
Prof. Michela Balconi

Catholic University of Milan, Italy



2001 Ph.D.,  Language, Communication and Cognitive Processes, Catholic University of Milan, Italy

1998 M.A., Psychology, State University of Turin, Italy
1992 B.A., Philosophy, State University of Milan, Italy

Publications (Selected)

  1. Balconi, M., Lucchiari, C., (2007). Consciousness and emotional facial expression recognition. Subliminal/supraliminal stimulation effect on N200 and P300 ERPs, Journal of Psychophysiology, 2, 100-108 [IF 1.68]
  2. Balconi, M.., Lucchiari, C., (2008). Consciousness and arousal effects on emotional face processing as revealed by brain oscillations. A gamma band analysis, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 67, 41-46
  3. Balconi, M. Brambilla, E., Falbo, L., (2009). BIS/BAS, Cortical oscillations and coherence in response to emotional cues, Brain Research Bulletin, 80, 151-157
  4. Balconi, M., Mazza, G., (2009). Brain oscillations and BIS/BAS (behavioral inhibition/activation system) effects on processing masked emotional cues. ERS/ERD and coherence measures of alpha band, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 74, 158-165
  5. Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U., (2009). Arousal effect on emotional face comprehension. Frequency band changes in different time intervals, Physiology and Behavior, 97, 455-462
  6. Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., (2010). FRN and P300 ERP effect modulation in response to feedback sensitivity: The contribution of punishment-reward system (BIS/BAS) and Behaviour Identification of action, Neuroscience Research, 66, 162-172
  7. Balconi, M, Crivelli, D. (2010). Veridical and false feedback sensitivity and punishment-reward system (BIS/BAS).ERP amplitude and theta frequency band analysis, Clinical Neurophysiology, 2010; 121: 1502-1510.
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