
Prof. Ionel Lazanu

University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

POBox MG-11, Magurele–Bucharest, Romania




1992 Ph.D., University of Bucharest, Romania, Radiation Physics

1981 M.Sc., University of Bucharest, Romania, Atomic, Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics

1980 B.Sc., University of Bucharest, Romania, Physics

Publications (selected)

  1. Lazanu, S. Lazanu (2011) Transient thermal effects in solid noble gases as materials for the detection of Dark Matter, JCAP 1107:013.
  2. S. Lazanu, I. Lazanu, G. Ciobanu (2011) Modelling the transient processes produced under heavy particle irradiation, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B269: 498-503.
  3. Lazanu, S. Lazanu (2010) Transient processes induced by heavy projectiles in silicon, Nucl. Instr.Meth. B 268, 2241.
  4. M. Badea, I. Lazanu (2010) Role of phase and group velocities in Cerenkov radiation and applications in HEP experiments, Rom.Rep.Phys.62:298-308.
  5. (LAGUNA Collaboration) (2010) The LAGUNA design study- towards giant liquid based underground detectors for neutrino physics and astrophysics and proton decay searches, e-Print: arXiv:1001.0077 [physics.ins-det], in Proceedings of the Workshop European Strategy for Future Neutrino Physics, Geneva, 1–3 October 2009, edited by A. Blondel and F. Dufour, CERN–2010–003, pp. 226-229, (CERN Yellow Report CERN–2010–003).
  6. S. Lazanu, I. Lazanu, ML Ciurea (2009) Point and extended defects in irradiated silicon and consequences for detectors, Phys St Sol. C 6 (2009) 1974.
  7. S. Lazanu, I. Lazanu (2007) Modelling spatial distribution of defects and estimation of electrical degradation of silicon detectors in radiation fields at high luminosity, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A583: 165-168.
  8. S. Lazanu, I. Lazanu (2007) Correlation between radiation processes in silicon and long-time degradation of detectors for high energy physics experiments, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A580: 46-49.
  9. Lazanu, S. Lazanu (2007) Silicon detectors: Damage, modelling and expected long-time behaviour in physics experiments at ultra high energy, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A572: 297-299.
  10. (CERN RD-50 Collaboration) (2005) Radiation-hard semiconductor detectors for Super LHC, Nucl. Instrum. Meth.A541: 189-201.
  11. Lazanu, S. Lazanu (2006) The role of primary point defects in the degradation of silicon detectors due to hadron and lepton irradiation, Phys. Scripta 74: 201-207.
  12. S. Lazanu, I. Lazanu (2003) Microscopic modeling of defects production and their annealing after irradiation in silicon for HEP particle detectors, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A514: 9-17.
  13. Lazanu, S. Lazanu (2003) The Influence of initial impurities and irradiation conditions on defect production and annealing in silicon for particle detectors, Nucl. Instrum. Meth.B201: 491-502.
  14. Lazanu, S. Lazanu (2002) Radiation defects in silicon due to hadrons and leptons, their annealing and influence on detector performance, Phys. Scripta 66: 125-132.
  15. S. Lazanu, I. Lazanu (2002) Theoretical calculations of the primary defects induced by pions and protons in SiC, Nucl. Instrum. Meth.A485: 768-773.
  16. S. Lazanu, I. Lazanu (2001) Analytical approximations of the Lindhard equations describing radiation effects, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A462: 530-535.
  17. Lazanu, S. Lazanu (1999) Comparative energy dependence of proton and pion degradation in diamond, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A432: 374-378.
  18. S. Lazanu, I. Lazanu (1998) Si, GaAs and diamond damage in pion fields with application to LHC, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A419: 570-576.
  19. S. Lazanu, I. Lazanu U. Biggeri, E. Borchi, M. Bruzzi (1997) Model predictions for the NIEL of high-energy pions in Si and GaAs, Nucl. Instrum. Meth.A394: 232-234.
  20. T. Angelescu, A.E. Cheremukhin, V.M. Ghete, N. Ghiordănescu, I.A. Golutvin, S. Lazanu, I. Lazanu, A. Mihul, A. Radu, N.Yu. Susova, A. Vasilescu, N.I. Zamyatin (1995) Radiation hardness studies on silicon detectors in fast neutron fields, Nucl. Instrum. Meth.A357: 55-63.
  21. Lazanu, M.Rujoiu (1998) A re-analysis and a new interpretation of experimental data on p anti-p --> K(S) K(S) pi0 annihilation at rest in liquid targets, Rom. Rep. Phys. 51: 519-524.
  22. Mihul, T. Angelescu, R. Ionica, Yu. A. Shchervakov, I. Lazanu, T. Preda, R. Garfagnini (1992) Inelastic pi+ He-3 interaction at 100-MeV, 120-MeV and 145-MeV, Nuovo Cim.A105: 1637-1647.
  23. T. Angelescu, A. Mihul, L. Pascu, T. Preda, I. Lazanu, R. Ionica, R. Garfagnini, G. Piragino, V. I. Lyashenko, I. V. Falomkin, Yu. A. Shcherbakov (1990) Pion Absorption in He-3 At 100-MeV, 120-MeV and 145-MeV, Nuovo Cim.A103: 93-104.
  24. T. Angelescu, A. Mihul, L. Pascu, T. Preda, V. Ghete, I. Lazanu, R. Ionica, R. Garfagnini, G. Piragino, I.V. Falomkin, V.I. Lyashenko, Yu.A. Shcherbakov (1988) Inelastic Pi- He-3 Interaction At 180-MeV, Nuovo Cim. A100: 381-395.
  25. T. Angelescu, I. Lazanu, A. Mihul, L. Pascu, I.V. Falomkin, G.B. Pontecorvo, Yu.A. Shcherbakov, R. Ionica, G. Piragino (1985) Inelastic pi+ He-3 Interactions at 145-MeV, Nuovo Cim. A89: 162-176.
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