
Dr. Chi-Min Liu

Chienkuo Technology University, Chinese Taipei






2001 Ph.D., engineering, National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei

1995 M.Sc., engineering, National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei

1993 B.Sc., engineering, National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei

Publications (Selected)

1.     Liu, C.-M., On the study of oscillating viscous flows by using the Adomian-Padé approxiamtion, Journal of Applied Mathematics V.2015, Article ID 864190 (2015).

2.     Liu, C.-M., Transformation of a solitary wave propagating over a shelf, Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 43(8), 1458-1464 (2014).

3.     Liu, C.-M., Extended Stokes’ problems for Maxwell fluids, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 89(1), 1-11 (2014).

4.     Liu, C.-M., Strategies for compiling a teaching material for under-college students, Science Journal of Education 2(1), 1-3 (2014).

5.     Liu, C.-M.*, Yang, R.-Y., Hwung, H.-H., Theoretical study on the flow generated by the strike-slip faulting, ISRN Geophysics V.2013, Article ID 947672 (2013).

6.     Liu, C.-M.*, Hwung, H.-H., Yang, R.-Y., On the study of second-order wave theory and its convergence for a two-fluid system, Mathematical Problems in Engineering V.2013, Article ID 253401 (2013).

7.     Hsu, W.-Y., Hwung, H.-H., Yang, R.-Y. Liu, C.-M., Interfacial wave motion caused by wave-mud interaction, Journal of Visualization 15(3), 251-224 (2012).

8.     Liu, C.-M., Another approach to the extended Stokes’ problems for the Oldroyd-B fluid, ISRN Applied Mathematics, Article ID 274914 (2012).

9.     Liu, C.-M., Extended Stokes’ first problem of an Oldroyd-B fluid for relatively moving half-planes, Mathematical Problems in Engineering V.2011, Article ID 709836, 16 pages (2011).

10.   Hsu, W.-Y.*, Yang, R.-Y., Liu, C.-M., Hwung, H.-H., Wave attenuation mechanisms under wave-mud interaction, Journal of Coastal and Ocean Engineering 11(1), 1-17 (2011). (in Chinese)

11.   Yang, R.-Y.*, Liu, C.-M., Hwung, H.-H., Kong, C.-H., Evolution instability and growth competition study on Langmuir circulation, Journal of Mechanics 26(2), 127-134 (2010).

12.   Liu, C.-M., Extended Stokes’ problems of relatively moving porous half-planes, Mathematical Problems in Engineering V.2009, Article ID 185965, 10 pages (2009).

13.   Liu, C.-M.*, Hwung, H.-H., Yang, R.-Y., The consistence between the Stokes wave theory and general wave theory, Journal of Mechanics 25(3), N17-N20 (2009).

14.   Liu, C.-M., Establishing a value of professional ethics: The teaching of engineering ethics at Tatung University, Tatung Journal of General Education 5, 213-227 (2009). (in Chinese)

15.   Liu, C.-M., Complete solutions to extended Stokes’ problems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering V.2008, Article ID 754262, 18 pages (2008).

16.   Liu, C.-M.*, Kong, C.-H., Hwung, H.-H., Three regimes of overtaking collision of two solitons, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 31(6), 1057-1060 (2008).

17.   Liu, C.-M.*, Hwung, H.-H., Kong, C.-H., The unsteady viscous flow generated by an oscillating moving porous plate, Journal of Mechanics 24(2), 145-152 (2008).

18.   Liu, C.-M.*, Lin, M.-C., Kong, C.-H., Essential properties of Boussinesq equations for internal and surface waves in a two-fluid system, Ocean Engineering 35(2), 230-246 (2008).

19.   Liu, C.-M., Hwung, H.-H.*, Effects of currents on super- and sub-harmonic waves in a two-fluid system, Geophysical Research Letters 34(6), L06607 (2007).

20.   Liu, C.-M.*, Liu, I.-C., A note on the transient solution of Stokes’ second problem with arbitrary initial phase, Journal of Mechanics 22(4), 349-354 (2006).

21.   Liu, C.-M., Second-order random internal and surface waves in a two-fluid system, Geophysical Research Letters 33(6), L06610 (2006).

22.   Liu, C.-M.*, Kong, C.-H., A note on the interaction of three uni-directional solitary waves, Journal of Taiwan Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 25(4), 233-236 (2006). 


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