Prof. Vladimir Biti
Institute for Slavic Studies
University of Vienna, Austria
Professor of South Slavic Literatures and Cultures
1981 Ph.D., University of Zagreb, Philosophy
Publications (Selected)
Biti, Vladimir, “In the Name of the Altogether Other”, in: Darko Dolinar and Marko Juvan, eds., Writing Literary History: Selected Perspectives from Central Europe, Frankfurt/M. et al.: Peter Lang, 2006, 67-81.
Biti, Vladimir, “The Face of the West: Democracy and Trauma”, in: Lis Møller and Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, eds., Produktive Paradokser: Festskrift til Svend Erik Larsen, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2006, 261-276.
Biti, Vladimir, “Up and Down in Croatian Literary Geography: The Case of Krugovaši”, in: Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer, eds., History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century, Amsterdam and New York: John Benjamins, 2006, 301-314.
Biti, Vladimir, “Epistemological Frontier Criss-Crossings”, 54.412 signs, invited contribution for the on-lineEncyclopedia of Life Support Systems(Oxford), 2006, official Website of the Encyclopedia /
Biti, Vladimir, “Die eingebüßte Souveränität: Zur Phraseologie der gegenwärtigen Theorie”, in: Peter Deutschmann et al., eds., Kritik und Phrase: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Wolfgang Eismann, Wien: Praesens Verlag, 2007, 397-403.
Biti, Vladimir, “Wie ein Hund” – Entmenschlichung der Sprache in Dubravka UgrešićsDas Ministerium der Schmerzen“, in: Davor Beganović and Peter Braun, eds., Krieg sichten: Zur medialen Darstellung der Kriege in Jugoslawien, München: Wilhelm Fink, 2007, 291-307.
Biti, Vladimir, “O ontološkom strukturalizmu”, Književna republika 10-12/2007, 9-15.
Biti, Vladimir, “Gospodar i rob: Hermeneutika i poststrukturalizam”, Nova Croatica 1/2007, 185-198.
Biti, Vladimir, “Europe and the Others: Holocaust and the Post/colonial Relation”, Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature, Vol. XLV/2007-2008, 35-67.
Biti, Vladimir, “Od literature do kulture – in nazaj?”, in: Darko Dolinar and Marko Juvan, eds., Primerjalna književnost v 20. stoletju in Anton Ocvirk, Ljubljana: Studia Litteraria, 2008, 275-283.
Biti, Vladimir, “From Literature to Culture – and Back?”, Primerjalna književnost 31.1 (2008), 15-25.
Biti, Vladimir, “O razdiobi suvremenoga hrvatskog pjesništva”, Književna republika 8-10/2008, 69-73.
Biti, Vladimir, “Narrative Identification”, Arcadia 43 (1/2008), 28-40.
Biti, Vladimir, “Theory and Trauma”, Primerjalna književnost 32.2 (2009), 23-30.
Biti, Vladimir, “Toward a Literary Community?”, in: Theo D’haenund Iannis Goerlandt, eds.., Literature for Europe, Amsterdam, New York et al: Rodopi, 2009, 27-42.
Biti, Vladimir, “Prema književnoj zajednici”, in: Nikša Gligo, Dalibor Davidović und Nada Bezić, eds., Glazba prijelaza: Svečani zbornik za Evu Sedak, Zagreb: HGZ, 2009, 41-48.
Biti, Vladimir, “Hermeneutics and Poststructuralism”, in: Paola Mildonian, ed., It Started in Venice: Legacies, Passages, Horizons. Fifty Years of ICLA, Venice: Cafoscarina, 2009, 264-276.
Biti, Vladimir, “Upletanje nerečenog: alegorija u krugovaškoj prozi šezdesetih godina”, in: Krešimir Mićanović, ed., Prostor u jeziku/ Književnost i kultura šezdesetih, Zagreb: Zagrebačka slavistička škola, 2009, 101-107.
Biti, Vladimir, “Od književnosti do kulture – i natrag?”,Quorum5-6/2009, 381-393.
Biti, Vladimir, “Märchen und Trauma”, in Vladimir Biti/ Bernarda Katušić (Hrsg.), Märchen in den südslawischen Literaturen, Frankfurt am Main etc.: Peter Lang, 2010, 33-43.
Biti, Vladimir, “Distance and Proximity”, Neohelicon 2: 37 (2010), 469-475.
Biti, Vladimir, “Die Kollektivierung des Äußerungsgefüges:Die Frühlinge des Ivan Galebvon Vladan Desnica als polyphoner Roman”, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 64/2010, 121-143.
Biti, Vladimir, “The Cosmopolitan Literary Imperative”, in: Libuša Vajdova and Róbert Gáfrik, eds., New Imagined Communities: Identity Building in East and South-East Europe, Bratislava: Kalligram/ 2010, 34-44.
Biti, Vladimir, “Wie nahe steht das Fremde: Das politische Lied in Kroatien”, in: Newerkla, Stefan Michael/Poljakov, Fedor B./Schmitt, Oliver Jens, eds., Das politische Lied in Ost- und Südosteuropa, Wien: Lit-Verlag, 2011, 233-251.
Biti, Vladimir, “Theorie und Weltbürgerlichkeit”, in: Mario Grizelj, Oliver Jahraus, eds., Theorietheorie: Gegen die neuerliche Theoriemüdigkeit in den Geistes-und Kulturwissenschaften, Paderborn und München: Wilhelm Fink, 2011, 291-303.
Biti, Vladimir, “The Self, the Novel and History: On the Limits of Bakhtin´s Historical Poetics”, Orbis Litterarum 66:4 (2011), 255-279.
Biti, Vladimir, “The Divided Legacy of the Enlightenment: Herder´s Cosmopolitanism as Suppressed Eurocentrism”, in: Marc Maufort & Caroline de Wagter, eds., Old Margins and New Centers: The European Literary Heritage in the Age of Globalization, Bruxelles et a.: Peter Lang, 2011, 73-83.
Biti, Vladimir, “Die zerstreute Erbschaft: Das Ausagieren und das Durcharbeiten des Traumas imMuseum der bedingungslosen Kapitulationvon Dubravka Ugrešić”, Arcadia2: 47 (2012): 1-16.
Biti, Vladimir, “Anschlussfähigkeit und postkoloniale Welt.” Grizelj, Mario / Daniela Kirschstein, eds.,'Black Luhmann'. (Wie)können sich Postkoloniale Theorien und Systemtheorie beobachtenBerlin: Kadmos, 2012.
Biti, Vladimir, “The Double-Edged Legacy of the Republic of Letters: Emancipation and Trauma”, Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies 2/2012 (accepted, forthcoming)
Biti, Vladimir, “Szétszórt otthon”, Filológia közlöny2: LVIII (2012): 111-132.
Biti, Vladimir, “The Adulterous Theory”, Neohelicon1: 40 (2013), accepted, forthcoming
Biti, Vladimir, “The Fissured Identity of Literature: National Universalism vs. Cosmopolitan Nationalism”, Journal of Literary Theory1: 7 (2013), accepted, forthcoming
Profile Details