
Dr. Yang Zhang

Faculty of Business Administration

University of Macau, China

Assistant Professor





2005 Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University, Economics

2001 B.Sc., Tianjin University, Management



  1. Zheng, Y, & Zhang, Y. (2006). Globalization and Social Conflict in China. Issues & Studies, 42, no. 2. pp. 85-129.
  2. Huang, W., & Zhang, Y. (2007). Distributional Dynamics of Cautious Economic Adjustment Processes. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 62. pp. 389-407.
  3. Wong, J. , & Zhang, Y. (2006). Hong Kong’s CEPA with China—One Year After. China: an International Journal, 4(1). pp. 114-134.
  4. Zhang, Y., & Kwan, F (2009) “Macao’s gaming-led prosperity and prospects for economic diversification”, China: an International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2: 288-319, 2009
  5. Zhang, Y. (2009). “Hong Kong’s Economy in the Financial Crisis”. East Asian Policy, 1(2). pp. 40-53.
  6. LYE, L.F., & Zhang, Y. (2010). China in the BRICs: Pursuing Closer Cooperation, Not Hegemony. East Asian Policy, 2(4). pp. 58-70.
  7. Zhang, Y., & Huang, W. (2011). Instantaneous Information Always Stabilizes?. Singapore Economic Review, 56(2). pp. 239-253.
  8. Kwan, F., Zhang, Y., & Zhuo, S. (2011). Rural Labour Reallocation and Productivity Growth in China. International Journal of Business Studies, Vol 19 (1). pp. 109-124.
  9. Zhang, Y., & Lai, N. (2012). The Myth or the Fact of Housing for Young People in Macao. Journal of Youth Studies, 15(1). pp. 158-173.
  10. Huang, W, & Zhang, Y. (2012). Structural Change Modeling of Singapore Private Housing Price in Simultaneous Equation Model. Journal of Financial Risk Management, 1(2). pp. 7-14.

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