
Dr. Bahaa Khalil

Department of Bioresource engineering

McGill University, Canada



2010 Ph.D., the design of environmental monitoring networks, University of Quebec, Canada

Publications (Selected)

  1. Belayneh A., J. Adamowski, B. Khalil, and B. Ozga-Zielinski (In Press). Long-Term SPI drought forecasting in the Awash River Basin in Ethiopia using wavelet-neural network and wavelet-support vector regression models. Journal of Hydrology.
  2. Nalley D., J. Adamowski, B. Khalil, and B. Ozga-Zielinski (2013). Trend detection in surface air temperature in Ontario and Quebec (1967 – 2006) using the discrete wavelet transform, Mann-Kendall trend test, and sequential Mann-Kendall analysis. Atmos. Res., 132, 375-398.
  3. Khalil, B., J. Adamowski, (2013). Editorial: Towards a Consistent Approach for the Assessment and Redesign of Surface Water Quality Monitoring Networks. Irrigat Drainage Sys Eng 2:e113. doi:10.4172/2168-9768.1000e113
  4. Ou C., A. St-Hilaire, T.B.M.J. Ouarda, F.M. Conly, N. Armstrong, B. Khalil, and S. Proulx-McInnis (2012). Coupling Geostatistical Approaches with PCA and Fuzzy Optimal Model (FOM) for the Integrated Assessment of Sampling Locations of Water Quality Monitoring Networks (WQMN), Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14, 3118-3128.
  5. Nalley D., J. Adamowski and B. Khalil (2012). Using discrete wavelet transforms to analyze trends in streamflow and precipitation in Quebec and Ontario (1954-2008). Journal of Hydrology, 475, 204-228.
  6. Khalil, B., T.B.M.J. Ouarda, and A. St-Hilaire (2012). Comparison of record-extension techniques for water quality variables, Water Resources Management, 26 (14), 4259-4280.
  7. Khalil, B. and Adamowski, J. (2012). Record extension for short-gauged water quality parameters using a newly proposed robust version of the line of organic correlation technique, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 2253-2266.
  8. Beveridge D., A. St-Hilaire, T. B.M.J. Ouarda, B. Khalil, L. Wassenaar, M. Conly. (2012). A geostatistical method to optimize a water quality monitoring network in a large lake: Application to Lake Winnipeg stable isotope data, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 38, 174-182.
  9. Khalil, B., A. G. Awadallah, H. Karaman and A. El-Sayed (2012). Application of artificial neural networks for the prediction of water quality variables in Nile Delta, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 4(6), 388-394.
  10. Khalil, B., T.B.M.J. Ouarda, and A. St-Hilaire (2011). A statistical approach for the assessment and redesign of the Nile Delta drainage water-quality-monitoring locations, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 2190-2205.
  11. Khalil, B., T.B.M.J. Ouarda, and A. St-Hilaire (2011). Estimation of water quality characteristics at ungauged sites using artificial neural networks and canonical correlation analysis, Journal of Hydrology, 405, 277-287.
  12. Khalil, B., T.B.M.J. Ouarda, A. St-Hilaire and F. Chebana (2010). A statistical approach for the rationalization of water quality indicators in surface water quality monitoring networks, Journal of Hydrology, 386, 173-185.
  13. Khalil, B. and T.B.M.J. Ouarda (2009). Statistical approaches used to assess and redesign surface water quality monitoring networks, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 11, 1915-1929.
  14. Abdel-Gawad S.T., B. Khalil, and A.G. Awadallah (2005). Statistical assessment of a water quality monitoring system using principle component and cluster analyses. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, vol. 52 (6), 1083-1101.
  15. El-Kholy R.M.S and B. Khalil (2003). Assessment of the National Water Quality Monitoring Program of Egypt, Water Science Journal, 34, 55-65.
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