Dr. Stepan Lomov
Department of Materials Engineering
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Email: stepan.lomov@kuleuven.be
1995 PhD, St.-Petersburg State University of Technology and Design, Russia
1985 PhD, Federal Research Institute of Transportation Machinery, St-Petersburg, Russia
1978 M.S., Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University), Physics & Mechanics Faculty, Chair of Applied Mathematics, Russia
1972 30th Physics & Mathematics School, Leningrad, Russia
Research Fields
Structural mechanics of textiles, composites and biomaterials
Multi-level modelling of heterogeneous media
Internal geometry, mechanical properties, permeability of textiles and composites
Development of "virtual material" software
Experimental studies of properties of textiles and composites
Advanced reinforcements (textile, 3D, nano…)
Publications (selected)
S.V.LOMOV, G.HUYSMANS, Y.LUO, R.S. PARNAS, A.PRODROMOU, I.VERPOEST, F.R. PHELAN, 2001, Textile composites: Modelling strategies, Composites A, vol. 32, N 10, 1379-1394
VERPOEST, I. AND S.V. LOMOV, 2005 Virtual textile composites software Wisetex: integration with micro-mechanical, permeability and structural analysis. Composites Science and Technology, 65(15-16): 2563-2574
LOMOV, S.V., D.S. IVANOV, I. VERPOEST, M. ZAKO, T. KURASHIKI, H. NAKAI AND S. HIROSAWA, 2007 Meso-FE modelling of textile composites: Road map, data flow and algorithms.Composites Science and Technology, 67, 1870-1891
CAO, J., R. AKKERMAN, P. BOISSE, J. CHEN, H.S. CHENG, E.F.D. GRAAF, J.L. GORCZYCA, P. HARRISON, G. HIVET, J. LAUNAY, W. LEE, L. LIU, S.V. LOMOV, A. LONG, E.D. LUYCKER, F. MORESTIN, J. PADVOISKIS, X.Q. PENG, J. SHERWOOD, T. STOILOVA, X.M. TAO, I. VERPOEST, J. WIGGERS, A. WILLEMS, T.X. YU AND B. ZHU, 2008, Characterization of mechanical behavior of woven fabrics: experimental methods and benchmark results. Composites Part A, 39: p. 1037–1053
LOMOV, S.V., D.S. IVANOV, T. TRUONG CHI, I. VERPOEST, F. BAUDRY, K. VANDEN BOSCHE, AND H. XIE, 2008 Experimental methodology of study of damage initiation and development in textile composites in uniaxial tensile test.Composites Science and Technology, 68: 2340-2349
LOMOV, S.V., A.E. BOGDANOVICH, D.S. IVANOV, D. MUNGALOV, M. KARAHAN, AND I. VERPOEST, 2009 A comparative study of tensile properties of non-crimp 3D orthogonal weave and multi-layer plain weave E-glass composites. Part 1: Materials, methods and principal results. Composites Part A, 40, 1134-1143
GODARA, A., L. MEZZO, F. LUIZI, A. WARRIER, S.V. LOMOV, A. VAN VUURE, L. GORBATIKH, P. MOLDENAERS, AND I. VERPOEST, 2009, Influence of carbon nanotube reinforcement on the mechanical behavior of carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Carbon, 47(12) 2914-2923
GORBATIKH, L., S.V. LOMOV, AND I. VERPOEST, 2010 Original mechanism of failure initiation revealed through modelling of naturally occurring microstructures,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 58: 735–750
LOMOV SV, ed,Non-crimp fabric composites: manufacturing, properties and applications, 2011, Cambridge: Woodhead Publisher Ltd
LOMOV, S.V., L. GORBATIKH, AND I. VERPOEST, 2011, A model for the compression of a random assembly of carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 49: 2079-2091
ARBTER, R., C. BINETRUY, L. BIZET, J. BRÉARD, J.M. BERAUD, S. COMAS-CARDONA, C. DEMARIA, A. ENDRUWEIT, P. ERMANNI, F. GOMMER, S. HASANOVIC, F. KLUNKER, S. LAVANCHY, B. LAINE, A. LONG, S.V. LOMOV, M. V., G. MORREN, P. HENRAT, E. RUIZ, H. SOL, F. TROCHU, B. VERLEYE, M. WIETGREFE, W. WU, AND G. ZIEGMANN, 2011, Experimental determination of the permeability of textiles: A benchmark exercise. Composites Part A, 42(9): 1157-1168
DE GREEF, N., L. GORBATIKH, S.V. LOMOV, AND I. VERPOEST, 2011 Damage development in woven carbon fiber/epoxy composites modified with carbon nanotubes under tension in the bias direction.Composites Part A, 42: 1835-1644
VANAERSCHOT, A., B.N. COX, M. BLACKLOCK, G. KERCKHOFS, M. WEVERS, S.V. LOMOV, AND D. VANDEPITTE, 2013Stochastic framework for quantifying the geometrical variability of laminated textile composites using micro-computed tomography. Composites Part A, 44: 122-131
JAIN, A., S.V. LOMOV, Y. ABDIN, I. VERPOEST, AND W. VAN PAEPEGEM, 2013Pseudo-grain discretization and full Mori Tanaka formulation for random heterogeneous media: Predictive abilities for stresses in individual inclusions and the matrix. Composites Science and Technology. 87: 86-93
LOMOV, S.V., I. VERPOEST, J. CICHOSZ, C. HAHN, D.S. IVANOV, AND B. VERLEYE, 2014, Meso-level textile composites simulations: open data exchange and scripting.Journal of Composite Materials, 48: 621-637
VERNET, N., E. RUIZ, S. ADVANI, J. B. ALMS, M. AUBERT, M. BARBURSKI, B. BARARI, J. M. BERAUD, D. C. BERG, N. CORREIA, M. DANZI, T. DELAVIèRE, M. DICKERT, C. DI FRATTA, A. ENDRUWEIT, P. ERMANNI, G. FRANCUCCI, J. A. GARCIA, A. GEORGE, C. HAHN, F. KLUNKER, S. V. LOMOV, A. LONG, B. LOUIS, J. MALDONADO, R. MEIER, V. MICHAUD, H. PERRIN, K. PILLAI, E. RODRIGUEZ, F. TROCHU, S. VERHEYDEN, M. WIETGREFE, W. XIONG, S. ZAREMBA AND G. ZIEGMANN, 2014 Experimental determination of the permeability of engineering textiles: Benchmark II. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing61: 172-184
Profile Details
Last Updated: 2014-08-15