
Dr. Gustaaf Schoukens

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Ghent University, Belgium



1978 Ph.D., Catholic University of Leuven (K.U. Leuven), applied sciences

1971 M.Sc., Catholic University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven), chemical engineering

Publications (Selected)

  1. Schoukens, G. et al. (2015) Hybrid palm-oil/styrene-maleimide nanoparticles synthesized in aqueous dispersion under different conditions, Journal of Microencapsulation 06/2015; DOI:10.3109/02652048.2015.1028493.
  2. Schoukens, G. et al. (2015) Synthesis of imidized nanoparticles containing soy oil under various reaction conditions, European Polymer Journal 05/2015; 66. DOI:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2015.01.036.
  3. Schoukens, G. et al. (2014) Influence of Heat Treatment on the Bending Behaviour of LLDPE Monofilaments, Autex Research Journal 09/2014; Volume 14(Issue 3): Pages 187–199, ISSN (Online) 2300-0929. DOI:10.2478/aut-2014-0021.
  4. Schoukens, G. et al. (2014) Complex Packaging Structures Based on Wood Derived Products: Actual and Future Possibilities for 1-Way Food Packages. 07/2014; 3(4):58-67. DOI:10.5539/jmsr.v3n4p58.
  5. Schoukens, G. et al. (2014) Thermo-analytical study on transitions in styrene-maleic anhydride copolymers with low- and high-molecular weights, Thermochimica Acta 03/2014; 580. DOI:10.1016/j.tca.2014.01.021.
  6. Schoukens,G. et al. (2014) Morphologies and Thermal Variability of Patterned Polymer Films with Poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) Polymers 03/2014; 6(3):820-845. DOI:10.3390/polym6030820.
  7. Schoukens, G. et al.(2013) Hydrophobic waterborne coating for cellulose containing hybrid organic nanoparticle pigments with vegetable oils Cellulose 10/2013; 20(5). DOI:10.1007/s10570-013-0003-7.
  8. Schoukens, G. et al.(2013) Insights in the molecular structure of low- and high-molecular weight poly(styrene-maleic anhydride) from vibrational and resonance spectroscopy Polymer 01/2013; 54(1):349-362.
  9. Schoukens, G. et al. (2013) Bending Behaviour of LLDPE Monofilaments Depending on Cold Drawing and Composition of the LLDPEs Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe 01/2013; 21(4(100)):23-30.
  10. Schoukens, G. et al. (2012) Incorporating different vegetable oils into an aqueous dispersion of hybrid organic nanoparticles Journal of Nanoparticle Research 08/2012; 14(8). DOI:10.1007/s11051-012-1075-2. Impact Factor 2.28.
  11. Schoukens, G. et al. (2012) Influence of stretching on the resilience of LLDPE monofilaments for application in artificial turf Journal of Applied Polymer Science 06/2012; 124(5):4081-4089. DOI:10.1002/app.35014.
  12. Schoukens, G. et al. (2012) Quality and Statistical Classification of Brazilian Vegetable Oils Using Mid-Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy Applied Spectroscopy 05/2012; 66(5):552-65. DOI:10.1366/11-06484.
  13. Schoukens, G. et al. (2012) Synthesis and characterization of imidized poly(styrene‐maleic anhydride) nanoparticles in stable aqueous dispersion Polymers for Advanced Technologies 03/2012; 23(3). DOI:10.1002/pat.1871.
  14. Schoukens, G. et al. (2011) How thermal curing of an organic paper coating changes topography, Chemistry and Wettability LANGMUIR, 27(13), 8509-8521.
  15. Schoukens,G. et al. (2011) Creating water-repellent and super-hydrophobic cellulose substrates by deposition of organic nanoparticles, MATERIALS LETTRS, 65(12), 1781-1784.
  16. Schoukens, G. et al.,(2011) Application of polymer nanoparticle coating for tuning the hydrophobicity of cellulosic substrates, JOURNAL OF COATINGS AND RESEARCH, 8 (3), 363-373.
  17. Schoukens, G. et al.,(2011)  Paper coatings with multi-scale roughness evaluated at different sizes, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 257(13), 5613-5625.
  18. Schoukens, G. et al., (2010)Modifications of paper and paperboard surfaces with a nanostructured polymer coating, PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS, 69(4), 442-454.
  19. Samyn, P., Schoukens, G. & De Baets, P. (2010). Micro- to nanoscale surface morphology and friction response of tribological polyimide surfaces. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 256(11) 3394-3408.
  20. Samyn, P., De Baets, P. & Schoukens, G. (2010). Role of internal additives in the friction and wear of carbon-fiber-reinforced polyimide. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 116(2) 1146-1156.
  21. Samyn, P. & Schoukens, G. (2009). Thermochemical sliding interactions of short carbon fiber polyimide composites at high pv-conditions. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 115(1) 185-195.
  22. Schoukens, G., Kiekens, P. & Krucinska, I. (2009). New bioactive textile dressing materials from dibutyrylchitin. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLOTHING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 21(2-3) 93-101.
  23. Oezdemir, D., Schoukens, G., Goektepe, O. & Goektepe, F. (2008). Preparation of di-butyryl-chitin scaffolds by using salt leaching method for tissue engineering and their characteristics. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 109(5) 2882-2887.
  24. Samyn, P. & Schoukens, G. (2008). Calculation and significance of the maximum polymer surface temperature T* in reciprocating cylinder-on-plate sliding. POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, 48(4) 774-785.
  25. Samyn, P. & Schoukens, G. (2008). Experimental extrapolation model for friction and wear of polymers on different testing scales. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES, 50(9) 1390-1403.
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