
Prof. Kisuk Kang

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Seoul National University, South Korea




2006 Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Materials Science and Engineering

2001 B.S., Seoul National University, Materials Science and Engineering

Publications (selected)

  1. Scalable Fabrication of Silicon Nanotubes and their Application to Energy Storage. Jung-Keun Yoo, Jongsoon Kim, Yeon Sik Jung, and Kisuk Kang. Advanced Materials, Online published. (2012).
  2. The potential for long-term operation of a lithium–oxygen battery using a non-carbonate-based electrolyte. Hee-Dae Lim, Kyu-Young Park, Hyeokjo Gwon, Jihyun Hong, Haegyeom Kim and Kisuk Kang, Chemical Communications, Vol. 48, pp. 8374-8376 (2012).
  3. New Iron-Based Mixed-Polyanion Cathodes for Lithium and Sodium Rechargeable Batteries: Combined First Principles Calculations and Experimental Study. Hyungsub Kim, Inchul Park, Dong-Hwa Seo, Seongsu Lee, Sung-Wook Kim, Woo Jun Kwon, Young-Uk Park, Chul Sung Kim, Seokwoo Jeon, and Kisuk Kang, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 134, pp. 10369-10372 (2012).
  4. Energy Storage in Composites of a Redox Couple Host and a Lithium Ion Host. Sung-Wook Kim, Kyung-Wan Nam, Dong-Hwa Seo, Jihyun Hong, Hyungsub Kim, Hyeokjo Gwon, and Kisuk Kang, Nano Today, Vol. 7, pp. 168-173 (2012).
  5. Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Sodium-Ion Batteries: Potential Alternatives for Current Lithium-Ion Batteries. Sung-Wook Kim, Dong-Hwa Seo, Xiaohua Ma, Gerbrand Ceder, and Kisuk Kang, Advanced Energy Materials, Vol. 2, pp. 710-721 (2012).
  6. Flexible energy storage devices based on graphene paper. Hyeokjo Gwon, Hyun-Suk Kim, Kye Ung Lee, Dong-Hwa Seo, Yun Chang Park, Yun-Sung Lee, Byung Tae Ahn and Kisuk Kang, Energy and Environmental Science, Issue 4, pp. 1277(2011).
  7. SnO2/graphene composite with high lithium storage capability for lithium rechargeable batteries. Haegyeom Kim, Sung-Wook Kim, Young-Uk Park, Hyeokjo Gwon, Dong-Hwa Seo,Yuhee Kim and Kisuk Kang, Nano research, Vol. 3, 11, 813-821 (2010).
  8. Fabrication of FeF3 Nanoflowers on CNT Branches and Their Application to High Power Lithium Rechargeable Batteries. Sung-Wook Kim, Dong-Hwa Seo, Hyeokjo Gwon, Jongsoon Kim, and Kisuk Kang, Advanced Materials, 22(46), 5260 (2010).
  9. Mineralization of Self-Assembled Peptide Nanofibers for Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries. Jungki Ryu, Sung-wook Kim, Kisuk Kang, and Chan Beum Park, Advanced Materials, 22(48), 5537 (2010).
  10. Synthesis of Diphenylalanine/Cobalt Oxide Hybrid Nanowires and Their Application to Energy Storage. Jungki Ryu, Sung-Wook Kim, Kisuk Kang, Chan Beum Park, ACS Nano, 4(1), pp. 159-64 (2010).

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