Prof. Sang Kun Lee
Department of Neurology
Seoul National University College of Medicine, South Korea
1994 Ph.D., Department of Pathology, Korea University College of Medicine
Publications (Selected)
Jung KH, Chu K, Lee ST, Park KI, Kim JH, Kang KM, Kim S, Jeon D, Kim M,
Lee SK, Roh JK. Molecular alterations underlying epileptogenesis after prolonged febrile
seizure and modulation by erythropoietin. Epilepsia. 2011
Bae EK, Park K, Kim H, Jung KH, Lee ST, Chu K, Lee SK. Ictal asystole and
eating reflex seizures with temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav.
2011 Feb;20(2):404-6.
Kim CH, Chung CK, Lee SK. Longitudinal change in outcome of frontal lobe epilepsy surgery. Neurosurgery. 2010
Park KI, Chu K, Jung KH, Kim JH, Kang KM, Lee ST, Park HK, Kim M, Lee SK,
Roh JK. Role of cortical dysplasia in epileptogenesis following prolonged febrile
seizure. Epilepsia. 2010 Sep;51(9):1809-19.
Lee SY, Kim JS, Chung CK, Lee SK, Kim WS. Assessment of
language dominance by event-related oscillatory changes in an auditory language
task: magnetoencephalography study. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2010 Aug;27(4):263-9.
Bae EK, Jung KH, Chu K, Lee ST, Kim JH, Park KI, Kim M, Chung CK, Lee SK,
Roh JK. Neuropathologic and clinical features of human medial temporal lobe
epilepsy. J Clin Neurol. 2010 Jun;6(2):73-80.
Kim JS, Im CH, Jung YJ, Kim EY, Lee SK, Chung CK. Localization and
propagation analysis of ictal source rhythm by electrocorticography. Neuroimage. 2010
Oct 1;52(4):1279-88.
Kim DW, Kim HK, Lee SK, Chu K, Chung CK. Extent of
neocortical resection and surgical outcome of epilepsy: intracranial EEG
analysis. Epilepsia. 2010 Jun;51(6):1010-7.
Park KI, Lee SK, Chu K, Jung KH, Bae EK, Kim JS, Lee JJ, Lee SY, Chung CK. Withdrawal of
antiepileptic drugs after neocortical epilepsy surgery. Ann Neurol. 2010
Lee JJ, Lee SK, Choi JW, Kim DW, Park KI, Kim BS, Kang H, Lee DS, Lee SY,
Kim SH, Chung CK, Nam HW, Kim KK. Ictal SPECT using an attachable automated
injector: clinical usefulness in the prediction of ictal onset zone. Acta Radiol. 2009
Kim DW, Lee SK, Nam H, Chu K, Chung CK, Lee SY, Choe G, Kim HK. Epilepsy with dual
pathology: Surgical treatment of cortical dysplasia accompanied by hippocampal
sclerosis.Epilepsia. 2009 Nov 16. [Epub ahead of print].
Phi JH, Kim SK, Cho BK, Lee SY, Park SY, Park SJ, Lee SK, Kim KJ, Chung
CK. Long-term surgical outcomes of temporal lobe epilepsy associated with
low-grade brain tumors.Cancer. 2009 Dec 15;115(24):5771-9.
Choi-Kwon S, Chung CK, Lee SK, Choi J, Han K, Lee EH. Quality of life
after epilepsy surgery in Korea. J Clin Neurol. 2008 Sep;4(3):116-22.
Kim DW, Lee SK, Chu K, Jang IJ, Yu KS, Cho JY, Kim SJ. Lack of
association between ABCB1, ABCG2, and ABCC2 genetic polymorphisms and multidrug
resistance in partial epilepsy.Epilepsy Res. 2009 Mar;84(1):86-90.
Jung KH, Chu K, Lee ST, Kim JH, Kang KM, Song EC, Kim SJ, Park HK, Kim M,
Lee SK, Roh JK. Region-specific plasticity in the epileptic rat brain: a hippocampal and
extrahippocampal analysis. Epilepsia. 2009 Mar;50(3):537-49.
Kim DW, Lee SK, Chu K, Park KI, Lee SY, Lee CH, Chung CK, Choe G, Kim JY. Predictors of
surgical outcome and pathologic considerations in focal cortical dysplasia. Neurology. 2009
Jan 20;72(3):211-6.
Park KI, Lee SK, Chu K, Lee JJ, Kim DW, Nam H. The value of
video-EEG monitoring to diagnose juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Seizure. 2009
Frontal lobe epilepsy: Clinical characteristics, surgical outcomes and
diagnostic modalities. Seizure. 2008 Sep;17(6):514-23.
Surgical treatment of delayed epilepsy in
hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome. Neurology. 2008 May 27;70(22 Pt 2):2116-22.
Lee SY, Lee JY, Kim DW, Lee SK, Chung CK. Factors related to successful
antiepileptic drug withdrawal after anterior temporal lobectomy for medial
temporal lobe epilepsy. Seizure. 2007 Jun 27; [Epub ahead of print].
Lee SK, Lee SY, Yun CH, et al. Ictal SPECT in
neocortical epilepsies: clinical usefulness and factors affecting the pattern
of hyperperfusion. Neuroradiology. 2006 Sep;48(9):678-84.
Yun CH, Lee SK, Lee SY, Kim KK, Jeong SW, Chung CK. Prognostic factors
in neocortical epilepsy surgery: multivariate analysis. Epilepsia. 2006
Lee SK. Kim DW, Chung CK, Song IC, Chang KH. Effect of seizure on
hippocampus in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and neocortical epilepsy: an MRS
study. Neuroradiology. 2005 Dec;47(12):916-23.