prices of transportation and related companies’ Journal of International Financial Markets,
Institutions and Money, 22 (4), pp. 796-813.
Abdou, H., Kuzmic, A., Pointon, J. and Lister, R.
(2012) ‘Determinants of
capital structure in the UK retail industry: a comparison of multiple
regression and generalized regression neural network’ Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance
and Management, 19 (3), pp. 151-169.
Serra, F., Pointon, J. and Abdou, H. (2012) ‘Factors influencing the propensity to export: A study
of UK and Portuguese textile firms’ International Business Review, 21
(2), pp. 210-224.
Mostafa, W., Eldomiaty, T. and Abdou, H. (2011) ‘The effect of bank capital structure and financial
indicators on CI's financial strength ratings: the case of the Middle East’ Banks and Bank Systems, 6 (3),
pp. 5-15.
Abdou, H. and Pointon, J. (2011) ‘Credit scoring, statistical techniques and evaluation
criteria: a review of the literature’ Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance
and Management, 18 (2-3), pp. 59-88.
Duggimpudi, R., Abdou, H. and Zaki, M. (2010) ‘An evaluation of equity diversified mutual funds: the
case of the Indian market’ Investment
management and Financial Innovations, 7 (4), pp. 66-73.
Abdou, H (2009) ‘Genetic programming for credit scoring: The case of
Egyptian public sector banks’ Expert Systems with Applications,
36 (9), pp. 11402-11417.
Abdou, H. and Pointon, J. (2009) ‘Credit scoring and decision making in Egyptian public
sector banks’ International
Journal of Managerial Finance, 5 (4), pp. 391-406.
Dakrory, M. and Abdou, H. (2009) ‘Virtual teams processes: a conceptualization and
application’ Problems
and Perspectives in Management, 7 (3), pp. 15-26.
Delamaire, L., Abdou, H. and Pointon , J. (2009) ‘Credit card fraud and detection techniques: a review’ Banks and Bank Systems, 4 (2),
pp. 57-68.
Abdou, H (2009) ‘An evaluation of alternative scoring models in
private banking’ The
Journal of Risk Finance, 10 (1), pp. 38-53.
Abdou, H., Pointon, J. and El-Masry, A. (2008) ‘Neural nets versus conventional techniques in credit
scoring in Egyptian banking’ Expert
Systems with Applications , 35 (3), pp. 1275-1292.
Profile Details
Last Updated: 2014-03-31