
Prof. David Alberto Salas-de-León

National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico






Ph.D., University of Liege, Belgium, Oceanology

B.Sc., Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico


Publications (selected)

1.     Duran-Campos, E., Salas-de-León, D.A., Monreal-Gómez, M.A., Aldeco-Ramírez, J., Coria-Monter. E. (In press) Differentialzooplanktonaggregationdue to relativevorticity in a semi-enclosedbay. Estuarine, Coastal and ShelfScience. Available online 6 July 2015.

2.     Arellano-Torres, E., R. S. Ganeshram, L. E. Pichevin, and D. A. Salas-de-Leon (2015), Persistent millennial-scale climate variability in the eastern tropical North Pacific over the last two glacial cycles, Paleoceanography, 30, doi: 10.1002/2014PA002714.

3.     Salas-de-León, D.A., Monreal-Gómez, M.A., Gracia, A., Salas-Monreal, D. (2015) TwoYears of Oceanographic and Meteorological Data fromthe UNAM BuoyAnchored at Socorro Island in theMexicanPacific. Open Journal of Marine Science, Vol.5 No.2, 182-192.

4.     Vera-Mendoza, R.R., and D.A. Salas-de-León (2014) Effects of environmental factor on zooplankton abundance and distribution in river discharge influence areas in the Shoutern Gulf of Mexico. In: F. Amezcua, B. Bellgraph (eds.), Fisheries Management of Mexican and Central American Estuaries,Estuaries of the World, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8917-2_7, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, 93-112 p.

5.     Hernández-Alcantara, P., D.A. Salas-de-León, V. Solis-Weiss, M.A. Monreal-Gómez (2014). Bathymetric patterns of polychaete (Annelida) species richness in the continental shelf of the Gulf of California, Eastern Pacific. Journal of Sea Research, Vol. 91, 79–87.

6.     Coria-Monter E., M.A. Monreal-Gómez, D.A. Salas-de-León, J. Aldeco, M. Merino-Ibarra (2014) Differential distribution of diatoms and dinoflagellates in a cyclonic eddy confined in the Bay of La Paz, Gulf of California. J. Geophys. Res. DOI: 10.1002/2014JC009916.

7.     Aquino-Cruz, A., D.U. Hernandez-Becerril, M. Signoret-Poillon, D.A. Salas-de-León, and M. A. Monreal-Gomez (2013). Studies on picophytoplankton in the southern Gulf of Mexico: recognition of picoprokaryotes and abundances of picophytoplankton during dry season. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography. 61(4):265-276.

8.     Monreal-Gómez, M.A., D.A. Salas-de-León, C. Flores-Coto, F. Flores-Hernández, D. Salas-Monreal, and M.L. Riverón-Enzástiga (2013). Tidal effects on ichthyoplankton aggregation and dispersion in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography. 61(4):231-241.

9.     Hernández-Alcántara, P., D.A. Salas-de-León, V. Solis-Weiss, and M.A. Monreal-Gómez (2013). Geographical patterns in species richness of the benthic polychaetes in the continental shelf of the Gulf of California. Helgol Mar. Res. DOI 10.1007/s10152-013-0345-4.

10.   Expósito-Díaz, G., M.A. Monreal-Gómez, A. Valle-Levinson, D.A. Salas-de-León (2013). Tidal variations of turbulence at a spring discharging to a tropical estuary. Gephys. Res. Let. Vol. 40, 898-903, DOI: 10.1002/grl.50194. (FI: 3.982).

11.   Robinson, C.J., J. Gómez-Gutiérrez, and D.A. Salas-de-León (2013). Jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) landings in the Gulf of California related to remotely sensed SST and concentrations of chlorophyll a (1998–2012). Fisheries Research.137. 97-103.

12.   Salas-Monreal, D., D.A. Salas-de-León, M.A. Monreal-Gómez, M.L. Riverón-Enzástiga, E. Mojica-Ramirez (2012). Hydraulic jump in the Gulf of California. Open Journal of Marine Science. 2, 141-149.

13.   Aldeco, J., M. Signoret-Poillon., M.A. Monreal-Gómez, D.A. Salas-de-León (2012). Export of materials on a tidal channel that connects through a river a coastal lagoon with the adjacent sea. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 60(3): 311-322.

14.   Hernández-Becerril, D.U., A. Aquino-Cruz, D.A. Salas-de-León, M. Signoret-Poillon, M.A. Monreal-Gómez (2012). Studies on picophytoplankton in the southern Gulf of Mexico: pigment analysis and potential importance of the picoeukaryote Prasinophyte Micromonas pusilla. Marine Biology Research. 4: 331-340.

15.   Salas-de-León, D.A., N. Carbajal-Pérez, M.A. Monreal-Gómez, A. Gil-Zurita (2011). Vorticity and mixing induced by the barotropic M2 tidal current and zooplankton biomass. Journal of Sea Research. 66: 143-153.


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