Prof. Penelope M. Kelsey
English Department
University of Colorado, USA
Associate Professor
Email: Penelope.Kelsey@Colorado.EDU
2002 Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Philosophy & English
1994 B.A., Manchester College, Arts
Publications (Selected)
Reading the Wampum: Essays on Haudenosaunee Visual Code and Epistemological Recovery. Syracuse University Press, forthcoming 2014.
“Disability and Native North American Boarding School Narratives: Madonna Swan and Sioux Sanitorium.” revised in October. Accepted for special issue of theJournal of Cultural and Literary Disability Studies.
Maurice Kenny: Celebrations of a Mohawk Writer.Editor and author of “Reading the Wampum: An Introduction to the Works of Maurice Kenny.” Albany: SUNY Press, 2011.
With Cari Carpenter. “‘In the end, our message weighs’: Blood Run, NAGPRA, and American Indian Identity.” American Indian Quarterly35.1 (2011): 56-74.
“Condolence Tropes and Haudenosaunee Visuality:It Starts with a Whisper and Mohawk Girls.” Visualities: Perspectives on Contemporary American Indian Film and Art. Denise K. Cummings, editor. Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2011. 119-130.
“Gathering the Threads Together: Urban/Diasporic/Multitribal Native North American Narratives in Nationalist Theory.” Comparative Indigeneities of the Américas:Toward a Hemispheric Approach. M. Bianet Castellanos, Lourdes Gutiérrez Nájera, and Arturo J. Aldama, eds. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 23.37.
Tribal Theory in Native American Literature: Dakota and Haudenosaunee Writing and Worldviews.Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2008.
“Indigenous Theory and Service Learning: A Dakota Case Study.” Literature Matters: Community-Based Learning and Literary Studies.Susan Daniels AnnMarie Fallon, eds. Bolton, Massachusetts: Anker Press, 2006. 207-218.
“Natives, Nation, Narrative: Reading Roanoke in the Renaissance.” ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance49.1-3 (2003). 49-160.