Prof. Hong-Ghi Min
Department of Management Science
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea
1990 Ph.D. in Economics, Binghamton University (SUNY)
1980 B.A. in Economics, Seoul National University
Publications (selected)
“Dynamic Correlation Analysis of US Financial Crisis: Evidence from four OECD countries”, (with Y. Hwang),Applied Financial Economics, 2012, vol. 22. pp 2063-2074.
“Yen-Synchronization of Floating East-Asian Currencies: Regime Switching Regression Model and Micro-Structural Analysis”, (with B. Kim, J. McDonald and Y. Hwang),Journal of Japanese and International Economies, 2012, vol. 26, pp 220-231.
“Dynamic Correlation Analysis of US Financial Crisis,” Presented at the 2012 International Conference of Academic and Business Research Institute held at Orlando, US, January 4-7, 2012.
“Household Lending, Interest Rates and Housing Price Bubbles in Korea: Regime Switching Regression Model and Kalman Filter Approach”, (with B. Kim),Economic Modelling, 2011, vol. 28, pp 1415-1423.
“Yen-Synchronization of Floating East-Asian Currencies: A Regime Switching Regression Model and Micro-Structural Analysis,” Presented at the 2011 International Conference of Korea Trade Research Association held at COEX (Seoul), Korea, December 16, 2011.
“Yen-Synchronization of Floating East-Asian Currencies: A Regime Switching Regression Model and Micro-Structural Analysis,” Presented at the International Conference on Financial Management and Economics held at Hong Kong, China, July 2-3, 2011.
“Market Discipline of Subordinated debts: Empirical Evidence from Japanese Commercial Banks," Presented at The International Conference on Financial Management and Economics held at Shanghai, China, March 11-13, 2011.
“Using the Credit Spread as an Option-Risk Factor: Size and Value Effects in CAPM”, (with Y. Hwang, J. McDonald, H. Kim, and B. Kim),Journal of Banking and Finance, 2010, vol. 34, pp 2995-3009.
“The Influence of Financial Development on R&D Activity: Cross-Country Evidence”, (with Y. Hwang, and S. Han),Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 2010, vol. 13, pp 381-401.
“Nonlinear Dynamics in Exchange Rate Deviations from the Monetary Fundamentals: An Empirical Study”, (with B. Kim, Y. Moh),Economic Modelling, 2010, vol. 27, pp 1167-1177.
“Nonlinear Dynamics in the Arbitrage of the S&P 500 Index and Futures: A Threshold Error-correction Model”, (with B. Kim, S. Chun),Economic Modelling, 2010, vol. 27, pp 566-573.
“Are Asian Countries’ Current Account Sustainable ?: A Non-linear Unit Root Test”,Journal of Policy Modeling, (with B. Kim, Y. Hwang and J. McDonald) , 2008. (Lead Article).
“The Cross-industry Spillover of Technological Capability in Korea (DRAM and TFT-LCD Industries)”,World Development, 2008, vol. 36 no. 12 (with T. Park and J. Choung), pp 2855-2873.
“Interest and Exchange Rate Shocks on the Capital Market Risk and Capital Mobility”,Business and Economic Research Journal, 2007, vol. 6 no.5 (with J. McDonald), pp 23-48.
“Dynamic Capital Mobility, Capital Market Risk and Contagion: Evidence from Seven Asian Countries”,Japanand the World Economy, 2003, vol. 15, pp 161- 183.
Patterns of Knowledge Production: The Case of Information and Telecommunication Sector in Korea,”Scientometrics, (with J. Choung and M. Park), 2003, vol. 58, no.1, pp 115-128.
“Determinants of Emerging Market Bond Spreads: Cross-country Evidence,”Global Finance Journal, vol 14. 2003, pp 271-286.
“Opening to Foreign Banks: Issues of Stability, Efficiency, and Growth,” (with A. Demirguc-kunt, R. Levine), inThe Implications of Globalization of World Financial Market, Bank of Korea, December 1998. pp 83-105.
“The Portfolio-Balance Model of Exchange Rates: Short-run behavior and Forecasting,” 1993,International Economic Journal, vol 7, no 4. pp. 75-87.
“Test of Rational Expectations Hypothesis in Korea: Determinants of Real Output Fluctuations in Korea,” (with J. McDonald),Global Economic Review, vol 19, no1, 1990 pp 69-83.
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