John Carr, Archana Parashar, Roy Lycke, Santosh Pandey, “Unidirectional electrotactic-response valve for C. elegans”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 98, 2011.
Baozhen Chen, Alex Deutmeyer, John Carr, Alan Robertson, Richard Martin, Santosh Pandey, “Microfluidic bioassay to characterize parasitic nematode phenotype and anthelmintic resistance”, Parasitology, 138, 80-88, 2011.
Santosh Pandey, Akwete Bortei-Doku, Marvin White, “Simulation of Biological Ion Channels as Solid-State Nanodevices”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 85, pp. 1-7, 2007.
Santosh Pandey, Rajiv Mehrotra, Sherry Wykosky, Marvin White, “Characterization of a MEMS BioChip for Planar Patch-Clamp Recording”, Solid State Electronics, vol. 48, pp. 2061-2066, 2004.
Santosh Pandey, Zannatul Ferdous, Marvin White, “A Planar MEMS BioChip for recording ion channel currents in biological cells”, Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 5062, pp. 814-820, 2003.
Santosh Pandey, Marvin White, “Parameter-Extraction of a Two-Compartment Model for Whole-Cell Data Analysis”, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 120, pp. 131-143, 2002.
Santosh Pandey and Santiram Kal, “Parameter Extraction from reverse-bias C-V plots of Schottky Barrier Diodes”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 87, pp. 153-162, 2002.
Santosh Pandey, Santiram Kal, “A Simple Approach to the Capacitance Technique for the determination of Interface State Density of MIS Diodes”, Solid State Electronics, pp. 943-949, June 1998.
Santosh Pandey, Baozhen Chen, Chengwu Tao, “Novel Neuromorphic CMOS Device Array for Biochemical Charge Sensing”, 30th International Conference of IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Vancouver, August 2008.
Chengwu Tao, Baozhen Chen, Santosh Pandey, “A Novel Floating-Gate Biosensing Device with Controlled Charge-Modulation”, IEEE/NIH BISTI Life Science Systems & Applications Workshop, NIH Bethesda, Nov. 2007.
Eric Winskur, Akwete Bortei-Doku, Santosh Pandey, Marvin White, “A CMOS Instrumentation Amplifier Microchip for Patch-Clamp Experiments in Biological Cells”, IEEE/NIH BISTI Life Science Systems & Applications Workshop, NIH Bethesda, Nov. 2007.
Santosh Pandey, Marvin White, “Detection of Dielectrophoretic Driven Passage of Single Cells through Micro-apertures in a Silicon Nitride Membrane”, 26th International Conference of IEEE Engr. in Medicine and Biology Society, Sept. 2004.
Baozhen Chen, Chengwu Tao, Sumarlin Williams, Santosh Pandey, “Biochemical Sensing of Charged Polyelectrolytes with a Novel CMOS Floating-Gate Device Architecture”, IEEE Electro/Information Technology (EIT) Conference, May 2008.
Santosh Pandey, Marvin White, “A Novel CMOS Integrated Amplifier for Sensing Single Ion-Channel Current in Biological Cells”, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Dec. 7-9, 2005.
Santosh Pandey, Akwete Bortei-Doku, Marvin White, “A BioMEMS Platform for Planar Patch Clamping”, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Dec. 7-9, 2005.
Santosh Pandey, Akwete Bortei-Doku, Marvin White, “Modeling Voltage-gated KcsA Ion Channels as Solid-State Nanodevices”, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Dec. 7-9, 2005.
Santosh Pandey, Marvin White, “Molecular Dynamics of Ion Channels”, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Dec. 7-9, 2005.
Santosh Pandey, Rajiv Mehrotra, Sherry Wykosky, Marvin White, “Characterization of a MEMS BioChip for Planar Patch-Clamp Recording”, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, pp. 278-279, 2003.
Santosh Pandey, Zannatul Ferdous, Marvin White, “A Planar MEMS BioChip for recording ion channel currents in biological cells”, International Conference on SmarMaterials, Structures and Systems, pp. 172-176, Dec. 2002.
Santosh Pandey, Marvin White, “Integrated Planar Patch-Clamp System”, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, pp. 170-173, 2001.
K. Nalwa, R. Mahadevapuram, Y. Chen, S. Bose, S. Pandey, J. Petrich, S. Chaudhary, (2010) Effect of growth conditions on defect density in P3HT: PCBM solar cell, Materials Research Symposium (MRS), Spring 2010.
Baozhen Chen, Chengwu Tao, Santosh Pandey, “Fabrication and Characterization of a Novel Dual-Gate Charge-Sensing Device Architecture for Single Cell Studies”, Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, March 24-28th, 2008.
Chengwu Tao, Baozhen Chen, Santosh Pandey, “Fabrication of an Amorphous Silicon Nanosieve Membrane Engineered for Biological Applications”, Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, March 24-28th, 2008.
Baozhen Chen, Chengwu Tao, Santosh Pandey, “Fabrication of a Dual-Gate Charge-Sensing Device Architecture for Single Cell Studies”, 3rd Minnesota Nanotechnology Conference, Nov 14th, 2007.
Santosh Pandey, S. K. Lahiri, and Santiram Kal, “A Theoretical Model for a Electrolyte-Oxide-Si pH Chemical Sensor”, International Conference on Proc. of Semiconductor Devices, New Delhi, India, Dec. 1999.