Dr. Weizhen Zhang
of Surgery
University of Michigan Medical Center, USA
Research Associate Professor
of Physiology
Peking University Health Science Center, China
Email: weizhenz@umich.edu
1999-2000 Resident, Jackon Memorial Hospital, University of Miami, USA
1994-1995 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, USA
1991-1994 Ph.D., Medicine,Peking University Health Science Center, China
1987-1990 M.Sc., Medicine,Capital Institute of Medicine, China
1981-1987 B. Sc., Medicine,Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, China
Weizhen Zhang*, Michael W. Mulholland. Neuroplasticity in the dorsal
vagal complex. In Andres Costa and Eugenio Villalba, ed.: Horizons in
Neuroscience Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY. 2009. pp341-354.
Weizhen Zhang* and Michael W. Mulholland. Calcium signaling in enteric
glia of the enteric nervous system. In Andres Costa and Eugenio Villalba, ed.:
Horizons in Neuroscience Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY.
Xu G, An W, Li Y, Zhao J, Xiang X, Ding L, Li Z, Guan Y, Wang X, Tang
C,Mulholland MW,Zhang W. Regulation
of gastric hormone production by rapamycin. Peptides 2010;31:2185-92. PMID: 20804797.
Geyang Xu, Yin Li and Weizhen Zhang*. Gastric fuel sensing, ghrelin
production and food intake. In Nejc S. Penkava and Logan R. Haight, ed.:
Neuroendocrinology Research Developments. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Hauppauge, NY. 2011.pp35-61.
Li J-Y, Chai B,Zhang W, Wu X, Zhang C, FritzeD, Xia Z,
Patterson C and Mulholland MW. Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing protein 4
(Asb-4) colocalizes with insulin receptor substrate 4 (IRS4) in the
hypothalamic neurons and mediates IRS4 degradation. BMC Neuroscience 2011;
Xinxin Xiang, Jing Zhao, Yin
Li and Weizhen Zhang*. Osteocalcin: from bone to vessel. In Masayoshi Yamaguchi,
ed.: Osteocalcin: Production, Regulation and Disease. Nova Science Publishers,
Inc. Hauppauge, NY. 2012. pp1-28.
Danielle M Fritze, Michael W.
Mulholland, Weizhen Zhang*.Protease-Activated Receptor 2 in the Enteric Nervous
System. In Kirk Weaver and Clayton Kelley, ed: Trypsin: Structure, Biosynthesis
and Functions. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY. 2012. pp117-131.
Xia Z, Fritze DM, Li J, Chai B, Zhang C,Zhang W*, Mulholland MW*. Nesfatin-1
inhibits gastric acid secretion via a central vagal mechanism in rats. Am J
Amini P, Wadden D, Cahill F, Randell E,
Vasdev S, Chen X, Gulliver W,Zhang W,
Zhang H, Yi Y, Sun G. Serum Acylated Ghrelin is Negatively Correlated with the
Insulin Resistance in the CODING study. PLoS one 2012;7:e45657. doi:10.1371
Xiang X, Yuan F, Zhao J, Li Z, Wang X, Guan
Y, Tang C, Li Y,Zhang W. Deficiency
in pulmonary surfactant proteins in mice with FABP4-cre mediated knockout of TSC1
gene. ExpPhysiol 2013;98:830-41.PMID:23143994
Tong Q, Duan L, Xu Z, Wang H, Wang X, Li Z,Zhang W, Zheng H.Improved insulin
secretion following intrapancreatic UCB transplantation in patients with T2DM.J
ClinEndocrinolMetab 2013;98(9):E1501-4. PMID:23861460
Li Z, Gao L,
Tang H, Yin Y, Xiang X, Li Y, Zhao J, Mulholland M,Zhang W. Peripheral effects of nesfatin-1 on glucose homeostasis.
PLoS one 2013;8(8): e71513. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071513
Zhang W*, Zhang C, Fritze
D, Chai B, Li J, Mulholland M. Modulation of food intake by mTOR signaling in
the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus in male rats: Focus on ghrelin and nesfatin-1.
ExpPhysiol 2013;98(12):1696-704. PMID:23955309
Xiang X, An W, Jiang C, Zhao J, Wang X, Sun
G, Li Y,Zhang W. Lipopolysaccharide
inhibits the expression of resistin in adipocytes. J MolEndocrinol2013;51(3):287-99.PMID:23969982
Li JY, Chai B,Zhang W, Fritze DM, Zhang C, Mulholland MW.LGR4 and its ligands,
R-spondin 1 and 3, regulate food intake in the hypothalamus of male rats.Endocrinology.
2014;155(2):429-40. PMID:24280058
Yin Y, Li Y,Zhang W. The Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor:Its Intracellular
Signaling and Regulation.Int J MolSci 2014; 15: 4837-4855.
Qin Y, Li Z,
Wang Z, Li Y, Zhao J, Mulholland M,Zhang
W. Ghrelin contributes to protection of hepatocellular injury induced by
ischemia-reperfusion. Liver Int 2014; 34(4):567-75. doi: 10.1111/liv.12286
Fritze D,Zhang W, Li J-Y, Chai B, Mulholland M.
Thrombin mediates vagal apoptosis and dysfunction in inflammatory bowel
disease. J Gastrointest Surg. 2014;18(8):1495-506.
Fritze D,Zhang W, Li J-Y, Chai B, Mulholland M.
TNFacauses thrombin-dependent vagal neuron apoptosis in inflammatory bowel disease.
J Gastrointest Surg. 2014;18(9):1632-41. PMID:24961441
Li Z, Xu G, Qin
Y, Zhang C, Tang H, Yin Y, Xiang X, Li Y, Zhao J, Mulholland M,Zhang W.Ghrelin promotes hepatic
lipogenesis by activation of mTOR-PPARgsignaling pathway. ProcNatlAcadSci USA 2014;
Ding L, Han L,
Li Y, Zhao J, He P,Zhang W.Neurogenin
3 directed cre deletion of Tsc1 gene causes pancreatic acinar carcinoma.
Neoplasia 2014;16(11):909-17.
Xiang X, Lan H,
Tang H, Yuan F, Xu Y, Zhao J, Li Y,Zhang
W. TSC1-mTOR signaling determines brown-to-white adipocyte phenotypic
switch. Diabetes 2015;64(2):519-28. PMID:25213336
Xu Y, Li Z, Yin
Y, Lan H, Wang J, Zhao J, Feng J, Li Y,Zhang
W.Ghrelin inhibits the differentiation of T helper 17 cells through mTOR/STAT3
signaling pathway.PLoS One 2015;10(2):e0117081. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117081.
Zhang W, Chang L, Zhang C, Zhang R, Li Z, Chai B, Li J, Chen E, Mulholland
M. Central and peripheral irisin differentially regulate blood pressure.
Cardiovasc Drugs Ther2015;29(2):121-7. PMID:25820670
Zhang W, Zhang C, Chang L, Zhang R, Li Z, Chai B, Li J, Chen E, Mulholland
MW. Irisin: a myokine with locomotor activity.Neurosci Lett 2015;595:7-11.PMID:25841790
Xu G, Li Z, Tang H, Guo S, Wang H,Zhang W.Intestinal mTOR regulates GLP-1 production in L cells.
Diabetologia2015; 58(8):1887-97. PMID:26037201.
Yin Y, Zhang W. The role
of ghrelin in senescence. Gerontology 2015.PMID:26160147