Prof. Nily Dan
Drexel University, USA
1992 Ph.D., University of Minnesota, USA, Chemical Engineering
1987 B.Sc., Technion, Israel, Chemical Engineering
Publications (Selected)
Carignano, M., Yerushalmi-Rozen, R., Dan, N., Wetting Transitions in Polymeric Films, Macromolecules 33, 3453-3460 (2000).
Ramos,L., T.C. Lubensky, N. Dan, P. Nelson and D.A. Weitz, Surfactant-Mediated Two-dimensional Crystallization of Colloidal Crystals, Science, 285, 2325-2328 (1999).
Dan, N., Synthesis of amphiphile-based gene carriers, in Reactions and Synthesis in Surfactant Systems, J. Texter, Ed., Dekker Surfactant Science Series (2001).
Dan, N. Synthesis of Hierarchical Materials, Trends in Biotechnology, 18,370-374 (2000).
Dan, N., Effect of polymer adsorption on the surface tension and flocculation of colloidal particles in incompatible solvents, Langmuir 16, 4045-4048 (2000).
Dan, N.,Interactions between charge regulating surface layers, Langmuir 18, 3524-3527 (2002).
Dan, N., Cell Deposition onto Solid Substrates: Electrostatic Interactions, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 27, 41-47(2003).
Dan, N., Effect of Liposome Charge and PEG Polymer Layer Thickness on Cell-Liposome Electrostatic Interactions, BBA-Biomembranes, 1564, 343-348 (2002).
Dan, N., The effect of charge regulation on cell adhesion to substrates: salt-induced repulsion, Coll Surf B 27 (1): 41-47 (2003).
Tikku S, Dan N, Amphiphile-induced stabilization of hydrophobic colloidal particles in aqueous solutions, Langmuir 19 (3): 491-494 (2003).
Dan N, Charge inversion and layer-by-layer deposition of non-polymeric macroions, NanoLett 3 (6): 823-827 (2003).
Tadd E, Zeno A, Zubris M, Dan N, Tannenbaum R, Adsorption and polymer film formation on metal nanoclusters, Macromolecules 36 (17): 6497-6502 (2003).
Pata, V. and N. Dan,The Effect of Chain Length on Protein Solubilization in Polymer-Based Vesicles (Polymersomes), Biophys. J., Vol. 85, 2111-2118 (2003).
Ostroha,J., M. Pong, A. Lowman, N. Dan, Controlling the Collapse/Swelling Transition in Charged Hydrogels Biomaterials 25, 4345-4353 (2004).
Pata, V. F. Ahmed, D.E. Discher and N. Dan. Membrane Solubilization by Detergent: Resistance Conferred by Thickness, Langmuir 20(10); 3888-3893 (2004).
Dan, N. Effect of pH and ionic strength on the Deposition of Charge-regulating Macro-ions J Disp Sci, 25, 605-610 (2004).
Ostroha, J. K. Patel, D. Qasem, A. Lowman and N. Dan. Controlling the Swelling of Charged Hydrogels through Salt, J Disp Sci, 25, 659-664 (2004).
Pata V, Dan N, Effect of membrane characteristics on phase separation and domain formation in cholesterol-lipid mixtures , Biophys J 88 (2): 916-924 (2005).
Tannenbaum R, Zubris M, Goldberg EP, Reich S., Dan N, Polymer-directed nanocluster synthesis: Control of particle size and morphology , Macromolecules 38 (10): 4254-4259 (2005).
Hovorka O, Yellen B, Dan N, Friedman G, Self-consistent model of field gradient driven particle aggregation in magnetic fluids, J App Phys 97 (10): Art. No. 10Q306 Part 3 (2005).
Dan N., Magnetic forces in colloidal suspensions COCIS (editorial) 10 (3-4): 121-122 (2005).
Komaee, K., Friedman, G., Dan, N., The Kinetics and Saturation of Reversible Adsorption on Patterned (Heterogeneous) Surfaces. Langmuir; 22(3); 871-876 (2006).
Tannenbaum R, Zubris M, David K, Ciprari D, Jacob K, Jasiuk W, Dan N., FTIR characterization of the reactive interface of cobalt oxide nanoparticles embedded in polymeric matrices, J Phys Chem B 110 (5): 2227-2232 (2006).
Komaee K, Yellen B, Friedman G, Dan N., Cooperativity in the adsorption of magnetic colloidal particles, J Coll Int Sci, 297 (2): 407-411 (2006).
Hayward RC, Utada AS, Dan N, Weitz DA, Dewetting instability during the formation of polymersomes from block-copolymer-stabilized double emulsions, Langmuir 22 (10): 4457-4461 (2006).
Dan N, Safran SA, Junctions and end-caps in self-assembled non-ionic cylindrical micelles Adv Coll Int Sci 123: 323-331 (2006).
Siegel SJ,, Kahn,JB, Metzger K, Winey KI, Werner K, Dan N., Effect of drug type on the degradation rate of PLGA matrices, Europ J Pharma and Biopharma, 64, 287-293 (2006).
David K, Tadd EH, Tannenbaum R, Dan N., Effect of polymer architecture on metal nanoclusters Polymer 47 (25): 8344-8349 (2006).
Dan N, Shimoni K, Pata V, Danino D. Effect of mixing on the morphology of cylindrical micelles, Langmuir 22 (24): 9860-9865 (2006).
Metzger K.L., Shoemaker J.M., Kahn J.B., Maxwell C.R., Liang Y.L., Tokarczyk J., Kanes S.J., Hans M., Lowman A.M., Dan N., Winey K.I., Swerdlow N.R., Siegel S.J. , Pharmacokinetic and behavioral characterization of a long-term antipsychotic delivery system in rodents and rabbits, Psychopharma, 190 (2): 201-211 (2007).
Towles KB, Dan N, Line tension and coalescence in heterogeneous membranes, Langmuir 23(26), 13053-13058 (2007).
Dan, N, Reading noise? COCIS 12 (6) 271 (2007).
Dan, N,Understanding dynamic disorder fluctuations in single-molecule enzymatic reactions, COCIS 12(6) 314-321 (2007).
Rosenberg R, Devenney W, Siegel S, Dan, N, Anomalous release of hydrophilic drugs from poly(epsilon-caprolactone) matrices, Molecular Pharma, 4 (6) 943-948 (2007).
Dan, N, Lipid tail chain asymmetry and the strength of membrane-induced interactions between membrane proteins, BBA 1768 (10) 2393-2399 (2007).
Kim JW, Fernandez-Nieves A, Dan N, Weitz, D, Colloidal assembly route for responsive colloidosomes with tunable permeability, Nano Lett, 7 (9) 2876-2880 (2007).
Towles KB, Brown AC, Wrenn SP, Dan, N, Effect of membrane microheterogeneity and domain size on fluorescence resonance energy transfer, Biophys J 93(2) 655-667 (2007).
Cho EC, Lim HJ, Shim J, Park JY, Dan N, Kim J, Chang IS, Effect of polymer characteristics on structure of polymer-liposome complexes, J Coll Int Sci 311 (1) 243-252 (2007).
David K, Dan N, Tannenbaum R, Competitive adsorption of polymers on metal nanoparticles, Surface Sci, 601(8) 1781-1788 (2007).
Towles KB, Dan N, Determination of membrane domain size by fluorescence resonance energy transfer: Effects of domain polydispersity and packing, Langmuir 23(9) 4737-4739 (2007).
Towles KB, Dan N,Coupling between line tension and domain contact angle in heterogeneous membranes, BBA1778 (4) 1190-1195 (2008).
Gazit O, Dan N, Tannenbaum R, Nanocluster nucleation and growth in polymeric media below the glass transition, Macromolecules, 41(6) 2164-2171 (2008).
Costanzo PJ, Dan N, Lancaster KS, Lebrilla CB, Patten TE, Effect of changing polymer chain length on the target-mediated agglutination of polymer-grafted nanoparticles, Macromolecules 41 (4) 1570-1576 (2008).
Rosenberg RT, Siegel SJ, Dan N, Release of highly hydrophilic drugs from poly(epsilon-caprolactone) matrices, J App Pol Sci, 107 (5) 3149-3156 (2008).
Franke T, Leirer CT, Wixforth A, Dan N, Schneider MF, Phase-Transition- and Dissipation-Driven Budding in Lipid Vesicles, Chem Phys Chem, 10 (16) 2852-2857 (2009).
Rosenberg RT, Dan NR, Controlling surface porosity and release from hydrogels using a colloidal particle coating, J Coll Int Sci 349(2) 498-504 (2010).
Rosenberg RT, Dan NR, Diffusion through colloidosome shells, J Coll Int Sci 345 (2) 478-482 (2011).