
Dr. Andrew J. Manning
School of Marine Science & Engineering,
University of Plymouth, UK

2001 Ph.D., University of Plymouth, UK
1996 M.A., Applied Marine Science, University of Plymouth, UK
1991 B.A., Civil Engineering, Polytechnic South West, UK
Publications (Selected)
  1. Ussher, S.J., Manning, A.J., Tappin, A.D. and Fitzsimons, M.F. (2011). From the Thames to the Tamar: can mini-annular flumes simulate the physical and chemical behaviour of estuarine particles? Hydrobiologica (accepted for publication).
  2. Spearman, J.R., Manning, A.J. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. (2010). The settling dynamics of flocculating mud:sand mixtures: Part 2 – Numerical modelling. Ocean Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s10236-011-0385-8, (in press).
  3. Spencer, K.L., Manning, A.J., Droppo, I.G., Leppard, G.G. and Benson, T. (2010). Dynamic interactions between cohesive sediment tracers and natural mud. Journal of Soils and Sediments, Volume 10 (7), doi:10.1007/s11368-010-0291-6.
  4. Mikeš, D. and Manning, A.J. (2010). An assessment of flocculation kinetics of cohesive sediments from the Seine and Gironde Estuaries, France, through laboratory and field studies. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering (ASCE), Volume 136, Issue 6, 306-318, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000053.
  5. Baugh, J.V. and Manning, A.J., (2007). An Assessment of a New Settling Velocity Parameterisation for Cohesive Sediment Transport Modelling. Continental Shelf Research, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2007.03.003.
  6. Graham, G.W. and Manning, A.J., (2007). Floc size and settling velocity in tidal wetlands: preliminary observations from laboratory experimentation. Continental Shelf Research, 27, 1060-1079, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2005.11.017.
  7. Graham, G.W., Bass, S.J., Nimmo Smith, W.A.M. and Manning, A.J., (2007). Flow modification by Spartina anglica. Journal of Coastal Research, SI50, 778-783.
  8. Gratiot, N. and Manning, A.J., (2007). A laboratory study of dilute suspension mud floc characteristics in an oscillatory diffusive turbulent flow. Journal of Coastal Research, SI50, 1142-1146.
  9. Maggi, F., Manning, A.J. and Winterwerp, J.C., (2006). Image separation and geometric characterisation of mud flocs. Journal of Hydrology, 326 (1-4), 325-348.
  10. Manning, A.J., and Bass, S.J., (2006). Variability in cohesive sediment settling fluxes: observations under different estuarine tidal conditions. Marine Geology, 235, 177-192.
  11. Manning, A.J., Bass, S.J. and Dyer, K.R., (2006). Floc Properties in the Turbidity Maximum of a Mesotidal Estuary During Neap and Spring Tidal Conditions. Marine Geology, 235, 193-211.
  12. Manning, A.J., (2004). The observed effects of turbulence on estuarine flocculation. Journal of Coastal Research, SI41, 90-104.
  13. Manning, A.J., (2004). Observations of the properties of flocculated cohesive sediment in three western European estuaries. Journal of Coastal Research, SI41, 70-81.
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