
Prof. Robin H. Luo
Finance at School of Economics

Xihua University, China

Dean and Professor



Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

M.Sc., Wuhan University, China

B.Sc., Wuhan University of Technology, China


  1. Robin H. Luo and Cong Zhang,2011. The Private Placement Bonds in China: Following the Mature Capital Market Experience, China Bond, 8: 42-47.
  2. Min Ye and Robin H. Luo, 2011. Construction of China’s Bondholders Protection Mechanismsand Policy Recommendations,Credit Reference, 29(5): 11-16.
  3. Robin H. Luo and Wei Luo.2011. The Super & Short-term Commercial Paper Market in China, China Bond, 6: 68-71.
  4. Robin H. Luo and Wei Luo,2011.Research on Optimization of Development Environment for Credit Rating Industry in China, Credit Reference,29(2): 36-39.
  5. Aline Muller, Robin H. Luo, and Alireza Tourani-Rad, 2011.Foreign Exchange RateExposure of Chinese Firms in the New Exchange Rate Regime, InExchange Rate:Policies, Effects and Fluctuations, edited by Natalie B. Perkins, Nova Science Publishers: Hauppauge, New York.
  6. Robin H. Luo and Linfeng Chen,2011.The Determinants of the Credit Rating of Local Government Financing Vehicle Bonds in China, accepted for presentation at the Workshop in Fixed Incomes and Forum for Risk Management, Xiamen, China, 14-15 October.
  7. Nuttawat Visaltanachoti, Robin H. Luo and Cai Wei, 2010.The International Evidence ofPecking Order and Trade-Off Predictions,Corporate Ownership and Control,7(4): 183-196.
  8. Robin H. Luo and Nuttawat Visaltanachoti, 2010.“Real Exchange Rates, Asset Pricesand Terms of Trade: A Theoretical Analysis”, Economic Modelling, 27(1): 143-151.
  9. Wahida Ahmad and Robin H. Luo, 2010. Comparison of Banking Efficiency in Europe: Islamic versus Conventional Banks, In International Finance Review Volume 11,edited by Suk-Joong Kim and Michael McKenzie. Emerald Group Publishing.
  10. Robin H. Luo and Xiangkang Yin, 2010. Operational Risk and Hedge Fund Performance: Evidence from Australia. InModel Risk: Identification, Measurement, and Management, edited by Daniel Rosch and Harald Scheule. Incisive Financial Publishing: London.
  11. Robin H. Luo, 2010. The Co-movement and Dependence Structure of Islamic Investment Funds, the 17th Annual Global Finance Conference, Poznan, Poland, 27-30 June, 2010.
  12. Robin H. Luo, 2010.Operational Risk, Fund Performance and Investors Protection: Evidence from China, accepted for presentation at the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 23-26 June, 2010.
  13. Nuttawat Visaltanachoti and Robin H. Luo, 2009. “Order Imbalance, Market Returns,and Volatility: Evidence from Thailand during the Asian Crisis”, AppliedFinancial Economics, 19(17): 1391-1399.
  14. Chun Jiang and Robin H. Luo, 2009. Exchange Rate Determination and PolicyImplications: An Emerging Market Perspective, Auckland: CambridgePublishing Ltd.
  15. Robin H. Luo, 2009. Public Finance in China: Reform and Growth for a HarmoniousSociety, Jiwei Lou and Shuilin Wang, eds., (book review), Journal of ChinesePolitical Science, 14: 109-110.
  16. Nuttawat Visaltanachoti and Robin H. Luo, 2009. “Trade Scheduling and Bid-askSpread Forecasting: Evidence from China”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economic, 27: 91-105.
  17. Robin H. Luo, 2009. Foreign Exchange Reserve and Risk Management, Wuhan: Wuhan Press. (Chinese edition)
  18. Robin H. Luo, 2009. Panel Co-integration Analysis on the Sustainability of Chinese LocalGovernment, Research on Economics and Management, No.12.
  19. Robin H. Luo, 2009. On the Foreign Reserve Management, Review of Economic Research, No.69.
  20. Robin H. Luo and Thi Kim Anh Nguyen, 2009, Dependence Structures of Equity andForeign Exchange Markets: Evidence from Industrialized Asian Economies , The 3rd Asia-Pacific Forum on Economics and Finance, 17-18 December 2009, Beijing, China.

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