
Dr. Ana García-García

University of California, USA

Monterey Peninsula College, USA






2002 Ph.D., marine geosciences, University of Vigo, Spain

1999 M.Sc., marine geosciences, University of Vigo, Spain

1991 B.Sc., marine geology, University of Vigo, Spain


Publications (Selected)

1.     García-García, A., Orange, D. (2014) High resolution insight on the submarine mudflows of the Gulf of Mexico. Veress, B. and Szigethy, J. (Eds.) Chapter 1 in B. Veress and J. Szigethy (eds.) Horizons in Earth Science Research. Volume 11. Nova Science Publishers, New York: 1-13 p.

2.     Engelstad, A., Janssen, T., Herbers, T.H.C., van Vledder, G., Elgar, S., Raubenheimer, B., Trainor, L., Garcia-Garcia, A. (2013) Wave evolution across the Louisiana shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 52: 190-202.

3.     García-García, A., Levey, M., Watson, E. (2013) High Resolution Study of the Holocene Infill of the Elkhorn Slough, Central California. Continental Shelf Research, 55: 108-118.

4.     García-García, A., Schoolmeester, T., Orange, D., Calafat, A., Fabres, J., Grossman, E., Field, M., Lorenson, T., Levey, M., Sansoucy, M. (2012) Recent Processes in the Cap de Creus canyon head and continental shelf, NE Spain: evidence from Multibeam Bathymetry, Sub-bottom Profiles and Coring. In: Li, M.Z., Sherwood, C. R., Hill, P.R. (Eds.) Sediments, Morphology and Sedimentary Processes on Continental Shelves: Advances in technologies, research and applications. Int. Assoc. Sedimentol. Spec. Public. 44, 71-98.

5.     García-García and D. Orange (2010) Repeat surveys to evaluate seasonal variability in seafloor and sub-surface acoustic properties: shallow water Gulf of Mexico. ONR-Coastal Geosciences Review Symposium, 2-4 June 2010, Chicago (US).

6.     García-García, T. Schoolmeester, D. Orange, A. Calafat, J. Fabres, E. Grossman, M. Field, T. Lorenson, M. Sansoucy, M. Levey and D. McConnell. (2009) Recent sedimentary processes in the Cap de Creus canyon head and continental shelf, NE Spain: evidence from Multibeam Bathymetry, Sub-bottom Profiles and Coring. The 4th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Austin, Texas, November 2009.

7.     M. Levey, A. García-García and D. Orange. (2009) Evidence of hurricane-induced mudflows and their characteristics near the West Delta, Gulf of Mexico. EOS Trans., AGU 90 (52), Fall. Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH43B-1310.

8.     García-García, D. Orange, T. Lorenson, O. Radakovitch, T. Tesi, S. Miserocchi, S. Berne, P. L. Friend, C. Nittrouer, P. Normand. (2008) Reply to Comments by Mastalerz, V. on “Shallow Gas off the Rhône prodelta, Gulf of Lions”. Marine Geology, 248, 118-121.

9.     García-García, J. Henderson, A. Henning, D. Orange, M. Mulrey and RV Pelican field party. (2008) High-Resolution Imagery of Mudflows in the Mississippi River Delta: Results from Multibeam, Sidescan Sonar and Subbottom Profiler Data. The 5th International Conference on High-resolution Surveys in Shallow Water, New Hampshire, October 2008.

10.   T. Lincoln, T. H. C. Herbers, T. T. Janssen and A. García-García. (2008) Observations of Ocean Surface Wave Damping on a Muddy Continental Shelf EOS Trans., AGU 89 (53), Fall. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS13D-1243.

11.   M. Levey, A. García-García, D. Orange, M. Mulrey, G. Shipton, I. Herbert and RV Pelican field party. (2008) Seafloor Acoustic Properties Studies in Shallow Water: High-Resolution Surveys in Panama City, Florida. The 5th International Conference on High-resolution Surveys in Shallow Water, New Hampshire, October 2008.

12.   García-García, T. Tesi, D. Orange, T. Lorenson, S. Miserocchi, L. Langone, I. Herbert, J. Dougherty. (2007) Understanding shallow gas occurrences in the Gulf of Lions. Geo-Marine Letters 27, 143-154.

13.   García-García, D. Orange, S. Miserocchi, A. Correggiari, L. Langone, T. Lorenson, F. Trincardi, C. Nittrouer. (2007) What controls the distribution of the shallow gas in the Western Adriatic Sea? Continental Shelf research 27, 359-374.

14.   G. Lastras, M. Canals, R. Urgeles, D. Amblas, M. Ivanov, L. Droz, B. Dennielou, J. Fabrés, T. Schoolmeester, A. Akhmetzhanov, D. Orange, A. García-García. (2007) A walk down the Cap de Creus canyon, northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Recent processes inferred from morphology and sediment bedforms. Marine Geology, 246, 176-192.

15.   Orange, A. García-García, T. Ramirez, J. Henderson, D. Orange, M. Levey, A. Henning and RV Pelican field party. (2007) Seafloor and Shallow Sub-surface Acoustic Properties Studies: A Geophysical Baseline for the Fluid-Mud MURI Site, Transactions, AGU 88 (52), Fall. Meet. Suppl., Abstract S23A-1115.

16.   D. Orange, A. García-García, A. Orange, A. Henning, D. Brouillete, P. Martin, T. Brouillete, R. Shiffer, J. Willias, D. Henderson, M. Jewell, M. McGuire, S. Willias, J. Tapia, C. Spear, B. Monsalve. (2007) Spatial Variability ofSeafloor and Shallow Sub-surface Acoustic Properties, Shallow Water Gulf of Mexico, Transactions, AGU 88 (52), Fall. Meet. Suppl., Abstract NS31B-0396.



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