
Dr. Càndid Reig

University of Valencia, Spain

Associate Professor



1997–2000 Ph.D., Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Valencia, Spain.

1994–1995 M.Sc., Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Valencia, Spain.

1989–1994 B.Sc., Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Valencia, Spain.

Publications (selected)

  1. M. -D. Cubells-Beltrán, C. Reig, A. De Marcellis, E. Figueras, A. Yúfera, B. Zadov, E. Paperno, S. Cardoso, P.P. Freitas. “Monolithic integration of Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) devices onto standard processed CMOS dies”. Microelectronics Journal 45 (2014) 702-707
  2. C. Reig, E. Ávila-Navarro. “Printed Antennas for Sensor Applications: a Review”. IEEE Sensors Journals 14 (2014) 2406–2418.
  3. A Roldán, JB Roldán, C Reig, S Cardoso, F Cardoso, R Ferreira, PP Freitas. “An in-depth noise model for giant magnetoresistance current sensors for circuit design and complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor integration”. Journal of Applied Physics 115 (2014) 17E514
  4. A. De Marcellis, M.-D. Cubells-Beltrán, C. Reig, J. Madrenas, B. Zadov, E. Paperno, S. Cardoso, P.P. Freitas. “Quasi-digital front-ends for current measurement in integrated circuits with giant magnetoresistance technology”. IET Circuits, Devices & Systems 8 (2014) 291–300
  5. E. Avila-Navarro, C. Reig. “Directive Microstrip antennas for specific below-2.45 GHz applications”. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2012 (2012) ID-612170 6 pages
  6. S. Agouram, D. Nathalie-Montenegro, M. Junaid-Bushiri, C. Martínez-Tomás, C. Reig V. Muñoz-Sanjosé, “Synthesis and characterization of low dimensional ZnO nanostructures”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 (2012) 6792-6799.
  7. M.-D. Cubells-Beltrán, C. Reig, J. Martos, J. Torres, J. Soret, “Limitations of magnetoresistive current sensors in industrial applications”, International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) 6 (2011) 423–429.
  8. A.-M. Roldán, J.-B. Roldán, C. Reig, M.-D. Cubells-Beltrán, D. Ramírez, S. Cardoso, P.-P. Freitas. “A DC behavioral electrical model for quasi-linear spin-valve devices including thermal effects for circuit simulation”, Microelectronics Journal 42 (2011) 365–370.
  9. Roldán, C. Reig, M.D. Cubells-Beltrán, J.B. Roldán, D. Ramírez, S. Cardoso, P.P. Freitas. “Analytical compact modeling of GMR based current sensors: Application to power measurement at the IC level”, Solid-State Electronics 54 (2010) 1606–1612.
  10. M.D. Cubells-Beltrán, C. Reig, D. Ramírez, S. Cardoso, P.P. Freitas. “Full Wheatstone bridge spin-valve based sensors for IC currents monitoring”. IEEE Sensors Journals 9 (2009) 1756–1762.
  11. C. Reig, M.D. Cubells-Beltrán, D. Ramírez. “Magnetic Field Sensors Based on Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) Technology: Applications in Electrical Current Sensing”. Sensors 9 (2009) 7919–7942.
  12. C. Reig, M.D. Cubells-Beltrán, D. Ramírez, S. Cardoso, P.P. Freitas. “Electrical Isolators Based on Tunneling Magnetoresistance Technology”. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (2008) 4011–4014.
  13. D.R. Muñoz, J. Sánchez, C. Reig, S. Casans, A. E. Navarro. “Constant current drive for resistive sensors based on generalized impedance converter”. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 57 (2008) 2290–2296.
  14. H. Beltrán, C. Reig, V. Fuster, D. Ramírez, M.D. Cubells-Beltrán. “Modeling of Magnetoresistive-Based Electrical Current Sensors: A Technological Approach”. IEEE Sensors Journal 7 (2007) 1532–1537.
  15. C. Reig, C.J. Gómez-García, V. Muñoz-Sanjosé. “Crystal Growth of Hg1-xMnxSe for infrared detection”. Microelectronics Journal 38 (2007) 327–331.
  16. D. Ramírez, J. Sánchez, S. Casans, E. Castro, C. Reig, A. E. Navarro. “Temperature compensation of Wheatstone bridge magnetoresistive sensors based on generalized impedance converter with input reference current”. Review of Scientific Instruments 77 (2006) 034980.
  17. C. Reig, D. Ramírez, H.H. Li, P. Freitas. “Low current sensing with specular spin valve structures”. IEE Proceedings-Circuits Devices and Systems 152 (2005) 307–311.
  18. C. Reig, D. Ramírez, F. Silva, J. Bernardo, P. Freitas. “Design, fabrication and analysis of a spin-valve based current sensor”. Sensors and Actuators A-Physical 115 (2004) 259–266.

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