York University, Canada
1995 – 1999 Ph.D., University of Toronto , Economics & Finance
1994 – 1998 J.D., University of Toronto , Law
1992 – 1993 M.A., Queen's University, Economics
Cumming, D.J., N. Dai, L.H. Haß, and D. Schweizer, 2012. “Regulatory Induced Performance Persistence: Evidence from Hedge Funds” Journal of Corporate Finance 18, 1005-1022.
Cumming, D.J., and S.A. Johan, 2012. “Is Venture Capital in Crisis?” World Economic Review (July-August), 69-72.
Cumming, D.J., and S. Zambelli, 2012. “Private Equity Performance under Extreme Regulation,”Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming
Cumming, D.J., Lars Helge Haß, and D. Schweizer, 2012. “Strategic Asset Allocation and the Role of Alternative Investments” European Financial Management, forthcoming
Cumming, D.J., and A. Knill, 2012. “Disclosure, Venture Capital, and Entrepreneurial Spawning” Journal of International Business Studies 43, 563-590.
Cumming, D.J., and N. Dai, 2012. “Why do Entrepreneurs Switch Lead Venture Capitalists” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, forthcoming
Cumming, D.J., 2012. “Measuring the Effect of Bankruptcy Laws on Entrepreneurship Across Countries” Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, forthcoming
Cumming, D.J., and W. Hou, 2012. “The Valuation of Considerations by Conflicting Shareholders in the Split Share Structure Reform,” European Journal of Finance, forthcoming
Cumming, D.J., A. Guariglia, W. Hou and E. Lee, 2012 “Experiences and Challenges in the Development of the Chinese Capital Market” European Journal of Finance, forthcoming
Shawky, H.A., N. Dai and D.J. Cumming, 2012. “Diversification and the Cross-Section of Hedge Fund Returns” Journal of Corporate Finance 18, 166-178
Cumming, D.J., and E. Fischer, 2012. “Publicly Funded Business Advisory Services and Entrepreneurial Outcomes” Research Policy 41, 467-481.
Carpentier, C., D.J. Cumming, and J.M. Suret, 2012. “The Value of Capital Market Regulation:IPOs versus Reverse Mergers” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 9, 56-91.
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