Prof. Konstantin Chichinadze
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
1992-1995 Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia
1986-1992 Faculty of Pediatrics, Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia
Publications (Selected)
K., Chichinadze N., Gachechiladze L., Lazarashvili A. and Nikоlaishvili M.Physical Predictors, Behavioral/Emotional
Attributes and Neurochemical Determinants of Dominant Behavior.Biological Reviews.
2014. 89(4): 1005-1020.
Chichinadze K., Chichinadze N.,
Gachechiladze L., Lazarashvili A. New Method for Predicting Dominant
Individuals in Mammalian Social Structure: (Sazepuri Method). In:Aggressive Behavior: New Research.Edited byRenaud Bodine and Danielle R.
Bucher. Nova Publishers: New York. 2013.pp. 93-118.
Chichinadze K., Lazarashvili
A., Tkemaladze J.RNA in centrosomes: structure and possible functions.Protoplasma.2013.
250(1): 397-405.
Chichinadze K.,
Lazarashili A., Chichinadze N., Gachechiladze L. Testosterone dynamics during
encounter: role of emotional factors.Journal of Comparative Physiology A:
Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 2012.198(7): 485-494.
Chichinadze K.N.,Domianidze
T.P.,Matitaishvili T.Ts.,Labadze
I.D.,Pantsulaya I.N.,and
Khananashvili M.M.A new model of depression induced by
psychogenic stress.Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology.2012.
48(2): 181-188.
Chichinadze K.,
Chichinadze N., Gachechiladze L., Lazarashili A.The role of
androgens in regulating emotional state and aggressive behavior.Reviews in the Neurosciences.2012. 23(2): 123-133.
Chichinadze K.,Tkemaladze J., Lazarashvili A. Discovery of centrosomal RNA andcentrosomal hypothesis of cellular ageing.Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids. 2012. 31(3): 172-183
Chichinadze N., Chichinadze K.
Chapter 8. On the Social Status of Profit-Seeking Man (“Conceptual Scoundrel”).
In:Advances in Psychology Research.
Volume 90. Edited by Alexandra M. Columbus. Nova Publishers. New York. 2012.
pp. 157-164.
Chichinadze K.N., Tkemaladze D.V., Lazarashvili A. New class of RNA and
centrosomal hypothesis of cell aging.Advances
in Gerontology.2012. 2(4):
Chichinadze K., Chichinadze N.,
Gachechiladze L., Lazarashvili A. Chapter III. Testosterone – inducer of aggression or pleasure-related hormone?
Biochemistry, Therapeutic Uses and Physiological Effects. Edited by Konstantin Chichinadze.Nova Publishers. New York. 2012. pp.
Tkemaladze J., Tavartkiladze A., Chichinadze
K. Chapter 12. Programming and Implementation of Age-related Changes. In:Senescence.
Edited by Tetsuji Nagata. Zagreb: InTech. 2012. pp. 251-268.
Chichinadze K., Tkemaladze J., Lazarashvili A. New class of RNA and
centrosomal hypothesis of cell aging.Advances
in Gerontology.2012. 2(4):
Chichinadze K., Chichinadze N., Lazarashili A.
Hormonal and neurochemical mechanisms of aggression and a new classification of
aggressive behavior.Aggression and
Violent Behavior. 2011. 16(6): 461-471.
Lezhava T., Monaselidze J., Jokhadze T., Kakauridze
N., Khodeli N., Rogava M., Bochorishvili T., Gorgoshidze M., Khachidze D.,
Lomidze E., Tkemaladze J., Chichinadze K., Koridze M., Khukhuneishvili R.,
Zosidze N., Nagervadze M., Buadze T., Gaiozishvili M. Gerontology research in
Georgia.Biogerontology. 2011.12(2):87-91
Tkemaladze J., Chichinadze K. Centriole,
Differentiation and Senescence.Rejuvenation Research.2010. 13(2-3): 339-342.
Chichinadze K.N., Domianidze T.R.,
Matitaishvili T.Ts., Chichinadze N.K. and LazarashviliA.G. Possible
Relation of Plasma Testosterone Level to Aggressive Behavior of Male Prisoners.Bulletin of Experimental Biology and
Medicine. 2010. 149(1): 7-9.
Chichinadze K., Chichinadze N.,
Lazarashvili A. New Classification and Neurobiology of Aggressive Behavior.Handbook
of Aggressive Behavior Research. Caitriona Quin and Scott Tawse (Editors).
NovaPublishers.NewYork. 2009.pp. 183-213.
Chichinadze K. and
Chichinadze N. Stress-induced increase of testosterone: Contributions of social
status andsympathetic reactivity.Physiology & Behavior. 2008. 94(4):595-603.
KN, Gachechiladze LF.Aggressive behavior, its adaptive function and mechanisms of development of
psychosomatic disorders and diseases of adaptation.Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova. 2006 Jan-Feb; 56(1):118-129.
TkemaladzeJ.V., ChichinadzeK.N.Centriolar Mechanisms of Differentiation and Replicative Aging of Higher Animal
Cells.Biochemistry (Moscow). Vol.70,
No.11, 2005, pp.1288-1303.
Tkemaladze D.,Chichinadze K.Potential role of
centrioles in determining the morphogenetic status of animal somatic cells
(hypothesis).Cell Biology International.
2005.№5. p. 370-374.