Prof. Gregory R. Niehaus
MooreSchoolof Business
University of South Carolina, USA
1985 Ph.D., in Economics, Washington University
1982 M.A., in Economics, Washington University
1980 B.A., in Mathematics, Kenyon College
Publications (selected)
Insurance Price Volatility and Underwriting Cycles, forthcoming inHandbook of Insurance, Georges Dionne, ed., Kluwer Academic Press, 2012, with Scott E. Harrington and Tong Yu.
Fuel Risk Management at American Electric Power, 2012,Risk Management and Insurance Review.
The Impact of Sell-Side Analyst Research Coverage on an Affiliated Broker’s Market Share of Trading Volume,Journal of Banking and Finance34, 2010, 776-787, with Donghang Zhang.
Discussion of ‘Federal Financial Exposure to Catastrophe Risk inMeasuring and Managing Federal Financial Risk, edited by Debbie Lucas, University of Chicago Press, 2010.
Insurance and Risk Management, Volume I: Economics of Insurance Markets. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008.
nsurance and Risk Management, Volume II: Corporate Risk Management. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008.
Cash Balance Plan Conversions: Evidence on Excise Taxes and Implicit Contracts,Journal of Risk and Insurance72, 2005, 321-352, with Tong Yu.
Management Turnover in Subsidiaries of Conglomerates Versus Standalone Firms,Journal of Financial Economics72, 2004, 63-96, with Eric Powers and Chris McNeil.
Participant in the Roundtable Discussion on Enterprise Risk Management,Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Winter 2004.
Capital, Corporate Income Taxes and Catastrophe Insurance,Journal of Financial Intermediation12, 2003, 365-389, with Scott Harrington.
Instructor's Manual forRisk Management and Insurance, with Scott Harrington, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 2003.
Capital Structure Decisions in the Insurance Industry: Stocks versus Mutuals,Journal of Financial Services Research, February/April, 2002, with Scott Harrington, 145-163.
The Allocation of Catastrophe Risk,Journal of Banking and Finance26, 2002, 585-596.
Government Insurance, Tax Policy, and the Affordability and Availability of Catastrophe Insurance,Journal of Insurance Regulation, Summer 2001, with Scott Harrington, 591-612.
Volatility and Underwriting Cycles, in G. Dionne, ed.Handbook of Insurance. Kluwer Publishing, 2000, with Scott Harrington.
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