Dr. Ana
of California, USA
Peninsula College, USA
Email: agarciag@ucsc.edu, agarciagarcia@mpc.edu
Ph.D., marine geosciences, University of Vigo, Spain
M.Sc., marine geosciences, University of Vigo, Spain
B.Sc., marine geology, University of Vigo, Spain
1. García-García, A., Orange, D. (2014) High
resolution insight on the submarine mudflows of the Gulf of Mexico. Veress, B.
and Szigethy, J. (Eds.) Chapter 1 in B. Veress and J. Szigethy (eds.) Horizons
in Earth Science Research. Volume 11. Nova Science Publishers, New York: 1-13
2. Engelstad, A., Janssen, T., Herbers,
T.H.C., van Vledder, G., Elgar, S., Raubenheimer, B., Trainor, L.,
Garcia-Garcia, A. (2013) Wave evolution across the Louisiana shelf. Continental
Shelf Research, 52: 190-202.
3. García-García, A., Levey, M., Watson, E.
(2013) High Resolution Study of the Holocene Infill of the Elkhorn Slough,
Central California. Continental Shelf Research, 55: 108-118.
4. García-García, A., Schoolmeester, T.,
Orange, D., Calafat, A., Fabres, J., Grossman, E., Field, M., Lorenson, T.,
Levey, M., Sansoucy, M. (2012) Recent Processes in the Cap de Creus canyon head
and continental shelf, NE Spain: evidence from Multibeam Bathymetry, Sub-bottom
Profiles and Coring. In: Li, M.Z., Sherwood, C. R., Hill, P.R. (Eds.)
Sediments, Morphology and Sedimentary Processes on Continental Shelves:
Advances in technologies, research and applications. Int. Assoc. Sedimentol.
Spec. Public. 44, 71-98.
5. García-García and D. Orange (2010) Repeat
surveys to evaluate seasonal variability in seafloor and sub-surface acoustic
properties: shallow water Gulf of Mexico. ONR-Coastal Geosciences Review
Symposium, 2-4 June 2010, Chicago (US).
6. García-García, T. Schoolmeester, D. Orange,
A. Calafat, J. Fabres, E. Grossman, M. Field, T. Lorenson, M. Sansoucy, M.
Levey and D. McConnell. (2009) Recent sedimentary processes in the Cap de Creus
canyon head and continental shelf, NE Spain: evidence from Multibeam
Bathymetry, Sub-bottom Profiles and Coring. The 4th International Symposium on
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Austin, Texas, November 2009.
7. M. Levey, A. García-García and D. Orange.
(2009) Evidence of hurricane-induced mudflows and their characteristics near
the West Delta, Gulf of Mexico. EOS Trans., AGU 90 (52), Fall. Meet. Suppl.,
Abstract NH43B-1310.
8. García-García, D. Orange, T. Lorenson, O.
Radakovitch, T. Tesi, S. Miserocchi, S. Berne, P. L. Friend, C. Nittrouer, P.
Normand. (2008) Reply to Comments by Mastalerz, V. on “Shallow Gas off the
Rhône prodelta, Gulf of Lions”. Marine Geology, 248, 118-121.
9. García-García, J. Henderson, A. Henning, D.
Orange, M. Mulrey and RV Pelican field party. (2008) High-Resolution Imagery of
Mudflows in the Mississippi River Delta: Results from Multibeam, Sidescan Sonar
and Subbottom Profiler Data. The 5th International Conference on
High-resolution Surveys in Shallow Water, New Hampshire, October 2008.
10. T. Lincoln, T. H. C. Herbers, T.
T. Janssen and A. García-García. (2008) Observations of Ocean Surface Wave
Damping on a Muddy Continental Shelf EOS Trans., AGU 89 (53), Fall. Meet.
Suppl., Abstract OS13D-1243.
11. M. Levey, A. García-García, D. Orange, M.
Mulrey, G. Shipton, I. Herbert and RV Pelican field party. (2008) Seafloor
Acoustic Properties Studies in Shallow Water: High-Resolution Surveys in Panama
City, Florida. The 5th International Conference on High-resolution Surveys in
Shallow Water, New Hampshire, October 2008.
12. García-García, T. Tesi, D. Orange, T.
Lorenson, S. Miserocchi, L. Langone, I. Herbert, J. Dougherty. (2007)
Understanding shallow gas occurrences in the Gulf of Lions. Geo-Marine Letters 27,
13. García-García, D. Orange, S. Miserocchi, A.
Correggiari, L. Langone, T. Lorenson, F. Trincardi, C. Nittrouer. (2007) What
controls the distribution of the shallow gas in the Western Adriatic Sea?
Continental Shelf research 27, 359-374.
14. G. Lastras, M. Canals, R. Urgeles, D.
Amblas, M. Ivanov, L. Droz, B. Dennielou, J. Fabrés, T. Schoolmeester, A.
Akhmetzhanov, D. Orange, A. García-García. (2007) A walk down the Cap de Creus
canyon, northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Recent processes inferred from
morphology and sediment bedforms. Marine Geology, 246, 176-192.
15. Orange, A. García-García, T. Ramirez, J.
Henderson, D. Orange, M. Levey, A. Henning and RV Pelican field party. (2007)
Seafloor and Shallow Sub-surface Acoustic Properties Studies: A Geophysical
Baseline for the Fluid-Mud MURI Site, Transactions, AGU 88 (52), Fall. Meet.
Suppl., Abstract S23A-1115.
16. D. Orange, A. García-García, A. Orange, A.
Henning, D. Brouillete, P. Martin, T. Brouillete, R. Shiffer, J. Willias, D.
Henderson, M. Jewell, M. McGuire, S. Willias, J. Tapia, C. Spear, B. Monsalve.
(2007) Spatial Variability ofSeafloor and Shallow Sub-surface Acoustic
Properties, Shallow Water Gulf of Mexico, Transactions, AGU 88 (52), Fall.
Meet. Suppl., Abstract NS31B-0396.